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Everything posted by Kazu

  1. *got me checking my phone*
  2. Why is Nathan even receiving texts from Dumb Fuck #2? At this point he should have him blocked. @FairyDusted it's that time again. *PPP* I remember. Abuse at its finest.
  3. Definitely agree Jenelle is just a lazy POS. I would say that right there is why Kaiser is having issues with potty training. She can't bother to be a parent.
  4. My son was wearing a pull up at the age of 4 years. We didn't know then about the disorders that were plaguing him. Only after his diagnosis did we realize how it played a part in a lot of the behaviors he was exhibiting and one of those things was potty-training. Kaiser may have some mental or mood disorders or dealing with some kind of mental issues. Look at his parents. Throw in the abuse he is experiencing at home and the fear of not wanting to soil himself, no doubt it is why he is still having to wear a pull-up. He probably holds his pee and bowel movements in until he can no longer hold it and then he has accidents.
  5. Thank you all. Your kindness and thoughts remind me of how much I appreciate this group. You all are so comforting and your words mean so much to me. Yes indeed, we all have so much in common. @CaliforniaLoveIMy husband was was doing exactly that with telling me the dog is fine, he is okay, he is just a little old. Basically, he was in denial. It was getting on my damn nerves. I was on edge with him last week about this whole thing. We finally sat down and talked about it and agreed we would do it.
  6. I am glad you remember the way she lost her shit with Isaac, even if it is a bit spotty. I have a bit of recollection of that happening. There is no way that beast is NOT losing her shit with those kids. As easily as she explodes over absolute minor things, particularly how she treats males, I would find it hard to believe that explosive behavior does not rear its ugly head now and then to those precious boys. Especially when she is in the throes of one of those moments. Look how ugly she got when simply reading a text from Briana to Jo and Vee. The emotions, the anger in her voice, and the change in her face. It is just like watching her go from Kail to Hulk in 0.2 seconds.
  7. This person was a complete stranger to the boys, and she lived in their house for a month while they referred to her as "Daddy Dom"??? This shit is so wrong on so many levels. This is why I point out Jenelle and Kwhale are so much alike. Pushing strangers onto these kids and having them around so soon is disgusting and not at all safe.
  8. Word to everything. You are certainly correct about slurs. Nathan knows damn well what he is saying and tweeting and it doesn't get a pass simply because they are from a few years ago. This is not a case of a guy who suddenly decided he had a change of heart. Abusers don't change their stance overnight and neither do racists, sexists, and those who biased against homosexuals. Where was his stance against the use of the N word when Jenelle was using it against Keiffer? Bwhahahaha I just noticed it.
  9. Precisely. My girl @druzy always has her files on her hard drive, ready to pull out and throw it down at any time. Girl, I can see you working with MTV as these assholes begin to deflect and deny, and as someone shouts, "Show us the proof!", here you come out and throw down the proof of their words and actions. BAM!!! lol Thank you! Agree. Leah is hindering not helping. She also dumps too much shit on Gracie. She doesn't understand that her child can only soak in so much of what she says. The rest won't be ingested. It is just her hearing her mom blabber on and on sounding just like the teachers on Charlie Brown.
  10. That would be awesome! Fuck Kail and her chaos. I got my homies The Preverts!
  11. ??????? I am in the car right now (not driving) and I burst out laughing!
  12. I am so sorry that a lot of you are having to deal with some batshit crazy relatives, particularly in-laws. @Mkay that shit is crazy!
  13. @MargeGunderson thank you for your thoughts. So sweet. Your cat is 22 years old?? That is amazing. She is obviously loved and has no intentions on going any time soon. :-) It will be difficult when that time does come for you and I. I have had to prep myself. I am thankful for having had my dog for this long and being able to choose to let him go. I had a cat who was injured when she was two and I had to put her down. It was such a hard time. To me, it is akin to when my father was in hospice. It made the grieving process easier because I got to say my goodbyes and be prepared for his death instead of getting that phone call that he had passed due to illness or something else.
  14. Yep. Note, Nathan does not call out David on being an abuser. Because Nathan himself is an abuser. Why does he encourage Jenelle as being in a good relationship and text to her that she and David make a "good couple" and yet, quickly points out to Dumb Fuck's mom that they are drug users? Which one is it, Nathan? It is all about his own agenda. I can't with a steroid-using, brain-damaged abuser trying to be the voice of reason. Nathan can take several hundred seats. He is in no position to call out anyone.
  15. It burns me up so much that people like Nathan use their "religion" and their bible to spew their disgust at the LGBTQ community, but they forget having sex prior to marriage IS A SIN according to their religion. Having children out of wedlock IS A SIN. Judging others IS A SIN. Those people don't even go to church, I bet. I have run into a few people who try and use that kind of thinking to justify their ignorance and bias, but as soon as I reminded them about all the sins they are committing, they either backed down or tried to imply being gay is the worst sin ever. I was raised Catholic. I still am. I am also a parent to two gay children, as most of you know. Screw all those, like Nathan, who use the bible when it suits their agenda.
  16. Thank you @ghoulina. Agree 100 percent. I can't stand black and white thinking. I also don't like it when parents get blamed for every damn thing their kids do. I particularly despise the mothers being pulled apart for the actions of their kids when it took a guy to help create and raise that same child. Perhaps the fact the fathers aren't around is what set the stone for some people to end up being fucked up. Plenty of parents DO THEIR JOB and they do it well and they can sometimes end up with children who end up being shitty people.
  17. @lovesnark Man, I wish I lived near you. I would be there in a heartbeat to help you all. I'd be making some great dinners and tending to your precious grandchild so your daughter can rest. I can only send my positive thoughts and prayers. It sounds like you really have been dealing with some heavy emotions. It is good to cry. Let it all out. I do the same thing you do about our dog. He is 15 years old. When he is not moving, I always check him to see if he is still breathing. We will be putting him down soon. We are planning in the next three weeks. I don't want my dog to suffer or get to the point where he is so ill he needs meds. His vision is not great anymore. We had to buy pee pads because he is drinking a lot of water and isn't always able to hold it until we take him out. We leave the house and we return to find the pee pads covered with urine spots. I remember when we took him in a few years ago to have a simple procedure done. The vet put him under. While at home, the vet called and said our dog had a heart attack and stopped breathing. My husband lost it. He started crying. Luckily, the vet was able to revive our dog. I don't want my dog to go out like that where we are not prepared. I would rather I call the shots and let him be put to sleep and we are there together as a family. @FairyDusted OMG poor baby. Your pets, no doubt, loved having you as their family. They were truly blessed. @Scarlett45 it was upsetting to hear the news about Kate Spade. I hadn't read much about her circumstances or being depressed. Sad. I have been to three funerals of people who committed suicide. It is so jarring to get that kind of news about someone.
  18. Right. I don't need to post "Leah loves her kids" when I am judging, criticizing and snarking on her bony ass. If her behavior warrants a criticism, so be it. Yeah, I don't think her ass is all that. Looking at you Brittany.
  19. I've learned that all that one needs to be a brand is to be a puta.
  20. Noooooo! How old was your cat? I am so sorry. *hugs* @lovesnark OMG...prayers to your daughter for a quick recovery and that she doesn't have to endure having a hysterectomy. How scary. I am sure your emotions are all over the place right now. Sending you a cyber hug.
  21. Notice how the family was eating PIZZA again? Dominoes must be on speed dial.
  22. I had not commented on the Leah and Gracie scene because I wanted to watch it a second time to get a better grasp on what happened because I didn't give the scene my full attention. After watching the scene in question, I have to comment how terrible it was the way Leah kept pushing and prodding poor Gracie to air her feelings. How about learning to read your child's demeanor and behavior, Leah? You would have realized she wasn't in the mood to speak about her feelings. Maybe she was, but not to you. Not everyone wants to discuss how they feel when you want them to, and that includes your children. Leah used to pull this shit with Cory and Jeremy. She'd demand they talk to her when clearly they were not wanting to. Gracie's feelings have long been ignored. She has taken the brunt of many accusations by Leah. I mention Leah only because she is the one who is featured for the most part on camera with her kids. Leah has been on Gracie's ass many times throughout the seasons. Gracie was the one tending to the household when Leah was out of her fucking mind on pillses. This kid deserves and needs to be heard, but not when you demand from her, Leah. If there is one thing I cannot stand is when people push kids to speak. The interrogations that have taken place on this show by various parents to their children is disturbing. Stop asking these kids what they feel about anything and let them express themselves in their own way. It is no wonder Gracie lashed out and kicked the chair. She just wanted her mother to leave her the hell alone. Clearly the girl was annoyed. Why continue to poke her? I saw that coming and wasn't shocked when it happened. And for fuck's sake, stop with the therapy talk. Allow Gracie to enter therapy without you informing her how her relationship should be with the therapist. The other thing was how Leah called out her daughter for being rude after Gracie responded with her sarcasm to her mother's stupid question about if she knew about her having attended therapy. Of course, Gracie knew her mother was in therapy. I am sure Leah talked about it in her presence and within earshot of Gracie. That child knows it all. I am sure she is aware of too much grown folk business. As for Dumb Fuck #2's mom and the smile and laughter, my take on it is she was reacting to the audacity of Nathan complaining about the use of the "F" homophobic when she has heard and read enough about Nathan to note the hypocrisy oozing from his mouth. I have no doubts the Dumb Fucks have shared enough of his texts to her along with Jenelle's stories about Nathan and in her mind this guy has no room to talk about her son. She probably watched enough of him on previous seasons to come to her own conclusions about him. The other thing about Nathan and his stance on the "F" slur, I have a feeling he is only bothered by it because DF#2 has used it when describing Kaiser's behavior. How many times have we heard DF#2 refer to Kaiser and Jace as being non-masculine such as the time he called out Jace for wearing "sissy" clothes? No doubt whatsoever he has called Kaiser a f*ggot on more than one occasion. Nathan posted how his son is perfect. He doesn't need eyeglasses. He is a "decent" of the line of Griffin. He is using the opportunity to "school" people on DF#2 being homophobic and to steer more negativity in his direction. This is more about it being personal than Nathan being offended on behalf of the LGBTQ community.
  23. I believe so. I have always felt as the seasons passed, Roseanne's personal views and the personal issues she was going through at that time, played heavily into the changing of the Roseanne character.
  24. Announce to the world you are out of town. She better have a great security system at her home.
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