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Everything posted by sempervivum

  1. Maruchan noodles bowls or something- A family sits around noisily slurping up noodles while they telepathically(?) talk about their day. For whatever psychological reason, I HATE eating noises. Before I married, discovering on a first date that the guy was had terrible table manners was an automatic 'nope'.
  2. Madrid- Poor, weird-looking Jon: please run far away from Maria! I gasped when he said (about the suburban place they ultimately chose) 'I can hear the birds', and she snapped 'Good for you' (she really wanted the downtown Hobbit House). I also cringed during their shopping session, when she kept sneering at his (admittedly) goofy selections- a chocolate fountain, really? He seemed very naïve/awkward and inexperienced, and I suspect he's dazzled by his 'luck' in hooking up with a (relatively) pretty girl, and hasn't figured out what a beyotch she is yet.. I also noticed that when they finally made their choice, unlike almost ALL the couples we see, they didn't kiss. I realized then that they hadn't been shown touching or even holding hands during the rest of the episode.
  3. Fisher Price Food Truck toy- the food truck menu consists solely of 'hamburgers/hot dogs', ie fast food, and includes plastic food (little girl shown gnawing on a plastic burger). Do parents today actually want to inspire their kids to be food truck operators or workers, or to eat fast food? This seems remarkably counter-aspirational.
  4. Canada to Germany- Did they say what the guy's occupation was? In the Canada shots, it looked like they were on a farm. He seemed to be genuinely sour about her getting her way (not that I blame him). Handsome couple, though.
  5. Utah-NZ couple: The husband should get a job to afford that ocean view if that's what he thinks he was 'promised' by his poor wife. He grandly said he was in 'the culinary arts', which I'm guessing means a plain old cook (since he didn't say 'head chef' or such); I would assume he wouldn't need any licensing to practice his 'art' in NZ. Between the 2 of them, they should bring in enough to cover child care and higher rent.
  6. Manchester- I wish that the real estate guy had said something about how crappy the weather there is; the view from the last one was lovely, but how often would they really be able to sit out there comfortably? Also, did she really say she was getting a doctorate in 'museum studies'? What even is that?
  7. After the scene a couple of episodes back with Ben and his whiteboard, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to see him now with a 'Criminal Minds'-style string map, but all I could think of was the Car Gurus ad with the sweaty obsessive guy trying to figure out which car he wants (and then his wife comes in and figures it out with 2 clicks on her phone).
  8. Okinawa- There's a huge US base on Okinawa (20,000 workers/service people) so I assume this is where Tina works. I did think it was odd that there was none of the usual discussion of 'how far is this house to my work'. My mom was a clinical social worker; CSW's work under the supervision of an MD/psychiatrist (unlike regular social workers). So at least in theory, Tina is licensed at a more advanced level. Her hair trigger emotionalism and stubborn/illogical personality seem like an odd fit with her profession. Was her face dirty or did she just have a lot of wispy facial hair?
  9. I was trying to figure out how 20 years of English language teaching could fund a half million dollar house. I'm guessing Mommy's bank account has been playing a part in the story for a while.
  10. I'm guessing you mean 'safe'? I think any of the patients who were feeling suicidal would have to be able to climb like monkeys to get up the walls, or be as flexible as a cat in order to squeeze through the grates.
  11. I only watched this because Hulu refused to let me look at 'The Rookie' (Nathan Fillion!) last night. I had seen-and mocked- the New Amsterdam pilot, but not been back since. It's just as stupid as I remembered. Hasn't EVERY hospital drama had one of these 'super crowded ER' episodes? And did I understand that the ambulances were bringing in mental cases?-was that why the Angsty Teen was pouting about the crowds milling around 'her' psych ward? And of course St. Max the Super Doc had to spend several hours treating some random hoboes while his ER was blowing up. And in a fitting match to the idiotic 'Farmers Market' plot point in the pilot, here we get the 'Rooftop Serenity Garden' plot point. Whoever writes these clearly idolizes gardening without ever having done any. As I recall, supposedly the Super Doc needed to have a Farmers Market because they were in a food desert (or something), but now somehow has access to a garden center? You'd need a pick up truck at minimum to transport all the plants, containers and soil to set up that garden, to say nothing of tying up the elevators to get it up to the roof. And I don't suppose there's a water source up there either. And of course all the nurses and docs know how to garden and are willing to use their off time to work on this. Sticking with The Resident, I think.
  12. Yeah, really, show? You couldn't find a non-Hispanic, non-bearded actor to play one of those parts? Stupid (unless their similarity ends up being a plot point) I eye-rolled at Ben scribbling complex formulas feverishly for hours (on a whiteboard no less) and coming up with 'get a loan'. I thought that the fact that Grace had paid off their mortgage would open them to having the house taken away to repay the insurance money. How likely is it that they can even get a loan with shaky incomes and a huge debt hanging over them? Will a bank lend money for the express purpose of replaying a debt? Ben specifically said a 'small business loan', so I would think they'd have to prove to the lender that the loan was directly going toward the business.
  13. Progressive ad: Flo and a freaked-out looking ginger guy watch as the ginger's son wanders through the kitchen in VR goggles, barking at the refrigerator to turn on the TV, etc., while a drone buzzes around aimlessly. Flo says 'he'll be all right', but they both look dubious. Once again, no idea what this has to do with insurance, but it makes me laugh.
  14. Geico ad involving 2 geezers watching a younger guy across the street who's trying to put out his garbage, but everything sticks to his hands. The geezers comment on who this guy is, some football player, I think? I can't understand his name, and I can't understand what this whole thing has to do with insurance. I keep wondering why they don't go over and help the guy, instead of letting him spill trash all over the street.
  15. I didn't think much of the guy getting in the tub with his shoes on, either! I also wonder about someone who moves to Ireland with the intent of writing 'the great Irish novel'- he had a pretty unusual job, I'd be more interested in reading about his 40 years of testing automobiles. I fell asleep before the final choice, so I'm surprised they picked the land-locked place; it was nice enough inside, but there was barely room in the back to get the door open. They could have taken the place with the farm field and turned a portion of it into a nice big landscaped yard. Forgot to add- I was getting a kick out of the realtor's dry sense of humour.
  16. Qatar to Malaysia- I was impressed at what you could get for $700-those were all very nice, and not as weird as a lot of the SE Asian places we see on this show. American size fridges, no hot water heater dangling over the shower, modern looking furnishings. (Although the place with the sink separate from the rest of the kitchen made no sense). Wife was annoying and had a freakishly long neck.
  17. Despite Sloth Boy's wife wingeing about his high-handedness, it certainly seemed like she wore the pants. Every time he made some blustering statement about ocean views, he looked kind of apprehensive/shame-faced, like 'did I do that right, babe?' Those front-wedgie shorts she wore on the beach were not a good look.
  18. sempervivum

    S02.E05: Stuck

    Did the guy who got stuck on the escalator really tell the jewelry store clerk that he had previously bought the girlfriend a diamond necklace, but she 'pawned it and gave the money to a homeless shelter'?? And he wants to propose to this loon?
  19. I can see Kevin arranging for a nice "honorarium" with the GC (General Contractor) to simply go with the flow, and to assure him he'll pay whatever for the change orders. The inspectors would simply be going off of the plans on file. Unless there would be some idiosyncratic code problem, the inspectors would not give a rat's patootie. I highly doubt Lubbock would have such a code with more built-in safety or higher standards. I'm from Milwaukee, not Lubbock, but proposals here have to go before both the Planning Commission and Zoning Commission before they're approved. There are members on both who are passionate about architecture, size, scale, and community impact (if it's anywhere near residential areas); guessing it might be similar in Texas. Since Kim told us there was initially a bit of a battle, we can assume there was disagreement about the looks and possibly the size of this thing. Regardless of the blueprints matching, there will be committee members who remember and will object; if the proposal went out for community input, ditto. I just don't know what legal standing there would be given the officially-stamped blueprints.
  20. So now we have a 'mysterious' musical phrase in the characters' heads; what's next, black monoliths show up in their back yards? There are no interesting ideas here. I doubt I'll watch this again.
  21. I admit I only caught the end of this scene, so maybe I missed some extenuating detail. But: the only good thing about Athena bullying the price gouging convenience store guy into a 50% off 'sale' was that it probably prevented his store from a complete trashing. Sorry, but the earthquake happened just hours ago, I really doubt that any of the customers will die of starvation if they don't get their Doritos or Ding Dongs right now.
  22. It's been many years since college German, but I believe colloquially, the 'auf' is often dropped, sort of the way English speakers will just say ''Bye' instead of 'Goodbye'. She gets the thrill of the scam and looks like a rock star in front of her client by somehow magically pulling off what she and his inside counsel said wasn't possible? Win-win . . . on the surface. . . This is more complicated than that. Kevin wanted to change Lubbock's design from a more traditional to a high fashion/trendy design. Kim said that they had to fight just to get the city to agree to the traditional one, and that she believed a lot of time and effort would be wasted going back to start over, with little chance of success. Kevin has accepted this. If this goes forward, the first thing that happens will be that the contractor who presumably gave a quote based on the first blueprint will receive the new one and realize that his material and labor costs will be (probably) higher. I don't know at what stage the city will realize that the building being erected is not what was agreed upon, but Kevin's going to be on the hook for all the costs and either will have to demolish and/or spend $ to reconstruct. I really don't think this will make him happy, and if he finds out (via the poor elastic waist pants clerk) who did it, Kim will be axed. Back to Werner. I still don't think the show did a great job of building up to Werner's 'break', but I am thinking of how Werner- while talking to Mike about leaving- suggested Kai as a temporary leader for the workmen. This seems odd in retrospect, no? Kai is the black sheep who cheats at games and broke the rules at the strip club; Werner has had to protect him from Mike to some extent, so why would he push him as his replacement? Also, if he isn't committing suicide, how can he escape back to Germany? We don't know if he stole a vehicle, and he certainly can't walk thru the desert. If he does steal a car, there's no GPS, and he has no idea of where he even is. There's no smart phones, really,(and he wouldn't have been allowed to keep one anyway) so how does he find his way to an airport much less buy a ticket? Unless he did more planning than we've been shown, and has some US cash and a passport (but I would have expected Mike to have taken those away back at the beginning of the job)?
  23. I didn't buy the review board's rejection for 'insincerity' either. ! Also, isn't the ABA sort of like the AMA, where you basically have to be caught leaving a scalpel in a patient to be permanently kicked out as a doctor? Also didn't really buy Werner's apparent sudden failure of will. I can't recall his ever mentioning his wife before-now on a dime he can't live without her?
  24. I can't believe this show actually made The Resident seem somewhat realistic and slow paced! Dr. Marty Stu converts Dr. Glamorpuss the Speechifier, wins back Dr. Racist the Heart Surgeon, can speak ALL the languages, visits ALL the patients, and I was expecting it to be revealed that he personally had grown ALL the fruits and veggies at the 'farmer's market' taking up the whole lobby. Dr. Looks-Like-Jack Black suggest 'healthy food' but is then shown bringing and eating an entire box of Krispie Kremes at his meeting with the prospective foster mom. Also Tragic Teen Girl wails that the diary 'is the only thing she's ever owned' while wearing a well-coordinated hipster waif wardrobe complete with necklace, bangle bracelets and a smoky eye. None of these actors do anything for me, and if I return, I'm afraid that it will only be to mock
  25. Florida to Vietnam: These 2 were 60 and 62 (she said she was 15 when they met in 1973)- giving up tenure is insane, unless one of them inherited money recently. And from what they showed, it appeared these were 2 more English teacher jobs, which can't pay well. Also, their sons looked more like their grandkids, late teens/early 20's. They never revealed what it was they liked so much about Vietnam, and it was a bit hard to figure from the home choice they made, which could have been anywhere- pretty sterile.
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