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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. Why can’t we just get rid of Honda and KLG???
  2. Amy is getting mean and unlikeable. Jonah’s face when she was doing her Mario impression was so funny.
  3. I can deal with anyone as long as it’s not Hoda Klg and/or Donnadorable. The trifecta of annoying.
  4. All the women on the today show have this “I can’t handle anything domestic” shtick. Like another poster said they were not born with silver spoons. Surely they know how to crack an egg and how to use a blender. I don’t know if they do it to try to come across as more relatable (bc you know how many of us actually know what a carrot looks like ?) but I take it as a “I’m a high powered career woman with no time for this frivolity” attitude. The other thing that bugs is when they complain about their weight when they are all pretty much average shaped people. I can’t even deal with Kelly ripa with that!
  5. Her viewpoints aside, she wasn’t very good with an audience. It was all so awkward watching her try to engage them. Looking to the audience and asking things like “don’t you?” and “right?” just to try to get the audience involved. It all fell flat and seemed so forced. Oprah she is not.
  6. Ohh I stopped watching them a few months ago. Gotta admit it’s a good feeling!
  7. Regarding the John Mayer topic—so what, who cares!!!!!
  8. Omg I thought it was just me! Yes I was disappointed when I realized what good friends they are too.
  9. There’s something very sad about a grown woman trying that hard.
  10. Sunny would do well on a Real Housewives series.
  11. Meghan knows everyone from every group. They’re all her good friends.
  12. Excellent points all around! I get it...come for the bad storyline, stay for the snark.
  13. I’m finding myself bored by the 2 hour episodes. They seem to pick the wrong stories to make into 2 hour episodes. I just can’t dedicate that much time and attention to episodes with so much filler.
  14. I can’t watch this stupid show anymore. I’m deleting it from my DVR. it’s just too stupid.
  15. Someone turn down the volume of Abby’s makeup. It’s so loud!
  16. I hate when shows like this will bring in a stranger (Maggie in this case) who fits in right away and becomes part of the close knit group within the span of a few hours. Just have her be a part of the group from the start. That would have been more believable.
  17. Also, “well this topic isn’t going anywhere” when she wants to wrap up a current event. She uses a whole lot of words to mean a whole lot of nothing. If they transcribed the show for us to read, imagine how much of nothing Whoopi actually says on any given show.
  18. Why pick on Kate when we have people like the kardashians who constantly seek attention by posting nudes fishing for compliments. At least Kate is classy and is contributing positively to society. I’m sure she’s didn’t want to have to “keep up appearances”but royal protocol is something we regular folk will never understand. The kardashians on the other hand, feed their egos and line their pockets with their “fans” fawning over them for reasons I’ll never understand (seriously why do they have fans?)
  19. Megan Kelly does a horrible job of pretending she’s not a Kavanaugh supporter.
  20. I’m so tired of the cal Harris case.
  21. Omg I did the same thing! I rewound it because I figured I must’ve missed something. Question, if they took the dna from every man in town and the alleged killer lived in town, why didn’t they catch him sooner? Was he not in town then?
  22. Still not quite getting the Amy and Jonah attraction...like AT ALL
  23. Andrea’s story was so compelling and hard to hear. I’m glad she got out and hopefully stopped a potential cycle of violence by showing her daughter that it’s unacceptable to be treated that way by any man.
  24. 6 years!! No way am I willing to put in that much time in this mediocre show. I use it as background noise. I just don’t care about any of the characters.
  25. As someone else mentioned, Abby is more of a seat filler. While I don’t agree with her the majority of the time I understand why she is there or else there would be little conflicting opinions politically. The problem with Meg is that she comes out guns a-blazin every day. She gets all worked up within the first 30 seconds if each show and stays that way straight until the end. it’s exhausting to watch for some reason.
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