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Everything posted by Souris

  1. Still the rapiest show on network TV, I guess. Their consent issues are beyond troubling.
  2. I highly suspect that it's a dictate from A&E/ABC. I can't imagine Creation would not invite a big draw on their own -- they're in the business of making money. A&E have been nothing but bitter jerks about Emma and Jen since they knew she wasn't coming back.
  3. I especially appreciated the 2015 Cinderella movie. She was treated terribly by her stepmother and stepsisters but was able to keep to what her mother taught her, "Have courage and be kind." She was strong in the face of adversity and didn't let it warp her. She forgave her stepmother in the end but at the same time stood up for herself and wasn't going to have anything more to do with her (looking at you, Snow). She was good but not weak. I loved that movie. I thought it struck just the right tone. It showed us why the stepmother was the way she was, but it didn't excuse her behavior or woobify her because of it. And it even gave some time to the prince and his relationship with his father.
  4. There's no need for a long break now that it's not on Sundays anymore. A large part of that was because of trying to avoid the Super Bowl and awards shows pretty much all February Sundays.
  5. Once has been having unusually large in-ep drops this season. Other shows in its time slot aren't experiencing the big in-ep drops, so it's not a time-slot anomaly. I don't know if people keep tuning in hoping for a good ep and then getting bored or what. It does seem to have generally stabilized at 0.5. It may hit 0.4, but it may take more eps than I thought it would.
  6. Eh, supposedly Emilie de Ravin and Tom Ellis had a fling when he appeared on Once as Original Recipe Robin.
  7. Oh, I think most would be more than fine with it. On the whole, SQers never showed much concern for Emma's character or her happiness -- she was just a stand-in prize for Regina. I think they'd get behind Regina with a different woman, any woman. From what I've seen, the majority of SQers have always been only about Regina. And, bonus, the more, um, rabid faction could use it to bag on JMo and blame her for SQ not happening some more. I had thought that they might pair up Regina and Lady Tremaine. But now I'm not so sure they'll have Regina end up with a woman, since they've already indicated that Alice is gay (or bi) and she'll no doubt get a love interest. Would they do two same-sex romances in one season? And if they do, why not have one of them be two men?? (I know why, because they'd be thinking only of SQers, not LGBTQ as a whole.)
  8. Apparently Bex said at the Burbank con that she's back in the main cast. Not sure if that's legit or misinterpretation.
  9. McKenna Grace (young Emma) is playing Young Tonya Harding in I, Tonya.
  10. It must be VERY hard not to sleepwalk through the dreck they're given. I'm sure he's tired of trying to mentally contort his character's motivations to fit whatever the script is having him do. At some point, it must seem pointless to make the effort, since it's not going to make sense anyway. I think the same thing befell Ginny -- we know she had to work really hard to come up with a reason to make sense of why Snow would encourage Regina to sex up Robin when he was married to who they thought was Marian.
  11. Kristin Bauer von Straten was in the Robert the Doll episode of "Lore" on Amazon Prime. Just watched it tonight -- hella creepy! We heard the tale of Robert the Doll when we went on a ghost tour in Key West.
  12. Some info on Jen's new directing project, Fabled. And check out the description: Fabled: A modern fairytale anthology series, executive produced by Zosia Mamet and Evan Jonigkeit, pays homage to the classic fairytale, filtered through the lens of heightened alternative realities. Upending the traditional fairytale structure that has long been infused with patriarchal gender norms. She's totally gonna one-up A&E!
  13. It may also partly be that they're invested in Henry, even New!Henry, and they want his True Love to be awesome. Also, she may have become a the "face" for everything they're cranky about, such as losing their favorite characters. Since the show/advertising seemed to be trying to push her more than the other new characters, she's become the focus for the fan dislike.
  14. One reason and one reason only: Money. ABC thought they could make some off S7. That is it.
  15. If RB was living in some other realm and having no contact with other realms, would they even know that time was passing differently for them than SB folks?
  16. I wasn't quite sure where to put this.... Given the ratings dive, do y'all think they will try to "course correct" in the second half of the season? Will ABC care enough to identify what isn't working and force the matter with A&E? Or will A&E simply double-down on their "brilliant" ideas?
  17. Because there's nothing that the fans of a couple enjoy watching more than half of their OTP dying, even if it's of old age.... A&E still have their fingers on the pulse of what their fans want to watch, I see. Honestly, if that's what happens, how it that supposed to want to make RB fans stick around?????
  18. So they finally do a holiday episode NOW. -_- "Cement their happy ending" -- does that mean Belle is gonna get encased in carbonite?
  19. Sounds like the start to a comic movie full of wacky misunderstandings. Or the start of a descent into the seedy underbelly of Craigslist.
  20. What are the odds Zelena's cursed last name will be "Green"? Or her first name will be "Olive"? Maybe she'll be a cleaning lady -- her using a broom would be so clever, you guys! Or a biologist specializing in monkeys!
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