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Everything posted by Starlight925

  1. I was all in on Jessica until she made the comment that Jimmy will "choke" when he sees her (implied vs. Chelsea) and that he'll need an Epipen. It's no wonder that she & awful Micah have ridden off into the sunset as BFF'ers. I loved the brief conversation Clay had with Brett, and I wish those two would become friends IRL. Seems like they have a similar background, but Brett has turned into the husband that Clay said he wanted to be. Clay will forever have the same wandering eye of his father. He'll be the 80 year-old in the Senior Living Center chasing after the young 50-somethings. Sweet AD going from Clay to Matthew was painful to hear. Girl has got to be getting blown up in her DM's. Pick one of those.
  2. OK I just looked Emily up. She has a multi-year career with a great company, and looks like she's advanced well over the years. Yeah, this could be bad for her. Brennan, shuttie uppie.
  3. I'm speaking of a "party girl" more in the sense of possible illegal "party substances", which if true, and Brennan outs her, could possibly ruin her career.
  4. The suggestion by Brennan (vis a vis the red nose, twitchiness, etc.) that could "ruin her" is that she's a true "party girl" in every sense of the word.
  5. Those goldfish were named for producers. $100 says that Austin has had a thing for a producer this whole time, hence the name. I bet it was an inside joke between him & the producer, like hey, I get to say your name on camera. He goes out the night they both say yes, but doesn't even have the courtesy to tell her he's going out? Like, a simple text: hey hon, going out with Brennan, be home late. And then, when she confronts him, he word salads her to the point of her thinking she's crazy (gaslight anyone?), and he looks like this poor, woe-is-me victim. I really don't care that she did it in a group. Maybe she needed the strength of her girl squad. All of them were done dirty by these guys this season. I can't stand Clare, but Cameron is no prize. I love Lauren, and she got the short straw with loser Orion. Emily drives me nuts with her pursed duck lip thing, but Brennan has this quiet, future-Dateline glare.
  6. Oh yes I’ve seen it. Sick indeed. And all these women bowed to her when she was on the show. I could take this to the Kyle thread so the episode thread doesn’t get derailed, but with respect to the Reunion, yes, it appears that Kyle is casting….something….towards Sutton.
  7. Oh no, y’all aren’t crazy for writing about all the evils of Hollywood in general, and these sisters in particular. There are rabbit holes within rabbit holes about all this stuff, and I’ve read some very dark stuff. Kyle is great friends with Jamie Lee Curtis….ok I’ll stop now about that. Kyle is so inherently narcissistic and a complete victim at the same time. I hope she & Morgan go off into the sunset and off this show.
  8. Wow, AD is definitely showing Clay what he'll be missing with that slip dress. I hate to say it, but damn, Clay looks handsome. Re: Kenny and the no-socks look: I wish this trend would die. I don't want to see any man's hairy ankles. Every other girl has the mile-high thigh meat slit happening.
  9. While I feel for AD, we knew Clay, from the pods, from the get-go, was trying to talk himself into truly believing he wanted all this. Remember he kept saying, in the pods, that attraction does matter (I agree with him, but not the point), and on the honeymoon, he made those comments about pushing her to get to the gym if she got off track. He had little shut-downs, which he tried to explain away. He mentioned his "suave dad" so many times, and the fact that he didn't trust himself with respect to infidelity. He stayed out late at least once that we know of without a great explanation, and AD kept believing him when he'd say but baby, I love you, baby, you're the one. That convo between Clay's mom & dad was a bit painful to watch, as the man simply will not take accountability or responsibility for putting Clay in the middle of his unfaithful actions. That stuff stays with you for a lifetime. My dad's dad was a POS too, and my dad's mom broke down and tried to find "any man". She'd take my dad's sister, who was then FOUR years old, to bars with her, while she tried to snag a man. That sister ended up with the most painful of romantic lives as an adult, so we see how the cycles continue. AD is a sweetheart, but she, like Clay's mom, fell for the suave, good-looking dude where she'd have to be on eggshells her whole life. Had he said yes, she'd forever fear that of a 3 lb. gain or some random female DM'ing him.
  10. @JenE4 I was obviously confused by Maria's whole story too. I could have sworn there was a "mom emotionally unavailable" component in her story as well as the accident. Vague story at best. And even if the accident story is true, her mom was sitting right there. Didn't she cook the meal? Why did she not say a word? Joey handed her flowers. Whole thing, odd. OTOH, Daisy's parents were adorable. I loved when her dad said well, what's the worst that can happen if Joey doesn't pick you? You're not going to go deaf again, and Daisy laughed. It's great that they have a sense of humor about this.
  11. Did Maria tell us a story about her mother to make her appear more "vulnerable"?
  12. I didn't like Maria from night 1. I don't think she's pretty either. She has this "look at me", pay attention to me insecurity that's so annoying, and we saw how her dad holds her up on a pedestal, and seeing her as a little girl in those home movies, how performative she's always been. Daddy is gaga over her (and he does seem like a great guy), and I'm sure he always paid 1000% of his attention to her, which gives her that waaah waaah look at me thing around Joey if she isn't getting all the attention. Her mom said not one word (that we saw), which tells a lot. Maria had a hard time with several of the women, so her energy focuses on the one guy, and when he doesn't laser focus on her, she pulls little stunts, which I'm sure work on her dad, but Joey....notsomuch. She looks too much like Patti Stanger's daughter-from-another-mother:
  13. There is something so precious about A.D., which is hard to put your finger on. She's beautiful, but a lot of girls are, so it's not that. She smiles a lot, but a lot of girls do, so it's not that. She has this genuine, vulnerable, open heart while also running her life like a boss that is so endearing. I couldn't figure out what it was until I saw her mother & her interact, and I'm like ooooh, that came down from a generation. This soft, intrinsically beautiful soul of a mother raised this girl to be so beautiful on the inside. The outside is something she maintains and works at, but it's her soul, her energy, that is truly captivating. Clay, you treat this girl right, or I'm gonna find you.
  14. Exactly, very well put! When they first sat down at the pottery studio, Becca was trying to let Austin know how she thought that their earlier interaction prior to leaving their apartment went so well. She had asked him to leave the washer door open so it won't get moldy, and he did it without getting upset at her. She was so proud of the two of them for that great interaction, when in fact, that's a simple thing that couples do all the time. Hey, can you please leave the washer door open? Sure, hon. Usually, these things require no analysis, but Becca is so accustomed to Austin making her jump through little hoops all the time, that she had to point out this little moment, like, oh, I'm so glad I didn't have to jump through the hoop of him getting upset at me for asking him to leave the washer door open. Because Austin is such an avoider/distancer, Becca will forever walk on eggshells. No bueno. I hope Becca is the first one to speak, and that she says NO.
  15. Oh my, so you know exactly what Daisy is going through. Getting dragged on social media for her disability is horrific. I recently got to know a woman who speaks in a frankly odd, methodical manner that makes her sound unintelligent. In a moment of vulnerability, she shared that she has a horrible stutter, and that years of speech therapy have taught her to speak this way so as to calm the stutter. Oh, and she happens to have a graduate degree, so those who think she's unintelligent can pound sand.
  16. Daisy's vocal fry is directly related to her hearing loss. She cannot hear herself speak normally, which causes her to speak in a lower tone than normal. It's unfortunate that she keeps getting dragged vis a vis her disability. My cousin spoke in an extremely soft voice due to a lifelong muscle disorder, so I'm a bit sensitive. She passed last year due to that disorder, and whenever people would say bad things about her voice, I got defensive for her.
  17. Except for this, which I'll put as a Spoiler:
  18. Emily makes her duck face even while laying in bed with a huge head wound. I do hope she watches herself and sees how ridiculous she looks.
  19. Kyle, if you're truly upset that "Shi-Shi-Shi" Kevin Lee put "KYLE" in all black letters at the party, tell him to remove it. You paid him $400K? He can easily remove it. Or add "Mauricio". But to act all gushing, like you can't believe your name is in huge letters, oh my gosh....what a fake.
  20. Kenneth seems like such a sweet guy, as Brittani said, a "gentle giant". Yes, his cousin should never have sent that text, nor should it ever have made it out. People are so cruel. I wish him the very best, and I just bet that his students would be so kind and understanding if he were to come out, if that's the case. The big surprise for me was idiot-haired mullet Trevor. I fell for his big guy shtick. I feel gaslit.
  21. So if the rumors are true: Trevor had a girlfriend the whole time that he plans to marry, and Netflix had him play the part of the "aw shucks sweet guy" who would fall hopelessly in love with one girl. Had Chelsea said yes, they'd have had them break if off later. Jeramey did in fact cheat with Sarah Ann, and he ended an engagement just prior to coming on the show, getting cast possibly while he was still engaged. Kenneth is gay. His cousin confirmed it via texts to "someone". This could explain why Kenneth never really kissed Brittani, never made out with her, never got her to the "crave" part. And we already know that Clay will cheat on whoever he's with, 'cause he told us! Jimmy's not prize, so I'm holding judgment for now.
  22. Kelsey T. is an "actor" with a full on IMDB page and >10K followers on IG. Trust her to be there for the right reasons, I do not.
  23. OMG yes! To me, it's a bit Neve Campbell. If Heidi Fleiss and Neve Campbell had a baby:
  24. Chelsea was the cool, fun girl in the pods. Traveler girl. Flight attendant girl. Giggling, Megan Fox (wannabe) lookalike girl. Who wouldn't want that? Chelsea, one step outside the curb of the studio: insecure, needy, emotional, whiny, more Rachel Dratch/less Megan Fox. Jimmy ain't no prize neither. Jessica, bullet: dodged. Yes, girl, you should have told him much earlier about how your precious, best-daughter-in-the-world. You shouldn't come on this show and want to move in with a stranger and put a child through any sort of risk. Why would anyone do that to a child?
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