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Everything posted by fastiller

  1. I don't think he took a cyanide pill; rather I think he shot himself in the chest with Reese's gun.
  2. I wondered about that. I'm glad Lewis is done!
  3. During Secondary School, I was close friends with the daughter of a Protestant Priest (not Anglican b/c this was in Ireland, so it was Church of Ireland (same thing I know, but anyway)). Near where they lived was a Catholic seminary. While they're in seminary, the students are allowed to date. My friend dated two seminarians and converted them. The thought process was this: "Wait, I can serve God and be married?! Sign me up!"
  4. It was also a nice call-back to the problems discussed earlier this season (& in some academic/news articles) of cross-ethnic identifications. I really appreciated how Benanti played the court scene when she was getting turned on by the testimony/visual evidence.
  5. Did they tell us whether Paige gave the $600 in one donation? How long has she been attending the church (it's hard for me to tell time-spans on this show)? Is it possible that it was donated over weeks/months? I do think that even a $50 donation should have tipped them off, but if the donations were in small sums, it better explains why they didn't ask P&E.
  6. I can't think of any other place to put this. I bought a bottle of wine the other night and opened it and took a drink; after two glasses I felt no effect (usually I'll feel a teeny-tiny bit tipsy half way through the second glass). Couldn't figure it out, so I went to check the ABV%. Well, it was "wine product" that I was drinking. I thought imeediately about "wine drink."
  7. Is it physically &/or contractually impossible for the Sklar Brothers to appear on a show separately?
  8. Actually, I think it says "I don't give a shit, except this one..."
  9. I think this wasn't so much to show Kalinda the bad-ass. I think it was to show that Louis Canning isn't "the new Will" b/c his reflexes aren't as sharp/fast as Will's were.
  10. Of course, since Will was single, Alicia wasn't the mistress. I also saw Diane's 'metaphorically' remark as a gracious attempt to apologize for the misuse of the word. Especially when taken with the tone she said it in.
  11. Was it Peter that did the used car ad? I thought it was someone working for F/A - just because I'm not sure how Peter would get the NSA supervisor's direct office line, while F/A's client (whom I can only refer to as "Gabe from The Office" 'cause I don't recall his TGW character name) would have that at hand.
  12. I don't know if this should go into the "head--scratcher" thread, but since it annoys me, I'll put it here: there's an ad for some ice-cream pop in which a woman sitting in traffic in a convertible a few cars behind an 18-wheeler full of these pops gets out of her car and to the truck by walking - barefoot - along her car and the few between it and the truck, inlcuding walking along the hood of her car. The hood, which should be so hot that she'd suffer 3rd degree burns on the soles of her feet. Unless the implication is that they've been in traffic so long that all vehicles have turned off their engines and the engines have cooled down entirely. Stupid ad!
  13. I seem to recall a story on This American Life or some similar NPR program about someone who spent his teen years breaking into his neighbors houses because his home life was just terrible. He'd just break in and pretend he lived in the neighbor's house instead of his own. I couldn't find it online, but I didn't look too terribly much.
  14. Inquisitionist (great s/n & avatar, btw): I was just coming over here to post that. Really brings home how much I miss JC saying Sorkin's words. And, also that I need to get Netflix to watch The Newsroom.
  15. So, we've had Pam Dawber visit. I was thinking about other guests I'd like to see. If we're going to the well of co-stars from previous shows that our stars have been on, I'd go with Sigourney Weaver - James's mom on Political Animals; and I keep thinking she and Robin Williams worked together, but can't recall if I'm right - and Anthony Head from Buffy. She could reprise the James's mom thing, with Head could be his father. (Now I don't recall: have we met his family?)
  16. I just found out that someone I knew 100 years ago (well, not quite - but a long time ago) does voice-over work. Now I find myself trying to 'locate' him in commercial work.
  17. Thank you ApathyMonger for the correction. I knew it was some premium cable show.
  18. Tru Detektive, or something like that. (She & the daughter watched part of an episode of it a few weeks back.)
  19. That would be the name of the TV show that Hardwick would host that would talk about "@Midnight", and air right after @Midnight ended, wouldn't it?
  20. More Mayhem? You Betcha - A TV Version of ‘Fargo’ Has Parallels to the Film
  21. MyrtleGroggins - I was wondering if they were going to do a jury tampering storyline. As in, did Lewis make contact with her pre-verdict? I wonder how they ended up communicating.
  22. They really did, didn't they? I'd love some back story on the decision to adopt Bert. Or, is Bert Jackie's biological son adopted by Pete? If that's the case it adds to the bramble-ness of the family tree.
  23. Was the woman giving him the laced cupcakes the jury foreman from his trial?
  24. I don't know if you can listen to differenct sections on Slate's Gabfest player. A few weeks back they talked about the show. Gabfest Is Invincible Edition. And a link from that page: For a TV Spy Show, the CIA Approves the Scripts. Oliver North, Now in the Service of TV’s K.G.B.
  25. Me too! I understand that one of the showrunners from CI came over to SVU (Leight?). I think that it's like this: Olivia Benson:Lewis::Bobby Goren:Nicole Wallace. I hope that they wrap up Lewis's storyline much quicker than they wrapped up Nicole's over on CI. I didn't hate her as much as I do Lewis, but L&O isn't about these arcs (at least I don't think it should be!).
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