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Everything posted by ams1001

  1. lol...Jinx with LizzyB! We even picked the same gif so I changed mine.
  2. "So tonight we're gonna have roasted chicken on a bed of veggies." It's like a classy restaurant! I would actually like that. My department went out for lunch near work once several years ago and I had a salad with roast chicken and it was so good (though the salad had more than just leaves).
  3. They used to have a Shake Weight. Which just puts a certain Garfunkel & Oats song in my head. Why does the brother always have something on his head?
  4. He thinks he's gonna go to Houston just for surgery and go back to WA right away?
  5. So, wait, his brother's a paid full-time caregiver to him and he has another caregiver, too?
  6. Mom I'd Like to F***. As in, your friend's mom who's still hot. Ope, there's the little doggies!
  7. Doesn't have to be boneless, just not breaded and fried!
  8. "My brother and sister mean everything to me." They better, they're letting you live there for free.
  9. He inherited his mom's caretaker. Bunch o' bad tattoos, check. What's for breakfast? - 5 eggs, scrambled with cheese, and biscuits - ok, how many sausages?
  10. Hi Peeps! So I was listening to the Depresh Mode podcast the other day; the guest was Lindy West, probably best known for writing about being a fat person (her word), and at the end the host started to say something about her "journey" and then interrupted himself to point out another guest mentioning that she felt that word is overused and he feels weird using it now so he should use different 80s band names instead. Then he proceeded to thank Lindy "for sharing your REO Speedwagon with us." She replied with something like, "thanks for listening to my Chicago." 😄 And the word "journey" of course made me think of this show. So let's see how Charles' Talking Heads goes. 31 years old Everett, Washington weight unknown My eating habit tonight is a salad with spinach and romaine, red cabbage, yellow carrot, and grated cheddar cheese (if you use a microplane grater it makes fun little curls).
  11. April 17: 73% / 60% / 67% Decent first round, not so great second (but I'm glad I can finally call 60% "not so great" again). In J! I missed one in Original Language, Inventors, Orange, and Ends with B, and two in Yosemite and Gory Movie Category. In DJ I missed one in Floundering Fathers, Animal Life, and TV Music, two in F is for Food and Words from Mythology, and totally failed Things to do in the City (but they missed three of them, too). I got FJ (though I was confused because I thought they recently had a clue about the March of Dimes but then I realized that was last week's Weakest Link). TSes: (J had 6; DJ had 8 + 1DD) I got roundhouse, machine gun, Junoesque, Sargasso Sea, and Madison. Agent Orange was a $1000 clue? Second day in a row one of the players wasn't around for Final J. I was rooting for Jeff cuz he lives like 20 minutes from me.
  12. Sadly, no. The dog in my profile pic is long gone and he wouldn't have eaten it, anyway.
  13. One of the youtube channels I watch has Manukora honey as a sponsor, so I see them do ads for it fairly frequently. Their "most popular" raw honey starts at $80 for 8.82 ounces, or $64 if you subscribe for delivery every four weeks. The one labeled "best value" is $120, or $96 if you subscribe. I don't know how they determine the value. I think I first heard of manuka generally because it was on an offer in the Target app and I was curious. The brand they carry in store is Wedderspoon and is $20 for an 8.8-ounce jar. Which is still more than I'm willing to pay for honey.
  14. My ravioli was Rao's Four-Cheese. They are pricey for a frozen dinner so I was extra pissed about that. Glad yours stayed on the plate.
  15. I usually just watch the clips on youtube (via the episode playlist so they're in order); there are no new videos so far today (it's noon...) so I am watching on the CBS website (April 16th episode). I watch youtube almost always at 1.5x speed but that's not an option on the CBS site. I don't know if it's just this group (who I am not familiar with - I've only seen Marcella before - and am not finding especially hilarious) or the slower speed but it's not as good. The USA USA USA chanting is not nearly as hysterical as Taylor seems to find it. My favorite segment is always Hashtag Wars. This Ha vs Ha game is dumb, too. And feels like it's going on forever.
  16. I stuck it out to the end, but I recently got some facebook memories of posts where I asked something along the lines of "how much worse can this show get?" and I was basically watching to see the answer to that. (It was terrible. If it was that bad in the beginning I wouldn't have gotten past the first episode.) Some of the contestants looked like they might be of the age to have watched it (it ran from 2009-2015 so someone in their mid-teens when it started would be around 30 now), but I guess you also have to be into musicals.
  17. This is not the first time a question referenced the actress who played Sue Sylvester in Glee and the player didn't know it.
  18. April 16: 73% / 70% / 70% Decent game…in J! I ran The Movies, missed one in Lived Past 100, Don't Eat That, and Fun "Z"s, two in Fictional Driver, and three in Countries. In DJ I missed one in Making Noise, Say it in Spanish, and "M"edical Dictionary, and two in Clumsiest Time Traveler, Siblings in Pop Culture, and Land of Milk & Honey. Did not get FJ. TSes: (J had 8; DJ had 6 + 1DD) I got crayons, zydeco, Beetlejuice, crow, otter, manuka honey, blue zone, and burrito (DD, before he got it out). Darn, I was kinda rooting for Eric (mostly on my "if there are two women and one man, or vice versa, and I don't have strong feelings about any of them, I root for the odd one out" philosophy). I like Alison but I'm not attached to seeing her go on a long run.
  19. Guess it was just a matter of time… 😄
  20. You can try searching on the J! Archive (tiny search box at the top of the page). https://www.j-archive.com/showcategories.php I wonder if he just misheard and was quickly corrected. The way it played out seems like it might be hard to edit smoothly.
  21. I've found her stories funny during the interview portion. I find it less cute when she throws out random responses to clues she doesn't know. Found this exchange funny on the J! Facebook thread for the "Great Brits" FJ category:
  22. Right now I'm seeing a nice dinner...pasta, salad*, and garlic knots. *Actually I believe it's carpaccio, but there's greens and cheese shavings on top; I wouldn't eat the meat but the greens with parmesan look good. (Also a goose egg...🥚)
  23. She lost $2800 on the band questions (she rang in on two and was wrong; Joshua and Adam each got one and the last was a TS but no one attempted it).
  24. I knew it was Robert but I couldn't think of the last name.
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