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Castiels Cat

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Everything posted by Castiels Cat

  1. I think she injected herself and it threw her face off
  2. Imagine Homelander with a scarred face like BN. Imagine him in bed like SF.
  3. The Seven had already overshadowed Payback by then so if SB was Homelander's father 1984 may not be the correct timeline. Stan may have shelved him for a number of reasons. The fact that Voight knew where he was and referred to him as a that code word/weapon suggests that's the purpose. I think his blood was used to make Supes. Weren't the Russians injecting people with red stuff? Am I misrepresenting. If Kimiko was injected with red stuff and that was SB Supe special it may be why his blast empowered her. It may be a Macguffin when he encounters aV supe and why Crimson Countess was killed and others will be too. Weaker ones die until we see him blast Homelander and... ruh roh. He is more powerful clearly than Homelander. He will be hurt. Homelander was afraid. He is presenting as smarter too. He can work effectively alone without a team. Homelander is f'd unless he decides they are not enemies and it will be based on Stan. I wonder if Stan is a supe like Prof X... mental powers. He is not human IMO.
  4. Yes I think that it was Black Noir who appears to have Ninja skills. I agree it will be interesting to see where his allegiances are. He seemed to be Stan's man above all but may be equally afraid of Homelander at the moment or under orders to go with the flow. I don't think SB was as awful as his team says. He was an entitled white make with superpowers. He seemed like a fun party guy.He currently has rage issues and PTSD which is maybe justified and also problematic for obvious reasons. His team hated him IMO because they were less powerful and disloyal. They all had pretty terrible powers. Taking the rest to Speculation:
  5. They can do this then set things up with this series to fix the Dabbnatural endgame Dean arc mess. Do Dean Decent.
  6. I think it might have been in Walker press. He was milking Supernatural for all it was worth. He assumed that was the only story. Sam's.
  7. Dean Winchester and Jensen Ackles have also won the lion's share of awards including that prestigious Critics Choice Actimg Award. This alone should have steered the writing in Dean's favor. There is something Wayward as to why Dean's storylines were dropped and Sam's never were. Why was Dean's storyline handed to a secondary character with so little thought they never even plotted it. Whatever changes happened in s 5 clearly bothered the writers. They threw in hints like title Jumping the Shark and created created a child antichrist... lol... to detract from the fact that Sam was the literal antichrist. Dean's early and ginormous finale death was ... unforgivable. I believe that the old man wig was Jared's punishment. You do not pull put a joke in a series finale. He was forced to wear it. There used to be rumblings of rumors about his temper tantrums forcing Story changes favoring Sam and throwing Dean under the bus like s 5... probably like so many seasons. IDK. Jensen was the actor getting the awards. He has the bigger fan base. The writing should have been going his way.
  8. She was the plot stealer, show stealer's mother. Of course Dabb would want to raise a glass to Kelly.
  9. Based on Jared's reaction Jensen should have Dean narrate from Purgatory where he is telling Benny about Mary and John and howBenny is the brother he always wanted but never had... you know because you always have my back. John was that kind of man... Dean's missing Purgatory story ... betting there was a temper tantrum behind the scenes.
  10. Part of his anger may be he believed he had a fallback after Walkee. He thought he could strut in and make Supernatural into San's story since Dean died.
  11. The spat broke the story onto mainstream sites. It's generated buzz. Yes loads of people feel sorry for poor Jared who has been talking about the Sam centric spin off he wanted to do based on Sam's son.
  12. And there is a story to why Dean was treated that way... it was bad storytelling and bad for the show because Jensen/Dean were winning the awards as they were.
  13. I have often wondered if Jarpad"s contract negotiations tended to get finals swung his character's way.... Well Jensen was ready for it this time and negotiated the afterlife of Supernatural for himself. Well played. I figured as much when he announced the WB production deal.
  14. He's using Dean and Supernatural to.Build up Walker because Dean/Jensen just won a big award. It's mercenary. The dude is always looking out for himself IMO and he should because he is one step away from CW dad. The promos for this looked terrible. He is already talking about dragging Jensen onto it which I hope doesn't happen. I am sure there will be a lot more Supernatural stunt casting than Gen to keep it afloat. I hope Jensen shines on the Boys and. Continues took forward.
  15. That sounds way more winning than a vanity project like Walker. The promos look horrible.
  16. And what is amazing is he did it I a season in which there were erasing his character and giving him nothing to do. This win was all Jensen.
  17. Sam does apologize to Dean in the s 11 episode... Love Hurts I think. I think Kripke AND gamble's goggles are why Carver focused his story arcs the way he did. He deliberately had Sam make similar mistakes as fully human and then admit his mistakes and atone for them still fully human. This left Dean with the supernatural arcs which was fun even if the character growth was largely about Sam admitting he made a mistake, treated Dean badly, caused an Apocalypse. We saw Sam feel guilty! We saw Sam apologize! We saw that Sam was shi#$ to his imaginary friend and he finally apologized to Sully too! IMO Carver was smashing the previous showrunners' Sam goggles. Then Dabb came along and was terrible starting with Red Meat.
  18. The acting on The Boys is very top notch. It's a hit premiere streaming show. Jensen earned the role.
  19. That Osiris episode in s 7 still gives me chills. Dean blames himself for people dying in the Apocalypse yet Sam who released Lucifer by draining a living human body dry to do so and betraying his brother at the same time... Sam feels no remorse because he himself suffered in the cage.
  20. I thought Justified was one of the best written shows I have ever seen. It had one weak-ish season when it focused too much on the Crowe family ... I thought it's last season was especially strong. It had strong arcs, strong characters. There was growth. And they managed to pull off a Shakespearean Neo-Western by way of Kentucky masterfully. Now the story is based on Elmore Leonard who is Brilliant at delivering Richly developed stories in every aspect with amazing characters. Timothy Olyphant and Walter Goggins were pitch perfect. Supernatural was a different show however there was a time when the writing was Rich and complex too. It became a critical darling in season 4 when they wrote for both brothers.
  21. He was jealous because he wasn't there for Dean and Benny was. Sam let Dean down and didn't look for him and Benny was the one that saved him. It reminded Sam of how he didn't save Dean from hell either which influences his speech in Sacrifice in which he asks Dean whom he will turn to the next time Sam let's him down... another angel or vampire. Well... it turned out to be a demon...lol... Dean and his pansexual bromances. Dean did nothing wrong in regards to Amy... Sam was wrong. She was killing humans. Sam was also wrong in regards to Benny... Benny wasn't killing. Sam's actions got Martin killed, terrorized Elizabeth and destroyed Benny's stable environment making it impossible for him to function. I was heartbroken that he sacrificed himself to save Sam. I would much rather Dean have had Benny on his side. He was truly the better brother.
  22. Chuck did not write everything as in he types it and it happens. He told Amara his methodology in Unity. He arranges things so everything falls into place and certain people can be influenced more like Angel's, etc. I imagine that he actually had them cursed with bad luck in Hunters Journey which is why the goddess of fortune was able to restore them. If it was Chuck's writing that would not have worked. He wrote about them. He wrote their gospels as Chuck the prophet. He did not literally write them. He did manipulate their lives for his amusement.
  23. Yes. And this is more or less what Chuck describes to Amara in Unity. It is not like he is Dabb and writes a script and every word is followed. He is pretty good at manipulating things to go his way in the end usually with most beings in most universes.
  24. Hmm... I just scrolled a bit through that Adam guy's twitter. He is like a cat battling mice around. Misha can act when the writing is there. Jared typically can too Jensen carries the writing and fills in the holes.
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