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Prevailing Wind

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  1. Me, too. One, no asterisk.
  2. I've been on Mounjaro and my blood glucose drops precipitously overnight. I'm concerned that these weight-loss people taking these GLP-1 meds are doing serious harm, especially if they're not under a doctor's care. I was doing fine - but about every three weeks or so, I'd have god-awful stomach pains, bloating, & vomiting. I dreamed I had pancreatitis, which turns out to be a possible side effect. My doc agrees with me - stop taking it. There are other ways to manage diabetes without endangering essential organs. (I've had dreams like that before that turn out to be correct - my body is telling me the only way it knows how.)
  3. You are correct. However, imdb says there IS a "The Boy in the Bubble" and it stars Alan Rickman (one of my faves!) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1990340/?ref_=fn_all_ttl_2
  4. I went with "The Boy in the Bubble."
  5. Whenever I see the name Liddiard, I think of that creepy Honoria Liddiard, played by Anna Massey in Midsomer Murders "Written in Blood" episode.
  6. But they had a drumstick clue withe the chicken leg. When I see Drew, I think "Young Val Kilmer."
  7. Three for me again.
  8. I am officially freaked out. I dreamed last night that I was walking down a street and a Rhesus monkey climbed up onto my shoulder. That bugger was heavy. I named him Anton & bought him some cantaloupe at a deli. Then comes FJ...
  9. I went the other way - I focused on the "box" part of Matchbox, thought of how you might keep/store tiny stuff* in a matchbox, and happily and loudly declared, "DROPBOX!" ETA: *Strongly influenced by Melanie's song, "Alexander Beetle."
  10. My cat thought I was trying to hawk up a hairball when I imitated Clyde the Camel. She may be scarred for life now.
  11. While visiting Mexico, I had vanilla ice cream with corn kernels in it. It was pretty good once you got past the shock of Niblets in your ice cream.
  12. I slogged my way through Moby D. and immediately forgot anything I read in it. My cultural reference is Ray Stevens: Ahab was an A-rab, sheik of the burning sands. With a camel named Clyde.
  13. After a zero week, followed by a 4 week, this week I'm back to my regular three, no asterisks.
  14. I liked how he immediately started talking to Harry. I wonder who it will be that tells him Harry's name.
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