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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. That one caregiver looks like he needs a caregiver himself. 😒 I'm guessing the other chick bailed, hanging around that home would just sap my soul.
  2. Did she tell Dr Now that she has medical transport taking her from Nebraska to Houston the next day? Her BF is literally dying in front of her & she cares not. She'll have him buying cookies with his last ounce of streng000 lb Friends loss like a circus freak show. "Hey what else can we have these fat gals do next for America's amusement? Let's see, waterslide 🤣🤣. Now some gymnastics hula hoop thing 🤣🤣.". Ugh.
  3. That home makes me very sad. 🥺. Randy is in a lot of pain, as though he can barely stand up. Does she even see that? He's laying there as if he's ready to die & she's just jibber- jabbering on.
  4. I think the fame Tammy has gained from the old YouTube videos & then much more so from this show will be the death of her in a way. She's now the "Queen", attracting every fat fetishist to take fun advantage of her for their sexual pleasure and/or grifters making $$$ off her followers. She's so happy with her newfound fame, it's her identity & she's totally lost any interest in losing weight. She's still gaining. She's really not going to make it much longer. And her sense of entitlement is truly astounding, Amy is legally responsible for her but yet she bullies & treats her like total crap. Won't even order her own meds. Her life without her doting, abuse-taking sister next door will be emptier. By looks of the preview, she's gonna fill the void with booze & weird people coming to her room. Doing God knows what else. Repeatedly says that her family should be grateful she's not bedbound. Um NO, she'd be in a home in a NY minute. That prospect doesn't seem to faze her at all. She's on lots of pain meds & that affects her behavior.
  5. I had a gastric bypass almost 20 yrs ago, can confirm that drinking a giant sweet drink like Amy drank at Tammy's birthday brunch would almost certainly cause "dumping syndrome" and if it were me if feel so sick I'd have to lie down. How she consumed 3 I'll never know. In addition, all that sugar would send blood sugar soaring, which causes the body to dump more insulin into your system to fix it, which causes blood sugar to plummet, which is extremely dangerous & can cause you to pass out or at worse, become comatose. Ok that's it for serious medical talk LOL. I know many ppl who have had WLS. Depending on how big they were at the start, you have to be realistic. They'll all be better off but likely won't become thin. Amy is at 265, that's 150 lb loss. That's pretty good! And I'll bet she loses some more too. She didn't gain with Gage, lost 50 lbs after. As Gage starts eating real ppl food I hope she structures 3 mostly "real meals" a day, but I guess I should shut up, since I had Chick fil-a nuggets for dinner tonight. I'm abt 170 lbs but it's a constant struggle of course. That therapist the Dr sent Tammy to see was a real doozy. I mean, c'mon man! I'd shut down & tell her I'm ready to go home too. Seriously. Yikes. Tammy watches My 600 Lb Life & sees how even immobile poundicipants have lover/caregivers. That's what she wants. Gay, straight, whatever. She wants someone to sex her up, clean her up, keep house, cook, and somehow push her around to get her nails done, shop, etc. Although once in a while there's a glimmer of a reasonable human person there, mostly she's just infuriating to watch. Makes her sister manage her meds, get her food, clean her house, do her laundry. Amy should stop being lazy? Family should be grateful she's not immobile? Tia knew what she was getting into & push her ass around? She says this stuff. Does she ever thank Michael for pushing her hugeness around? The BBW King. Hmmm. My bet is that he was tapping into her fan base to somehow make bank. He threatens her, she gets protection order, she continues to speak to him. Yeah, sounds about right.... Oh well, that's it for my ramblings.
  6. Too far gone. Way too far. Dad died at 800 lbs & so will his son. This is making me ill, it's just too depressing & hopeless. Zero interest in the supersized version. Complete waste of a life. Somewhere the Assante brothers are watching & think this guy's life is beyond pitiful.
  7. Ditto. Retired last year after a solid 47 full-time years. Outlived a hubby & a boyfriend so far. Downsized & moved south. Done working.
  8. So he stopped letting the film crew into the home? Interesting. This guy will not make it.
  9. Looks like mom has or had a broken jaw or something. Or maybe Bell's Palsy? Or a stroke? She's doesn't seem to be enabling him at least.
  10. 3 people without a job in sight. Snowed in half the year, wearing out a recliner. No friends, no life, nothing to do, honestly why does he even want to bother losing weight for at this point? I'm really sad & depressed on his behalf.
  11. Amy was raised in a hoarded home & her grandma was one too. The fact that she is trying to better herself by losing weight & improving her home is a good thing. There's no shame in that. Those of us who were raised in a more sanitary environment should be grateful for that. Michael has a job, and I know plenty of families in my neighborhood with full-time moms. Amy's a married mom who's unable to drive & tries her best to care for her (unappreciative nasty-ass) sister. Her husband obviously loves her & Gage very much and I'm rooting for her. I'm liking this show a lot more than I initially thought I would. For better or worse, these are real people. That said, to have the ladies go to that ridiculous "high tea" (mini muffins, for real?) did seem rather exploitative).
  12. Ooof. So just wondering how a really nice normal non-feeder, non-chubby chaser guy or his family would feel about his GF or god forbid future betrothed shilling vibrators while laying in bed in the afterglow of herself (BTW nice crazy eyes, Whit), not to mention half the other stuff she's done & said for this show. Ok we know it's a fakish tv show but geez this stuff is out there on the internet forever. For her frozen eggs to see some day, should fertilization ever occur. Her parents don't seem to care or they wouldn't be involved in this mess. Does Glenn tell his coworkers it's all just a dumb fake show? Even so. If she was my sister I would die of shame. Well there were a few laughs this season. A mysterious anonymous (very) young "French" man, really??!!? And I did laugh at the fat girl poolside soft porn twerk session. Nice freeform dance class, Twit. But again, imagine if this was a family member. (Shudder)
  13. So Amy says Tammy has lived with every sibling & has been booted out of every one. She was in a nursing home until Amy felt sorry for her & moved her in. Big mistake. Michael could barely push her when she was 600 lbs but she thinks Amy is too lazy to get her out & about, REALLY?? Jerry wouldn't even lift a finger to help. After Amy forced her to take the phone & speak to her own Drs office, she verbally abuses the staff & hangs up on them - she's just so nasty & abusive. She thinks that an aide would have the physical strength to get her out & about all day, it shows how entitled & delusional she is. Seeing her bulk overflowing her wheelchair while Michael & Chris strain to push her around is awful. She needs to be the county's responsibility, she belongs back in a nursing home STAT. I wonder if she'll ever see the light.
  14. Holy crap Amy, just move into your own house already. You're not Tammy's legal caregiver, so let her figure out how to get care for herself. Take Gage over for a visit on weekends.
  15. Momma does love the animal prints. And the cold shoulder look. I like this woman, I think she'll make it.
  16. Tammy is a tremendous burden on her family. And she's so demanding & ungrateful, a real nasty-ass bitch. So while Amy is calling to get Tammy's prescriptions because she won't do it herself, Tammy's outside playing games for YouTube. Move out to your own house Amy. Sorry to hear that Chris gained back all the weight he lost in season 2. I thought he was close to getting a bypass. OMG Tammy's got herself a new fat fetishist feeder, just like the other guy. There's no hope. Zero. 2 months in fat rehab did nothing.
  17. Every "romance" on this series has been phony, just a scripted plot. Personally I don't think this Blur person even exists, heck it could be some random member of the crew in the videos & putting on a french accent. Why don't they ever speak at all in french, even little bits? 😒 I think her good old friends say what they're told to say, hey the extra $$ comes in handy. Especially for Buddy. Now & then one of them is told to sass her a little to add some tiny bit of something plausible. What's not fake is her sincere weeping anguish that she can't find the real life man of her dreams. You know, the handsome as hell young virile knight in shining armor stud that is so in love with her that he'd do ANYTHING to please her. He can't be a chubby chaser or fat (like her), or balding (like her), or not be something really cool like a doctor or a lawyer etc. She thinks she "deserves" this. Don't we all LOL? C'mon down to reality honey & join the rest of us here on earth.
  18. So the moment after this mess of a person is blubbering on her friend's busom the scene cuts to a commercial for an anti-depressant. Why does the French man voice sound a little different to me this episode, hmmm? What the hell is this anyway, she can't expect viewers to suspend all thoughts of semi-reality enough to think this gal living near mommy & daddy in Greensboro NC is in a real relationship with someone who lives in France. C'mon man. Oh I love how she professes her undying love & weeping for this dude to the camera. And another camera behind that camera films it. 😳
  19. This is Whitney's show so she is in charge of everything, the fake BF storylines, which friends are involved (& therefore get paid). Either Buddy pissed her off and got dis-invited or maybe his GF said enough is enough, I'm tired of her either slobbering all over you, or ordering you around & treating you like shit. In Whitney World, you work for her & you WILL tolerate any behavior she throws at you if you want that fine TLC $$. I hope it's worth it. Todd lost the sassiness we loved so much, did he get a talking to? He doesn't seem the same. Hunter's in his biggest role ever. He's an interesting dude. Heather & Ashley OMG their ass kissing is off the charts this season. Tal.....eh whatever. Not sure how long the filming season is, but I suspect it's quite brief, because everyone in the cast has normal jobs except Whit, and Heather's hair is so freshly neon-ed that I'm sure it's just for tv. The French kid storyline is just ludicrous in every way. So he wishes to be private, but we're to believe he's fine with dating a morbidly obese over the top loud woman who stars in an American semi-reality tv show? Maybe designed to make this person untrackable to internet sleuths? So he just couldn't get here but aw gee can you come to France please, love of my life? Here we go, trip #3 to Paris!! Well I've been to Paris & did not notice any people of her size there, no way she's not being stared & pointed out everywhere she goes. She doesn't mind that? I love how the vacays are often in cool locations like the mountains (twice), Alasker & now Maine. Whit runs hot, like many obese ppl. And maybe they need to up her meds because holy crap she's so freaking angry & rude this season. She's just an emotional mess. Judging by the behavior we see on this show, she's unfit to be a mother, and that's no joke.
  20. YIKES I do not like what I see in that trailer. If Tammy ever did find a facility to take her in, I guess she's been discharged. She's 750 if she's an ounce. And it looks like Amy hasn't lost more weight, too bad. Looks pregnant but I guess that's just her gut. Chris was pretty big too, but must have lost enough to get his surgery, or at least the Dr. will try. Hope he does well, I like him. I see a previously unseen sister has decided to jump on the TLC $$ bandwagon LOL. There was a lot of yelling & anger & profanity in that trailer. The first 2 seasons had many honest, real, happy & fun lighthearted moments, please tell me that trailer doesn't represent a lot of what we can look forward to. (Don't worry about the burial issue, last season it was mentioned that their mother already bought 2 graves for Tammy).
  21. Exactly, I caught that snide comment she made last week. If she later regretted saying it she could have simply asked for it to be edited out. But she didn't. So go fuck yourself, Whitney. YOU invited that question.
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