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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. She looks like a chubby infant in a romper. Thought she was tat free but nope I was wrong. Needs wig advice from Lola. Had few friends but lots of boyfriends. Yup we know why, baby at 16. Parents please try to get your daughters to value themselves more than that.
  2. I like this entire family and hope everyone succeeds. Like them or not, they are as honest as the day is long. (Hmm I'm lookin' at you Twitney). My late husband came from a family like the Slatons. Grandmother, mother, all 3 kids morbidly obese. My husband had WLS, he passed from another cause. Addiction is knowing you're hurting yourself but you just can't stop. Unlike drugs or alcohol, we gotta eat to live. Damn! Stopping is the problem with all addictions. I need to take off 20 lbs but just can't seem to do it. And take it from a chubby kid whose mom tried bribes, they doesn't work. Threats don't either. If the family were to say listen Tammy we love you but Michael just can't push you around anymore, he's gonna hurt himself, I think that bit of truth would help get her thinking, she seems to enjoy getting out. I hope she found a bariatric rehab, she's probably hoping for one within traveling distance of her family. She is funny & intelligent, but jeepers she's a bit if a rageaholic. Jerry ugh. Chubby chaser/feeder/fame ho. Tammy just wants love, hell she'll take anything, per her. Hope she gives the Jerry thing a rest and gets healthier. I'm sure he cares for her, but he cares a little more about....well we all know don't we 😖. If Tammy weighed 645 at the new bariatric surgeon visit, then gained 20 at virtual weigh-in after covid, yup she's inching towards 700. That's a 100 lb gain in this season alone. The fact that she not only survived covid but didn't end up bedridden during her hospitalization is a miracle. It only takes one day to decide you can't get up again. I think Amy worked hard to get the life she wanted, a family. I hope she continues to lose. Gage is adorable!. Michael doesn't speak much, but I don't think it's easy for everyone to act "normal" in front of a film crew & also knowing it will be seen by millions of ppl, yikes! Hopefully they are in their new home & closer to his job by now. Best of luck to this family. Hope Chris quits smoking, that's another bitch. He seems determined to get surgery, good for him.
  3. My favorite Carol Burnett skits! Mr. Tudball LOL. The Gone With the Wind one too. This episode confusing me, why the fuck is Dr. Now being so damned nice to her, zero ultimatums, same goal of 150 lbs over & over again. Talk is cheap sweetie, she's a broken record. Once again, no surgery. Color me PERPLEXED
  4. The 1,000 lb sisters went to a metal recycling shop to get weighed.
  5. Title of booklet:. " The Scale Does Not Lie, People Do". 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  6. I really miss her too!! Is this a first? Can't fit on the bariatric surgeons special scale that's literally made for 600+lb patients? Holy moly.
  7. I want there to be a show about tattoo artists and the poundicipants they tattoo.
  8. Just got home. Lordy she's a biggun. When your body is running out of places to store the fat, that is not good. Can't wait to watch the from the beginning to see what the fuck is the deal with hubby.
  9. The baby is such a cute little peanut! Congratulations to Amy & Michael! Now that baby's here, Amy really needs to step up her weight loss again and not fall into old ways because she's busy with Gage. Listening to Tammy's video, it's just more of what we've come to hear from some of the poundicipants on my My 600 Lb Life about how painful living is. I can't even imagine. She's got so many conditions going on, apparently she's on oxygen now, taking pain meds. By now I assume Amy, Michael & Gage may have moved into their new home, so she's basically alone during the day. She's just a moment away from being bedridden, really in bad shape, it's sad to see. And she gained a damn 50 lbs in a stinking month, holy lord. She's gonna be 700 soon. Needs to be hospitalized to have any hope for weight loss & surgery. She's hard core. Was Jerry there when she recorded that video? She was talking to someone near the end. Geez I thought he had gone back to his wife in NC.
  10. Since Michael & Amy quarantined for 2 weeks prior to the birth, Michael wasn't pushing Tammy around and therefore she couldn't have left the house. She got the covid right after jerry's visit so I strongly suspect that it may have come from him but if course I don't know, just seems suspicious. Unless she has visitors? Anyway, that was a bad surprise.
  11. So turns out that Tammy has covid and it seems jerry may have been the culprit. For those of you who do social media, did she make it through ok?
  12. Do we know that Tammy made it through covid ok? Holy crap, I'll have to check the other topic with spoilers
  13. Hmmm did Jerry give Tammy covid? God knows where he's been.
  14. I thought we'd seen the last of Jerry, damn. Geez Tammy, what's up with the snotty comments about Michael? He pushes your 650 lb ass around in a wheelchair a lot.
  15. I finally watched this mess & agree with the above. Buddy was looking great with the weight loss & all. Then he got stuck as Whitney's support animal, as someone put it so well. Now looks like he's packing on the pounds, and since he's back her greensboro coke attic, I hope he doesn't end up the big fat mess he was. But that's on him, he's not being held captive by anything else than the easy cash. But the price is huge in reality. His parents must be thrilled. Ashley geez! You're getting as big as Whit, slow down! Is Whitney a carrier or something? Don't get why Hunter was there except that he probably lives there. I needs me some more Todd! Ryan, Chase, they're out. Whitney's "bro phase" storyline is officially over.
  16. I notice those commercials say "STARTS at $4.99/month". Eff off Discovery+.
  17. Tammy needs to be hospitalized to jump start her weight loss, it's the only solution. It may not even work but it's the only way.
  18. Jerry likes to have sex with super morbidly ladies. Hell no he doesn't want to push her, get her to the Dr, or wash her. He couldn't push her 6 inches. And he doesn't like her family around. It's really sad that she's so in love with this dude. She's jealous of her sister finding a man & getting pregnant. I have more sympathy for her than I do for most of the My 600 lb Life poundicipants. Very sad.
  19. I agree with your assessment of how this show works. There are storylines she works on and it just kinda gotta from there. and the goal is to keep this show (i.e. her "job"/source of income) going. The few weeks of filming is what feeds her other income streams like NoBs and her sex toy etc. shilling. If the show goes her visibility is gone & she's just another former tv personality. I think the reason we still see Chase is that he was probably contracted through the end of this season. Ditto Ryan. Yup her "bro phase" storyline is definitely over. It was totally ridiculous from day 1. Gosh I miss the old Todd. Seems subdued, muzzled. Sad. She clearly keeps her barnacles in line, no straying from their supporting ass kissing roles. Ashley doing a super job of that lately, maybe that got her a bonus! That dramatic cryin' in the rain scene was just too: funny, someone quick get her a calla lily! Such inspiring dialogue! I don't know how Ryan could keep a straight face. In real life, the LAST thing I'd want to know about is my cheating BF's baby, are you kidding? I stayed friendly with my ex but there was no abuse, cheating, & especially no impregnating. Oh well, I don't watch the big fat douchy season ending recap show, so I'll read about it here. I suppose we'll just have to wait breathlessly to see if TLC finally pulls the plug. It's clearly run out of steam. Or maybe they'll move it to Discovery+. And about that whole Discovery+ thing.... it's really pissing me off! As if I don't pay enough for cable already? I notice that as an incentive, Pimple Popper is only on + now, oooooh that hurts LOL. And the lineup for TLC today for example was non-stop Sister Wives & Long Island Medium. It's as though they said ok you wanna play rough? Watch THIS and you'll be begging to pay extra for the good shows! Which I won't.
  20. And after all that angst, I don't think she even had surgery, did she?
  21. John Candy as Johnny LaRue, cigarette smoking tiny donut eating fitness instructor. Count Floyd. Earl Camembert. Sammy Maudlin. Edith Prickly. So many more, funnier than anything going on now! I watch the DVDs all the time.
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