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Everything posted by blondiec0332

  1. Because she is. Meghan is like that kid at school who always wanted to be included in things but instead of trying to find common ground with the other kids she wants the other kids to bow to her wishes.
  2. If Meghan is going to position herself as a political pundit and self appointed know it all about politics then she is going to have to be able to defend her party and not take it personally when her party needs to explain why they are or are not doing things. What Meghan really wants is a platform to spew whatever she wants to say without anyone questioning her. Let her go write for her husband's website and let ABC hire a real political pundit who can represent a conservative view. I hear Ana Navarro is available. Well if you believe what has been reported there is a big ABC honcho who just adores Meghan. It's not the woman who was accused of being racist. It's a guy and I can't remember his name.
  3. This exactly. If you complain about not being able to go someplace safely then you do not have any right to say children should be going back to school. If the shoe fits.
  4. I feel like I'm supposed to like Amy Schumer but I don't. Not sure why but she just rubs me the wrong way. And the less said about any Kardashian the better.
  5. When you go to the designer's fashion shows (or for me to see them on TV) you see the most outlandish or provocative designs. That is what Pat Fields did with Carrie. She dressed her in things that were meant to garner attention. I thought the other three women had very nice wardrobes. They all did look like three women who had the money to dress well. But with Carrie (who's clothes probably cost the most) it was hit or miss. Well fuck what green dress am I thinking of? I do like that red dress but she wore green dress somewhere.
  6. I'm a combination of Miranda and Samantha. I do incorporate a lot of Charlotte style into my wardrobe. I don't like trendy things so I don't dress too much like Carrie except for the heels. Love me some heels. I once asked different people to name things they know about me and they all said shoes. I also liked the green dress she had on when the mugger took her shoes. Miranda wore a lot of suits which for myself I don't like but I did like a lot of her casual dressy things. Every once in awhile Pat Fields would dress Miranda in a Boho chic kinda a way which I thought was odd because that was not Miranda's personality at all.
  7. This is absolutely true. Samantha was confident and sexy and her wardrobe reflected that. Charlotte was traditional and wanted to look the part of the good little WASP. Miranda was the independent career woman who wanted to look nice but not draw too much attention. But Carrie's wardrobe was just all over the map. You can tell a lot by the way a person dresses and with Carrie I would be hard pressed to describe Carrie based on her clothes. Maybe attention seeking. What other reason is there for a grown woman to dress up like Heidi?
  8. Kelly Ripa used to be like that. Said she had no time for "technology". A lot of viewers (myself included) thought she was putting on an act. Like she was just so above it all. Charlotte's style was very similar to Grace Kelly, Jackie O and Audrey Hepburn. I think out of the all the women Charlotte's style was the most timeless. When I do a rewatch there is always something of Charlotte's that I think yep I could wear that today.
  9. I always wondered why he came to her apartment after he allegedly broke up with her. I understand she was a loose end to tie up but what could he have been charged with? Jury tampering? But I was willing to wave it away because he was truly a repulsive character.
  10. Not their having affair as shocking. The ending when she killed him. Yes Abby noticed it, they told the judge and the defendant and juror denied it. He had originally had police watching him during the trial because of his flirting with the juror but then the judge told them to stop and that is when him and the juror hooked up.
  11. Well the Carrie character did influence a lot of viewers. I myself have been known to steal a fashion statement from her on occasion. But if Carrie was being a social influencer in her 30s that would have been really sad. She probably would be a blogger or writer for Buzzfeed or something. It would be interesting to see how the show would have been written 20 years later. When the show first aired texting and smart phones weren't a thing yet. No social media. No MeToo movement.
  12. I agree with you. I think she was lonely. She doesn't like when someone doesn't like her or thinks poorly of her so I think she wanted a do over with him.
  13. One of my favorite episodes is Hubris. It's the one with the "charming" guy who seduces the jury foreman and she hangs the jury. Afterwards she comes to see Jack and Abby and confesses she got involved with him and after the trial he dumped her. At some point later Jack and Abby are talking about him and how they probably won't ever get him the phone rings. Next scene is the juror's apartment. She had just killed him him in self defense. For me it was a shocking but very satisfying ending.
  14. Gotta say I have not missed the show this week. I miss all of you here but not the View. If there was a good alternative to the View I would gladly give it up.
  15. So does money. Wouldn't be surprised if that is why he labeled them as such. Everything seems to always be about money.
  16. She starred in one of my all time favorite shows (Veronica Mars) and I don't really like her all that much. I can't put my finger on it but there is something about her that puts me off. And her husband always looks so disheveled to me. Like he hasn't showered in a few days.
  17. Entitled and privileged doesn't even begin to describe her. I am 51 yrs. old and my mother still calls me out when I need it. The fact she talks very little about her family makes me think they have voiced their opinion concerning her and she didn't like it. With Meghan she gets upset over the smallest (perceived) slight) I wouldn't be surprised if she is in a snit because her brother named his son after their dad. Because you know that name should have been reserved for any sons Meghan might have.
  18. The problem with Meghan (well one of many problems) is she fails to be appreciative of what she has. She only focuses on what she doesn't have or what she has lost. Yes she lost her father but he was 82 yrs old and she knew the end was coming. She still has her mother and her grandmother and her siblings. Yes she is pregnant during a pandemic but she is healthy and won't have to worry about how am I going to afford to raise this child. Yes it sucks to be sheltering in place but where she is sheltering I am sure is pretty fucking comfortable. My personal opinion is Meghan is very nervous about the 2020 election. As most of us are. I like to talk about politics a lot but she lives and breathes politics and takes everything personally. It would do her a world of good to unplug and take a break from social media.
  19. I've gotten pretty good at translating for Meghan. What she means is she wants to be able to say whatever she wants about the other side but how dare you say anything about her side.
  20. If Biden wasn't the candidate she would be denigrating whoever the Democratic candidate was. If Trump wasn't the candidate she would be singing the praises of whoever the Republican candidate was. She publicly said on the View she would either vote or campaign for Uncle Joe. This might have been before he even declared his candidacy but I remember her saying it. But now that he is actually the nominee she has gotten a lot quieter. Whether it's to keep peace in her house or she doesn't want shunned by her tribe I don't know. No matter the outcome she will be insufferable on the day after election day. She will act like she knew things would turn out this way and only she saw this coming. It's all part of her victim identity. Republicans/Conservatives are being warned to not go to rallies because it might not be safe. If Meghan had been paying attention she would have heard that people were also warned about going to protests because it might not be safe. I seem to remember her not being too upset when Conservatives were rallying for the right to get a haircut. She said she could understand their frustration. But I guess people's frustration with systemic racism and police brutality doesn't meet Meghan's standard of a high enough level of frustration to warrant protests. And her incessant whining about the fucking crib is so tiresome. Why doesn't she talk about something positive? Without knowing her due date I'm guessing she is at the end of her second trimester or beginning of her third trimester. There is so much to look forward to and all she wants to do is bitch about a crib.
  21. I'm surprised she isn't having a custom made crib built. Red, white and blue with flags painted on it.
  22. Is she for real? My father died four days after Father's Day in 1991. He was in the hospital for his last Father's Day. Do I get triggered every year? No. She really needs to give it a rest.
  23. Can someone please queue up the video of her saying she wasn't sure she wanted kids. I know she said it on the View and she started in October/November 2017 so that is less than three years ago.
  24. Well she didn't think Mel Gibson meant any of the offensive stuff he said because he didn't say any of that to her. Whoopi sees the world as how it relates to her. If someone is nice to her then they must be a nice person. On the other hand: So yeah it's all about Whoopi. I'm going to respectfully disagree. It wasn't so long ago Meghan (or someone on her team) was leaking stories accusing Sunny of leaking stories. And she also tried to get Whoopi's hair stylist (and friend) Karen fired because she thought she was leaking stories. Maybe I'm too much of a cynic but I think Meghan's pain is Barbara Ferida might no longer be there to be an ally for her. Have we ever seen Whoopi own up to a mistake? I remember this whole thing and I remember what Whoopi said. It did't offend me but it did offend a lot of people and there was a backlash. Just as there was a backlash when Ted Danson did his blackface routine at the Friars Roast. Although with that one I was surprised (and disappointed) Ted didn't get as much flack.
  25. When I read about this woman over the weekend and her outrageous behavior I immediately thought well this explains why Meghan gets away with so much.
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