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Everything posted by blondiec0332

  1. Another one for the Hall of Shame. I love heels as much as the next woman but with those shorts? Just no. Another one was when she wore the blouse tied up and wore the belt across her bare stomach. Pretty sure it was the episode Miranda took her to that bridal shop and she broke out in hives.
  2. She won't do that because she is cherry picking the polls to find ones that say what she wants to hear. She brings it up all the time but when you accuse her of contributing to it she gets defensive and denies it. Well considering I have only seen pro Trump signs at these protests........
  3. Those were the two women I most identified. Neither one of them needed a man to define who they were. While I think a lot of women saw something on SATC and copied it I thought a lot of the clothes Carrie wore was ridiculous. The Heidi look when they had lunch in Central Park? Yikes. I envied Charlotte's and Samantha's wardrobes the most. They both had great professional looks as well as great casual wear. Miranda had some nice suits but her casual wardrobe wasn't great.
  4. Why would she even think that? I don't want to go off topic but for someone who considers herself an expert on all things political she couldn't be more wrong.
  5. This is Meghan's new cause. Sticking up for the poor celebs who don't have their army of stylists to make them camera ready. I'm sure people like Savannah Guthrie and Robin Roberts are so worried what they look like every morning before they go on air.
  6. Does she know the demographics of those who watch Fox News? It ain't young people.
  7. She is just spoiled. Most women I know have colored their hair themselves at least once. Even if it was just playing around in high school. Anything that disrupts or inconveniences her life makes her a victim. For all her talk about being tough she sure does whine a lot.
  8. It's easy for Chris Christie and people like him to say that because they know they won't have to sacrifice. They are rich enough to stay in their homes and not have to go to work and can have whatever they want delivered. What they really mean is they want all the little people to sacrifice because they want their nice lives to continue without any sort of hardship suffered by them. Like having to do their own hair coloring.
  9. This drives me crazy. When I hear someone say well things are getting better so that means it was a hoax. No idiot that means the restrictions and precautions are working.
  10. I thought it was the Boyfriend shirt. But even if it isn't that is the price range. I checked and there is a Hatch store in NYC. Temporarily closed of course but maybe she got the shirt there before the shut down. So once again I have to ask just how far along is Meghan? Edited to add: They are offering home delivery during the pandemic.
  11. Or women who were there for short periods of time. Like Candace. Or Rosie Perez. Or Raven. There is no way you are getting A list stars for what will amount to cameos.
  12. Melissa McCarthy could pull off Rosie. I'm not sure how many A listers they will get. Whoopi and Rosie have a lot of A list friends and I'm not so sure any of them will want to do this. Also they are going to need to think about who they cast for certain roles because some of them will be portrayed over a 20 year period. Whoever is cast as Joy will need to be able to be Joy in the late 90s and now. In the right hands this could be really fun. Like what Ryan Murphy did with the OJ trial. In the wrong hands it could be boring as fuck. Speaking of the OJ trial show. Sarah Paulson could do Meredith. If she can do Marcia Clark she can do Meredith.
  13. I looked at her Twitter feed and she contradicts herself on there. She will retweet something and then retweet something else that refutes the first retweet. I used to say Elisabeth was playing the role of a conservative. But with Meghan I think she became a Stepford Wife. Every once in a while she starts to wander off the plantation but then she is pulled back. When they were still in the studio she was routinely criticizing Trump and praising Governor Cuomo. And now she has flip flopped. I wonder if she has gotten to the"nesting" stage of her pregnancy. That is when you want to get everything ready for the baby to come home. You get the nursery ready. Build the crib. Start buying clothes. Honestly she doesn't seem like she is looking forward this baby at all.
  14. For the time being SATC is available on Prime. You would be surprised how much is cut from the edited for TV episodes. The early episodes had more of the four of them spending time together. The show was about their interactions with each other and the dating/relationships were the subplots. That changed and it became more of a continuing story series. Kinda like an R rated soap. Charlotte definitely wanted the fairy tale ending. I never completely bought Miranda wanting to settle down. I know having Brady changed her but I still don't think Steve was the right guy for her. I have too and some are better than others. I also watched Lipstick Jungle. I loved Anthony. Couldn't stand Stanford. I also love Mario Cantone. I remember him being on the View once and talking about someone had plans with him for some summer holiday thing and they cancelled on him to go to SJP's summer holiday thing. I took that to mean he wasn't invited to SJP's house for the summer holiday thing. Honestly I would much prefer to hang out with him than her. I think people who regularly watched the show knew Samantha was more than the notches on her bed post. But for casual viewers and people who only knew how the media portrayed the character they did think she was someone who only cared about sex.
  15. I looked at that shirt on that brand's website. Hatch in case anyone is interested. It's $178. For a shirt. But she is a spokesperson for everyone that lives "in the middle of the country"? Meghan wants to act like she understands the struggles of everyone not part of the 1% but wants to keep all the perks that come with being part of the 1%.
  16. Just how pregnant is she? Has she been put on bed rest? I have never heard it not being safe for pregnant women to fly unless they are in their third trimester or having a high risk pregnancy. I swear this is just another attempt to get attention.
  17. OMG that would have been epic. Rahm doesn't pull any punches. He totally would have still said it if Meghan had been there.
  18. I feel like I should be excited by this but unless they make it true to things that really happened I will be disappointed.
  19. I know of a woman who has her own small businesses (she is a dog groomer and does some sort of fitness thing). Sole proprietor. She was complaining about not getting her unemployment fast enough. This was less than one month after she was ordered to close. I thought to myself if you are destitute after one month how successful were you?
  20. Is anyone else even talking about this? Meghan picks the most asinine things to get outraged about. People are struggling to feed their families and keep their small businesses afloat and she is whining about television personalities looking professionally made up.
  21. Meghan has been pampered her whole life. I doubt she even knows how to use a nail file. I wish someone would ask her why she has changed her mind. It wasn't so long ago she was all in favor of stay at home orders. She herself had decided to shelter in place before being ordered to. I think she just wants to be part of the protests so she can wave a gun around. Perhaps someone did and that is why we she had little to say about Mother's Day. I don't think she has said when she is due. Which is just so bizarre. Most women once they are past the three month mark love talking about when their baby is coming. She announced she was pregnant in March so I'm assuming she was past three months by then. Which would put her due date early/mid fall? Maybe that is why she is so unhappy. Her maternity leave will be during the final month of the 2020 campaign and election day.
  22. Has Meghan looked at Gen X aka the Sandwich generation? We are looking after our elderly parents, a lot of our adult kids have come home and we are sometimes raising our grandkids. All the while working a full time job.
  23. Not the first time and won't be the last time Meghan presents something falsely to fit her narrative.
  24. I didn't mean to imply you thought it was Natasha's fault. Carrie seemed to blame Natasha.
  25. I don't want to go off topic but she has been making the rounds on a bunch of media outlets. She is definitely using this to promote herself. Not even sure she is mentioning her salon anymore.
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