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Everything posted by blondiec0332

  1. I routinely say fuck but Meghan sounds stupid.
  2. I'm 51 and the only way I dress differently is I don't wear short shorts anymore. I never wore really short shorts but now I wear longer shorts. I still wear high heels. Still wear leggings. I do have more money now so my style is more sophisticated.
  3. I listen to women. If there is no evidence then I form an opinion on what I do know about the allegations. My opinion does not matter. But if I was on a jury then my opinion would matter.
  4. The show really didn't tell us a lot about her pre show life. We know she had an abortion and didn't she work at the Gap or something? But did she always want to be a writer? How did she get the job at the Star?
  5. I had this discussion with my son. He called me a hypocrite for not believing all women. I explained to him simply believing a woman because she says something happened is just as wrong as believing a man just because he says something didn't happen. Other than a few insults here and there about Meghan's weight she isn't really attacked for it. But to hear her tell it she is persecuted for it. And I would have no problem believing she is a mean girl behind the scenes talking about people's appearances.
  6. Look what happened with Katherine Heigl and Grey's Anatomy. When that show has been off the air for a while I bet we will hear from other actors. From what I have read online and the SATC book a couple years ago it doesn't seem like the show was one big happy family.
  7. It was also his reactions. If you watch him when the other actors are saying their lines he has some great facial expressions. I always remember in TOW George Stephanopolous the girls had dropped a pillow off the balcony and later in the episode Chandler opens the door and someone hands him the pillow. Matthew Perry has this great look on his face like WTF but Ok whatever.
  8. I meant it wouldn't have changed the show after the first season. The first season established the characters and what the tone of the show was supposed to be. But then the second season Carrie became less a sex columnist and more of observational columnist. Most of the questions she asked had very little to do with sex. Carrie had such a condescending tone that episode. That might have been the episode I liked her the very least. True but lord knows she was not an expert on those either. When I watched it originally I didn't know this. You would read gossip here and there but it was mostly spoilers. There wasn't social media where everything was discussed and shared over and over again. But upon re watching it several times I can see how things changed.
  9. I think how Carrie was portrayed after Season 1 was directly related to how much more input SJP had. Honestly her sex column could have been a column about simply living in NYC and it wouldn't have changed the show at all.
  10. For someone who wrote a sex column Carrie seemed very tame in the bedroom. Even Charlotte was more adventurous. I know SJP wouldn't do nudity but wearing a bra while in bed wasn't realistic. Couldn't they have covered her up a different way?
  11. She doesn't have any friends that have places outside the city she could stay at? She doesn't know anyone that has a guest house or something?
  12. Because it cannot be said enough people do not hate Meghan because she is a conservative. Everyone on this board loves Ana. It's easier for Meghan to believe it's the R after her name than the bullshit she spews each day. She is just not a nice person. That is awesome and probably accurate. Most of the gossip I read about Meghan is something she herself will reference.
  13. So let me get this straight. She is on the side of the protesters who want to open everything up and virus be damned. But she isn't willing to even go outside because it's just so damn hard. This is a textbook example of cognitive dissonance. Meghan knows the prudent thing is to be safe and use precautions. However her tribe is making noise and she needs to support them.
  14. I also hated Emily. She was not a likable character. Which I'm sure was the point.
  15. Didn't she say that to Samantha? Who never really wore anything too revealing. At least in public. This was the episode where Carrie had her pic taken for the book cover right? And Samantha had picked out some lingerie and Carrie turned her nose up at it and said something snarky and Sam said she owned it in a different color. I could understand her not wanting to wear it for a book cover but I saw nothing wrong with a woman wearing it in the bedroom. This was the season Carrie really worked my nerves.
  16. She will probably have a nanny. I don't see her being hands on at all. From what I have seen she does not have a maternal bone in her body. And considering how disinterested she acts concerning her pregnancy I doubt that will change once the baby is here. I'm still trying to figure out how she goes from being adamant about not wanting kids to being pregnant, having a miscarriage and becoming pregnant again all within 15 months. And not really talking about it at all. Unless it's to get attention or play the victim. She has talked more about the Real Housewives than she has about either pregnancy and the miscarriage.
  17. She can leave her house. Put on a mask. Social distance. She acts like she is on house arrest. Clearly this is the first time the spoiled privileged brat has ever been told she can't do something.
  18. Meghan loves to find things that align with whatever narrative she is pushing at the time. Just because someone doesn't believe what Fox News says doesn't mean they will also distrust the NY Times. And vice versa. If someone doesn't believe what CNN says that doesn't mean they won't believe the Wall Street Journal. Most people (hopefully) are smart enough to discriminate between what is an unbiased news report and partisan propaganda.
  19. Either way that is dangerous. Not to Trump but for this country. People are going to think it's keeping him healthy and want to take it and will most likely have side effects or waste it when it can be used for someone who truly needs it.
  20. She can try to defend herself all she wants but actions speak louder than words. You are known by the company you keep.
  21. What Meghan wants is what is considered mainstream media to be conservative. But news organizations shouldn't be biased either way. Fox News for years claimed to be "entertainment" so they wouldn't be accused of being a biased news organization. And for me there is a difference between news and media. NY Times and Washington Post and pretty much any newspaper along with TV news organizations are news. Buzzfeed and online sites and shows like the View are the media. Also not everyone agrees with what they consider to be "fake news". People usually think what they don't want to acknowledge to be true is fake news.
  22. Obviously everyone on the left has basically appointed President Obama as nothing short of a saint, and obviously I feel different, as most Republicans and conservatives do. I will say… the culture war that I believe is real and is raging in this country I believe was ushered in with his administration and then exacerbated in the Trump Administration. And if the election were held today, I do believe Trump would be re-elected and I think at a certain point, we have to start talking to each other in the middle, and we have to start talking about the faults on both sides because he was not a perfect president, and I don’t think perfect presidents would have ushered in the era of Trump.” Meghan has made her career at the View be all about continuing this culture war she is complaining about. She starts every sentence with "As a conservative." "I'm being picked on because I'm conservative". "Conservatives don't have a voice". She is the one who is always talking about politics being tribal. You don't hear the other co hosts talk like that.
  23. I'm going to play armchair (keyboard?) psychologist and say maybe she doesn't get any compliments at home.
  24. I agree with this. It was like the only time we saw her out of the suits was at home in sweats. Even when they went out (the episode after Berger dumped Carrie) and she had on her pre Brady jeans it was a very plain outfit.
  25. Berger could have had potential but they made him such an asshole. I think by that season they knew how they wanted to end the show and he was just time filler.
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