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Everything posted by blondiec0332

  1. She was mad at Natasha for being pretty and more polished than herself. It's not Natasha's fault Big chose her over Carrie.
  2. I'm 51. So the same as Sunny. Sad to say a lot of days I'm happy I'm closer to the end of my life than the beginning of my life. I've been seeing things I have never in my life thought I would see. I keep hoping we are just in a tailspin and we pull out of it and continue on the right path. My granddaughter is seven and I hope this whole thing will just be a distant memory when she is an adult. Hopefully the long term changes that come from this will be good things.
  3. That drove me nuts. I could understand if she was chef at some chain restaurant where they different shifts but she was supposed to be head chef at some pretty nice restaurants. There is no way she would be home most nights.
  4. Carrie's anger and resentment towards Natasha was misplaced, understandable but still misplaced. Big is the person who Carrie should have been mad at. I totally understand that he hurt her by marrying someone else after telling her he would never get married again. The truth was he just didn't want to marry Carrie. When she asked for an explanation he told her things were easier with Natasha. I'm not a Big apologist but I can see his point. I don't think Carrie admitted feeling inferior to Natasha. Him choosing Natasha definitely brought out Carrie's insecurities. When I originally watched the show I felt so bad for Carrie being hurt by Big. But now in hindsight I think it is totally realistic that someone like Big married someone like Natasha. He was supposed to be a man like Trump (the 90s Trump not today's Trump) who was well known and had a high powered job. It is not unexpected that he would marry a woman who was part of that high society world.
  5. Bird of a feather. She will never accept people criticize her because of her own behavior. In her mind haters going to hate. I don't know about Texas but here in my state money can't just be deposited in someone's account without it being for a legitimate reason. They changed banking laws after 9/11. So money couldn't be laundered for terrorism. Well when things that are bad continue to be bad it only makes sense to continue to draw attention to the bad things.
  6. And correct me if I'm wrong but since they are considered self employed isn't it harder for them to get unemployment? So shouldn't some of that $18,000 be for them too?
  7. If I was one of the stylists who rented a station from her and she didn't give them part of the $18,000 I would be pissed. Also did she mention there is a gofundme page which has raised a lot of money for her?
  8. In 2018 they were discussing which movies should be nominees for the Academy Awards and the only movie Meghan mentioned was I Tonya. Nothing against the movie, which I have watched at least three times, but it seemed like such a lowbrow movie to pick. She doesn't have any sort of intellectual curiosity at all. And for the record I saw four of the Best Picture nominees that year.
  9. I'm not judging anyone here who watches Real Housewives. It's not my cup of tea but if someone else enjoys it fine whatever. However I will totally judge Meghan for watching them. She doesn't seem to watch anything that isn't a reality show. I get tons of stuff from my library and the librarian once said you watch and read a wide variety of things. I can check out a documentary about the Supreme Court at the same time as the movie Cannonball Run. It's like my diet. I usually eat fruits and vegetables but sometimes I have some Cheetos. Meghan seems to only eat Cheetos.
  10. Presumed Innocent was one of the first movies where I read the book first. I too remember John Spencer but not Bradley Whitford. John Spencer was in another great movie a few years after that called Forget Paris, with Bily Crystal and Debra Winger.
  11. For someone who was a writer Carrie sure didn't take the initiative when it came to writing. Before she left for Paris she said her newspaper didn't like the idea of her writing her column from Paris which is completely understandable. So what exactly did Carrie think she was going to be doing in Paris? I often wondered what Carrie would have done for a career if she hadn't been offered the Star column. She didn't seem to want to write anything but that. Even the first book that was published was just a compilation of her columns. I know in the second movie she had written a book (s?) but that took her how many years to do that?
  12. She has said virtually nothing about the baby. The only time she talks about being pregnant is when it can be about her. She talks about having to go to her doctor's appointments alone. Now she is talking about losing or not losing weight after she gives birth. Most pregnant women love to talk about the baby. If they know the sex they like to talk about baby names. They like to talk about the nursery. But she is the most unpleasant expectant mother I have ever seen.
  13. Well some people hurt the ones closest to them the most. Also Carrie was someone who wanted to be liked. She felt it necessary to track Nina Katz down to explain her side of the story. She also tracked Natasha down to say what she wanted to say. Never mind that neither Nina nor Natasha gave a fuck about what Carrie had to say.
  14. Since her grief over father's death is now being overshadowed by the pandemic she has to change tactics. So now her body armor (no pun intended) will be she is being fat shamed for not losing the pregnancy weight. Meghan was a heavy woman before the pregnancy. I don't think anyone, not even her worst critics, is going to attack her for not slimming down. Meghan refuses to believe any criticism towards her is anything more than a partisan attack. You could tell her her shoes don't match her dress and she would turn that into you hate me because I'm a conservative. If she was honest with herself she would realize her worries about the media attacking her for her weight are actually her own worries about her weight.
  15. I have never been more lonely than when I was in a relationship with a guy who wasn't emotionally available. Carrie had great friends. Her being lonely because she didn't have a man perpetuates the thought that women need men to be complete.
  16. Forgive me for saying something that isn't politically correct. How will we know if she has lost all the weight she gained? She is always going to present herself as a victim in some shape or form. And as much as I despise her Meghan is very pretty woman. As far as I know no mainstream media outlets have commented on her weight. Do people on Twitter comment? Probably but so what? Nobody is making you read all the negative comments about you Meghan.
  17. Because this show didn't look favorably on singles. Now that I am older and happily single (widowed in my early 40s, did the dating thing and now at 51 I love being single) I see the show in a different light. I watched originally when I was married and saw it as a show about women dating and looking for love and their friendship being the real love story. But now when I watch it I see how single women are looked at as just waiting to not be single anymore. It is possible to be a single woman and not be looking for a husband. And you don't have to sleep with a lot of men. A woman's life does not have to revolve around men and sex. And yes I do realize the show is Sex in the City.
  18. I've said before I skip any episode that has a child dying. I just can't watch them. I also can't watch the one with dogs. Any babies or animals dying (yes I know it's not real) is just too upsetting to watch.
  19. I've said this about Sex and the City but it applies to GG as well. How you originally feel about characters or plots will change upon a re watch because you have the benefit of knowing what lies ahead. When I first watched I could not stand Paris but watching it again I liked her because I knew she ended up being a good friend to Rory. On the other hand first watching Sookie I found her quirky but on a re watch found her annoying because I knew she was going to become even more annoying as time went on. I agree with this. If it was me I would have stayed with Jason. He was attractive and fun and I thought they chemistry which usually translates to really hot sex. I didn't like any of them for Rory but for myself I would have picked Jess. Any guy who reads books is fine by me.
  20. And sadly people will believe this. She will forever defend what her tribe did and when she can't she will just ignore what they did.
  21. Why hasn't someone sat her down and explained this to her? She really does think all the taxes you pay are put into some escrow account and is just sitting there waiting for you to draw on it. It is ridiculous that she doesn't understand taxes is the government's revenue they use to pay for things. Has she not ever heard about the budget? Not only did Obama's team not find anything but neither did Trump's team when they went looking for stuff. All they found was Hunter Biden and tried to make that into something. If there was anything to be found they would have found it. Even if it was nothing they would have still tried to turn into something. People who want to believe this will. Nothing will change that. Even if Tara Reade recants people who already believe it will continue to believe it.
  22. I liked Duncan as well. And I say that as a Logan fan. The whole Duncan/Logan thing was like Dylan/Brandon from BH90210. When I was watched it originally in the 90s I was a Dylan fan but as I got older I became a Brandon fan. I used to say Dylan was the one you fucked and Brandon was the one you married. With Duncan and Logan I kinda feel the same way. Logan I think was meant to be Veronica's bad boy phase and then she would settle down with Duncan. But seeing how Rob Thomas thinks Logan would have stifled Veronica I guess there is no way Duncan would have been enough to keep Veronica from being bored.
  23. Even if they are preempted locally the show still airs on Hulu later that day. I've been watching it after work.
  24. Whether it's right or wrong a lot of people believe the accuser based on how they feel about the accused.
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