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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Did anyone read this book? Based on how MG writes Laurel's lawyer scenes on Arrow, I'd be kind of scared to read Overwatch since the main character is a CIA lawyer.
  2. The reason he wrote that was because an Olicity fan tweeted that as a thank you for MG releasing the deleted kiss scene, everyone should go and buy Overwatch...and the book sold our shortly thereafter. Release the video or not, fine, whatever, but I'm personally not going to buy your book as a thank you for something that should be included as a deleted scene on the DVDs anyways.
  3. That very idea was proposed here in this forum. There was a spoiler that Felicity wouldn't be looking for Oliver because she knew where he was and where he wasn't, so people here thought that maybe she had planted a tracker on him. Maybe MG should take story advice from us...things would probably make a lot more sense.
  4. Haha. That producer's preview starts off with MG saying "If you're a Laurel Lance/Black Canary fan." Nope, nope, nope. Can't do it. Looks terrible.
  5. I added another spoiler in the other thread. It looks like Roy runs into Sin while in the Glades checking on things, and Nyssa will be gunning for Thea when she finds out that Thea killed Sara.
  6. So apparently episode 18 of The Flash (where Ray & Felicity crossover) features a woman tech villain who wants to weaponize bee-sized bots. Bizarre.
  7. Yeah, I was wondering what they'll do with Laurel as well, because they seem to try to keep her away from Oliver a lot of the time. I mean, they said that it would be much easier to write for her now that she's in on the secret, but she's still been separated off with Ted & Quentin a lot of the time. And with Roy bringing her into the team and fighting alongside her next week, I kind of view her as a sidekick at best. So I just can't imagine her teaming up with Arrow, the two of them fighting next to each other, trading weapons mid-fight, and taking down bad guys. Maybe they're going to continue to keep Laurel separated and have her go on little missions all by herself. None of it makes sense to me.
  8. For Canaries and Midnight City, I think that it's possible that we see another situation like the Sara episode, where a large chunk of viewers just bailed before the end of the episode. I think people can handle a little Laurel, but things don't go as well when she's front and center.
  9. See, as fast as they are going with this storyline, I was thinking that this would be the conclusion to the "Am I me or am I my sister" question, with Laurel finally embracing her true destiny as Black Canary (blech). I keep thinking about that tweet talking about the writers touching on every part of a superhero's journey. But, you could very possibly be right that Laurel loses. I don't really know, but it would be more fun for me to see her lose.
  10. Are we sure that Oliver is not still trapped in a nightmare for most of episode 13? I know that KC's stunt double will win the fight against CL, but sorry, I won't buy it. Will this be the jacket scene all over again with KC barely able to contain her glee?? I am so looking forward to the reviews for episodes 11 and 13. Laurel, Roy, and Vinnie Jones? This "acting" is going to be epic. And yes, I have been using the word epic a lot lately in many of my random posts in honor of MG.
  11. Thanks so much for that Pajiba review, it cracked me up. I've never seen The Last Airbender movie, but my brother assures me that it was some terrible shit. Oh God, I am so looking forward to the snark after next week's episode. Laurel and Roy front and center? This will be awesome.
  12. I see people online saying that there was like 6 minutes of Laurel screentime in this week's episode. So, I think that you all are going to pay for that next week. Big time. I see that Oliver will be hanging out chilling in the cabin and dreaming of Felicity next week. With the way that these guys rush storylines, I'm surprised that he's not hiking his way back to Starling City already. I can't imagine that there is cell phone reception out in this LoA neutral site, so maybe Oliver will send Maseo to tell his team that he's alive, but Maseo will be sidetracked somehow. I think that it'd be more epic if Oliver delivers the news that he's not dead in person.
  13. I'm just curious. I've been watching Gotham, and they've introduced Morena Baccarin's character as what seems like a love interest for Gordon. I'm not really familiar with the Batman universe, but I know who Barbara Kean is in relation to Gordon (based on what people in the Gotham forum have said). So my question is, what the heck is going on here? Did the people in charge realize that the actress playing Barbara is boring, bland, and an epic casting failure, so they're trying to introduce a love interest for Jim who Ben McKenzie actually has chemistry with? I wonder where the whole Jim/Dr. Leslie storyline is going and what they're going to do with Barbara. It's another case of a complete miscast of a comic book canon character who will bring down the show if they insist on going the BECAUSE COMICS route.
  14. Is that supposed to be like Orange is the New Black? That's just dumb and doesn't really make sense, but that pretty much sums up Laurel as BC, so maybe in a twisted way it does make sense.
  15. Actually, I'm pretty sure that I do want to miss next week's episode, MG. No, I won't be tuning in to what looks like the Laurel & Roy show just to see Oliver dreaming about Felicity. I'll catch it on Tumblr.
  16. I'm really hoping that the next few episodes don't do so well in the ratings. If the ratings hold steady or improve, I'm really scared that Guggenheim will get the impression that we want to see more superheroes not named Oliver Queen, and I would just hate for the show to continue going down that path after this season.
  17. I don't watch that John Campea after-show, but is he planning on watching next week? 'Cause it features his two least favorite characters, Roy & Laurel, right?
  18. The photos are up for episode 11, Midnight City. (see SPOILER thread). Gasp, Laurel's wig looks curly. Oh, the horror. Added bonus: DJ Doucheface is back.
  19. Based on that stuff about Felicity being the "moral center of Arrow," maybe she will be leaving the team for a bit when they join forces with Malcolm. I hope that BR is crossing over as preparation to ship him off to The Flash. I could tolerate him there, I think. I actually didn't realize that KC's lipstick is dark red. It looks black to me, but I'm glad that has been cleared up.
  20. Yeah, I mentioned the curly hair thing in the spoilers thread. Like you're not sharp, modern, sexy, smart, or strong if you have curly hair? GTFO! And actually, I thought that Sara's curly wig was fabulous, but whatever.
  21. Dear Media, Please keep releasing KC interviews. I live for the snark. Thanks so much for making my day. Sinceriously, Me.
  22. I get the impression that KC has NO idea what the character of Oliver actually went through during those years that he was away. I think that people were correct when they speculated that maybe she only reads her lines in the script and nothing else so she's not familiar with any of the backstory.
  23. So is this saying that the fingerless gloves were KC's idea, or that fishnet/lace ON the fingerless gloves was her idea? I'm not sure how much I'd actually see considering my hands would be covering my face, and my eyes would be peeking through the spaces between my fingers. Oh, so much secondhand embarrassment. What, curly hair is not sharp, modern, sexy, strong, or smart? I'm sure a lot of us curly-haired folks would not agree! After reading about KC's contributions to her suit, I just can't take her seriously when it comes to fashion.
  24. Article discussing love interests on Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, and more. http://www.denofgeek.com/tv/comic-book-tv/33667/what-is-comic-book-tvs-problem-with-love-interests
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