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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Thank you! I was thinking that the word was part of some song lyrics, and now I know where I've heard it before. Perhaps Laurel is a Marcus Mumford fan? I'm expecting lots of not exactly sanguine posts after tonight's episode.
  2. Ha, when I did the little recap of the video, I was going to put sanguine in quotes so that people would know it wasn't my word choice. What are the chances that real people use that word? I have never used the word sanguine in my entire life, wtf?
  3. This Variety one is the one we're discussing :)
  4. Here are his probable responses to outrage on behalf of Nyssa over the wedding/consummation nonsense: 1.) What? You're shocked that Ra's is EVIL? 2.) What about Oliver? He'll either deflect or blame it on a fictional TV character. Never mind the fact that you and your team of writers are the ones making this shit happen...Matt Nable isn't just improvising his scenes here. Whatever, MG, whatever.
  5. The worst part of this Diggle/Oliver rift is that it's not just for the remainder of this season...it's going to carry over into season 4 as well, apparently. Like, I'm already annoyed with next season and it hasn't even happened yet. Engage in fisticuffs and move on, please.
  6. If you're curious about video and can't watch: Diggle is sitting and Laurel comes in the room wearing her buckles. Apparently they've been going around beating up criminals to make themselves feel better. Felicity tells Dig that he's in denial about how angry he is. Dig is pissed and says that Oliver was his best friend and he kidnapped Lyla. "And you think that justifies hospitalizing people?" Felicity says to Dig. She tells him that he can't go around the city taking it out on every criminal. Laurel asks Felicity how she can be so sanguine after what happened last week. "Because I know that wasn't Oliver. Our Oliver, MY Oliver died the day he joined the League. This is someone else." Laurel asks if she truly believes that. "I have to" Felicity replies. Dig and Laurel both shake their heads in disgust at Felicity and leave.
  7. Problem is, now that the Lazarus Pits exist, I'll just be left wondering if whoever ends up dead is going in the Pit, whether it be this season or at the start of the next. Also, the fact that the finale focuses on OG Team Arrow is too little too late. You can't just give me that dynamic three times a season and expect me to care anymore (especially since it seems as though we're getting fractured OG Team Arrow again next season with Diggle/Oliver at odds). Bleh.
  8. I think that I've given up on The Flash. Last week's episode is still sitting unwatched on my DVR. I don't ship WestAllen (or Barry with anyone, actually), I think that they outed Wells too quickly, I'm afraid of what the show is going to do to nice people like Eddie, Cisco, and Caitlyn (are some of them going to turn into villains??), and it feels too much like Smallville at times (and I DO NOT need to go down that road again). I don't even think I will watch the crossover stuff next week because I figure that someone on here can fill us in on whatever we've missed.
  9. What the ACTUAL fuck? Why do they keep promoting this wedding like it's something the audience wants to see?
  10. I actually don't even understand the whole point of this "marriage." First of all, it's not even a marriage, it's a "ceremony." And you don't have to be "married" to have kids, so why exactly does Oliver need to marry Nyssa? And why does Oliver need an heir? Because as we've seen, your heir does not necessarily inherit the title of Ra's...the magical prophesying sword chooses the next Ra's when it doesn't kill him/her. And even if you need an heir, why can't your spouse be a person of your choosing? Oh yeah, because Ra's is evil. This is all so stupid.
  11. I may be left scratching my head? Wonderful. Sounds about right. This has the potential to come off badly and enrage some people. Oh man, I hope they tread carefully here. This is the only thing I have some investment in anymore. I guess I'm not getting anything remotely positive until the season finale. Maybe. Well that sounds just awful and cheesy. Maybe I'll watch JUST for this. Wish it would be Laurel, but I know that is too good to be true.
  12. And you know who was responsible for that Green Lantern catastrophe? Guggenheim and Berlanti were two of the people involved in that apparent mess, haha.
  13. I'm assuming that this means sex. They are making out in one of the promos, I think (I kind of stopped reading interviews and watching sneak peeks and such). I mean, I understand, because if Oliver was faking being brainwashed, killed some people, and then kidnapped Lyla and left baby Sara alone in her crib, well, that's a shitty thing to do. But this seems like a weak reason to cause problems with their relationship all the way into next season. Is he going to say this to Laurel? If so, it's just one more thing to add to the maybe the writers really do hate KC pile. I will laugh, but that is kind of mean for the writers to say that. Against my better judgement, I think I might watch (I may change my mind depending on the craptastic clips and spoilers that come out). But I'm definitely doing it in a way that won't contribute to ratings.
  14. I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but here's the Bates Motel Archive for all seasons (or you can click season 1, 2, or 3 for a more organized list).
  15. Don't you hate it when real life screws up your TV shows? On NCIS: LA, Daniela Ruah and Eric Christian Olsen (Kensi and Deeks) are real-life brother/sister in law, and they are supposed to be in a romantic relationship on the show, but of course we don't get to see much because it would be weird as hell filming a love scene with you husband's brother/brother's wife. I mean, of course I'm happy for Daniela Ruah because she is married and has a baby with Eric Christian Olsen's brother, but sometimes these things affect your viewing pleasure a bit.
  16. Here you go: http://www.accesshollywood.com/stephen-amell-on-fight-training-for-arrow-season-3_video_2567037
  17. I really don't know how this all works, so I could be completely way off base here, but the thought had crossed my mind that maybe the EPs are hoping that Arrow ratings are down a bit this May because they want less money to go to Arrow's budget and more money to go to The Flash/Spinoff's budget (I can't remember the stupid name of the spinoff outside of the fact that it has Tomorrow in it somewhere). It probably does not work this way AT ALL, but the stuff that they are heavily promoting for this week's sweeps episode ( ) seems like it could easily cause people to skip this episode. Eh, I'm probably so wrong, but whatever.
  18. For an actor, he really is terribly bad at masking his true feelings. I'm forever laughing at his facial expressions when asked about "Raylicity," or even SA's face in that BR butter coffee photo on BR's twitter page. Everything is written all. over. his. face.
  19. I wasn't even satisfied with Adama and poor President Roslin's ending. Sad. I was so sure that BSG writers had some great plan back in the earlier seasons, but no...not so much. At least the show gave me lots of fantastic actors who I continue to follow to their new projects...and pretty, pretty people as well. Yum, scruffy Jamie Bamber. Please join SA and Brett Dalton in the Men Who Look so Much Hotter with Facial Hair Club.
  20. BSG and Lost endings still make me furious. I bought my brother the first five seasons of Lost before the last season was done airing...I told him to sell them on eBay because it would be a waste of time for him to watch. I was disappointed in the Chuck finale too. They could have just added in some little clues about , and I would have been fine. Anyone remember Felicity with the time travel? Ugh, horrible. Too many shows go off the rails a few seasons in. I was pretty satisfied with the Friday Night Lights and Everwood finales.
  21. ^I had forgotten about that. Some interesting body language from SA, that's for sure.
  22. Well shoot! I was looking forward to gems like "What's it like to work with Katie as BC?" Well, she looks fantastic in her costume, and that's really half the battle. We have fantastic costume designers on this show, blah, blah, blah. AWKWARD.
  23. Joint panel! Joint panel! Joint panel! I want to see how awkward it would be.
  24. I only started watching this show a few weeks ago, so I'm a bit confused on what the deal is with the flash drive full of names, but I plan on DVR-ing the marathon this weekend (Mother's Day marathon, ha!), so hopefully things will be a bit more clear after I watch the episodes that I've missed. I don't know what the whole point of the Bradley/Norman stuff was, so I'm thinking that maybe she's just here to end up in that pit. Seriously, that whole plot felt pointless, but maybe it's just because I missed her appearances in earlier seasons? Strangely, I find myself interested in everyone but Norman. It looked like Vera Farmiga really was slapping the shit out of Nestor Carbonell in that scene where they were arguing, so kudos to them if they went all in there. I have to say, the Dylan/Emma stuff is my favorite. The two actors have a ton of chemistry, and I loved that bedroom scene. It was sad to see Dylan heartbroken about the fact that his Dad/Uncle was leaving him, and then ashamed about the fact that Emma knew the truth about who Caleb really was. I totally thought that they were going to kiss when she was sitting on the bed holding his hand and looking up at him with big doe eyes. I mean, I'm pretty sure that he was considering it because it looked like he slowly leaned forward a bit. Maybe in the season finale next week. I do worry for Dylan, though, because I can't imagine that guy that they ripped off is going to let him get away with that.
  25. I imagine that Mr. Grove will find another wife very soon because he's certainly not going to stay home to watch all of his children (although, now apparently he'll have one less since he's going to just give that one back). I know that the last boy isn't biologically his, but who raises a child they think is theirs, finds out he's not, and then just says "Well old chap, we had some good times, but farewell!" It's just crazy to me that a parent wouldn't fight to keep their child, biological or not. Run Josie, run! Your future will be incredibly bleak with this man. Sadly, I didn't really care much about anything else that was happening in this episode. I miss Agnes and Henri, but I believe that the actors wanted to leave, so I think that's the end of their story.
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