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Everything posted by treeofdreams

  1. I was thinking Sound of Music... Here is this episode's snarky recap: https://www.wgbh.org/programs/2022/03/27/sanditon-season-2-episode-2-recap-shady-characters-sedition-and-a-spinet
  2. Agreed. This is a game of strategy, and protecting your closest ally is just good strategy. He was willing to really go out on a limb to protect Lydia, which should strengthen their alliance since she has seen how much she can trust him, and he has also demonstrated to others that he is a loyal and trustworthy ally.
  3. It seems more like a Marianne Dashwood/Willoughby vibe. She really has the loveliest smile! It was fun seeing her so happy - she probably rarely has the opportunity to dance. I found the hair down in the first season believable, because she was a farmer's daughter and lived in that society, as we saw her at the beginning dance, where all the girls had their hair down. Back at Sanditon now, she wears her hair up to fit into that society.
  4. Probably because in the past they have always been given rice and beans. And then there are coconuts, and whatever fruit they could find, like bananas, mangos, etc. Plenty to eat even if they have to work to find it. Many times the tribes never managed to fish, and there are meat products only at rewards, but along with other foods that a vegan could eat.
  5. Thank you! I couldn't figure out how to express how weird his speech was!
  6. I hope the next episode gives a good deal of time at the beginning to the reactions back at camp to what happened at tribal.
  7. I think the main problem I have with this show is that it is trying to be a version of Survivor, but without the strategy aspect it is a dismal failure. In place of strategy it is trying to make it a show about the "journeys" and sob stories of the contestants. Since I am not interested in any of them, their stories hold no interest for me. And since even at the first "Lantern" people were acting as though they have already had these deep insights and revelations about themselves after one day, it all feels very phony and staged. And the !suspense! about whether or not someone will ring the bell... And then there's the announcer...still thinking he is really out of place here. And his voice always sounds so phony. But as I said in the other episode thread, there is nothing else on to watch after Survivor, so I will probably continue on watching for a while.
  8. I am experiencing the same attitude adjustment about Jonathan others are expressing. I also wanted to say I love the relationship between Jonathan and Omar. I noticed that after the challenge when Jeff handed Jonathan the immunity trophy Jonathan immediately turned and handed it to Omar.
  9. Thank you! I did not get a good look at her and did not recognize her. I loved Margaret, she was one of my favorites as well. (Actually, I had quite a few favorites in Lark Rise; I love that series!)
  10. Which character did she play in Lark Rise?
  11. Any more info on this? I would expect him to be a (literally) huge target after the merge because of his physical abilities, but we don't know if he is any good at puzzles, or how his social and strategic game are. so an immunity run is not assured. Does he make it to the F4?
  12. Here is a snarky recap of Episode 1: https://www.wgbh.org/programs/2022/03/20/sanditon-season-2-episode-1-recap-guess-whos-back
  13. I think the quick shot of blood on bed sheets was about Lady Babbington's stillbirth.
  14. I must have missed something. Charlotte is a farmer's daughter; how did she become educated enough to be a governess? Also, do we know if Sidney was married at the time of his death? Because whether or not he was would determine what happens to the rich lady's money- if not married, it is still hers; if they are married, her money became his and who will get it now?
  15. I had been thinking, that since Tom has now been named as her guardian, perhaps he embezzles her money to use it for Sanditon.
  16. This seems like a rather desperate scramble to find something to put on the air. It just seems odd. One long "immunity challenge" type thing, lanterns instead of torches, a group therapy session at the end of the episode... Well, there is nothing else to watch after Survivor, so we'll see how it goes.
  17. So basically this is one long Survivor immunity challenge, and no strategy game which is the most important part of Survivor. And with a dull as dishwater host. Who is this guy, anyway? He certainly doesn't measure up to Amazing Race Phil or Survivor Jeff Probst.
  18. Yes, they are both autocratic old ladies. But Lady Catherine was humorous, and Lady Denham is not. Davies has tried to duplicate some of the characters/storylines from Austen's other books. The above is one; Willoughby marrying the rich lady instead of Maryann Dashwood whom he loves is similar to Sidney marrying his rich lady instead of Charlotte whom he loves. The early Charlotte/Sidney antagonistic dynamic is like Elizabeth/Darcy antagonism turning into love. These are the ones that come immediately to mind. But when Austen wrote, she viewed her characters and stories with gentle humor. The term "comedy of manners" is often used to describe her work, as is the designation of her stories as satire. This is missing in Davies' story here. From here on in I will watch future episodes of Sanditon as period dramas by Davies but without reference to Austen. I will no doubt have fewer nitpicks that way!
  19. Just to add to the above: Austen's work had a gentle humor to it, especially where the characters were concerned. There is very little of that humor here - maybe a little bit with Arthur and his sister, but her whole tone on that score is missing.
  20. One way this series really differs from Austen's work is that Austen's stories are gentle with no major sad storylines, and generally happy endings all around. Here we have Charlotte losing Sidney, Miss Lambe losing Otis, Clara and Edward being disinherited and Edward losing his mind over losing Esther, Stringer's father dying in the fire, the fire itself destroying a major part of Sanditon. If Esther is widowed after having just won her freedom from Edward, as suggested above, that would be a real bummer. I prefer happy stories, and I knew I could always count on Austen for that. I don't like this departure from her world (just as I don't like the sexual elements in the story). These just do not seem to fit.
  21. There are several ways they could handle this. Esther is now Lady Denham's sole heir, so she should be showing attention to her to maintain her favor. If Lord Babbington is not there, he could be off visiting his (presumed) estate in Ireland or wherever; if Esther is pregnant, she might not be able to travel with him. No doubt we could come up with more reasons they might not be together.
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