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Shades of Red

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Everything posted by Shades of Red

  1. I find Damian Lewis very attractive. There's something very charismatic about him for me. YYMV obviously. I started watching this for him. I keep seeing little bits of Charlie Crews creeping into his mannerisms and I like it.
  2. The spins don't annoy me nearly as much as the lifts do. A time limit on the lifts as well as restrictions - I'm not sure but at one point I believe there was something about how high a woman could be lifted or how high a guy's arms could go - something about shoulder height. Not clear about that but I thought I heard that/read that some place. The entrance and exists of lifts looks really stupid in many cases and the poor couples are very limited in what they can do making it impossible to be really original. So I wasn't imaging things about Tessa and Scott coming back!!! I was on the phone and watching this in the background when CBC put something on their screen about this. I thought it was an old post or something, guess not. I don't believe they're friends with Andrew and Kaitlyn - or at least not anymore. The reaction of Scott during an interview segment on that "reality show" he did with Tessa wasn't very good with Andrew and Kaitlyn sitting right next to them. They didn't look like they were friendly then and if they did become "friends" I'll bet it's only because Scott and Tessa were completing. You don't have to be best friends with your team mates/competitors, but I think it's wrong to talk smack about them. Take the high road, you'll look better for it. Maybe this format of competition has some good points, but I have to say it would be nice to see some of the top teams compete against each other more throughout the year instead of at the end. I don't know about the teams, but I think it gives a false impression of what teams are capable of and how they compare to each other. There have been some surprises especially in the dance competitions with some of the younger teams which wouldn't have happened under the old system, but there has to be a happy medium somewhere doesn't there?
  3. Every time I read a comment about the "faces" people have when singing I'm reminded of Joe Cocker and the things he would do on stage. I'm sure he's not the only one, but I'm from a generation who used to listen to music vs being able to see the people performing it so can't verify how many others had "funny/peculiar faces" while performing. I don't remember who it was or what the song was, but have to say it's very odd and off putting to listen to some of the younger contestants singing songs with very mature lyrics/experiences. I don't believe you can't sing what you haven't experienced, but to me it's like dressing up a little girl in make-up etc and it squeeks me out. I know it's been said before, but JLo's reaction to Dalton is also starting to bother me. If the role was reversed and it was HCJ or Keith doing this to a young girl, you know there would be a huge backlash. I do think Dalton is handling it well - "grew them myself" (paraphrasing), but at some stage it must be uncomfortable for him. It's one thing to think the things she's saying, but it's a different kettle of fish when she's saying them on national television. Just my two cents. I'm sure he gets plenty of reaction for his looks, but that doesn't mean it's okay to do it. I don't understand why they couldn't have had everyone sing "real duets" vs songs that were never meant to be duets. Call it two people harmonizing/singing together vs duet as that's what I thought many of these performances were.
  4. Bolded part is mine and that's precisely why I disliked school figures. They nuked people like Toller Cranston which still makes me upset all the many years later. The compulsory dances on the other hand I think are very important. To me it's like going back to the basics which you need so you can build on from those. They were boring, but you could certainly see who had great edges etc. I don't like the combining of the compulsory with a short for the dance. I like the idea of "maximum points". This new system stinks and is very difficult to follow. I stopped watching the men skate years ago when it turned into a jumping competition. I want some artistry and not elements that are connected with some skating. The pairs sadly is starting to turn into the same thing, but with pairs' elements, not just jumping. All the lifts, spins etc are starting to look the same to me with pairs. No room for originality.
  5. I adore this show so much and hope it continues. Very happy that Brian got some action last night and it wasn't with Rebecca. Rebecca's story line is getting weirder and scarier by the second. Wonder how long it will take her to realize her apartment is all bugged out? I hope she figures it out and uses it to her advantage. The visuals on this show are terrific and fun. I enjoy how in Brian's scenarios he manages to bring in everyone and spin things to how he wants them to be. I'll bet the cast has a lot of fun on this show and the bloopers should be hilarious. This is a show I'll be picking up on DVD for all the extras and to watch time and again. I always manage to find something I've missed the first time around when I re-watch.
  6. I thought the entire show was a mess. I don't like the edited format or the long winded stuff either. There has to be a happy medium in there somewhere. I thought the harp over powered her singing and she looked awkward - Harry said something about her playing it standing up vs sitting down which was odd in itself. As soon as the negative comments started I figured it would be easy to see who was going to be eliminated. Wonder who made the groups up? It was very easy to see the possible eliminations from this group. I've kept the show on my PVR and will go back to see if my guesses are right. Can the same be said for the next group?
  7. After the kiss Callan and Anna shared, they better not be related! Callan looked very surprised and shocked at the end of the kiss. I'm not a fan of "... to be continued ..." Just tell the story and give me an ending each week. I might be imaging things, but it seems more shows are doing this mid-season vs waiting until the end of a season which used to be the norm (or maybe my memory is failing me). I'm still a fan of Kensi and Deeks and the way the relationship is being handled.
  8. I'm not an expert on this, but the show is still going to be on and will need advertisers. My understanding is the more viewers the more expensive the adverting costs. The network makes money from their advertisers. If a show you're broadcasting is tanking, then you can't ask as much per ad or court advertisers who pay out big bucks. So maybe not appeasing the audience, but you need the audience for the advertising dollars.
  9. I think it depends on what show, what rank, what the person does in the military and how much publicity it will generate. It's not fair and I don't think it's a surprise it can leave a bad impression/taste in your mouth. I know in many cases the military is very secretive about where and how long someone is deployed, but it never ceases to amaze and confuse me when a tv show manages to bring someone home who isn't expected to be there especially when they're not expected back in the near future. I'm going to join the crowd who despises the chair reveals and the stupid fake-outs. After having such a stressful time it's surprising to me that no one says anything really rude to the judges that is broadcast for "shock value" for their behaviour and shitty comments. I keep hoping someone will ask the judges to stop beating around the bush and just give them an answer. Enough with the remarks and sad looking faces. How about some smiles and simple congrats instead or a quick "you didn't make our top 24 - sorry". That's all that's needed. If everything written about the new way the contestants will be whittled down is true, I have to wonder how many times they'll change/add/subtract "rules" to make things more palatable for the audience? People are going to be pissed and last season or not, I can see their numbers dropping even more than they already have been. Other "reality" shows seem to change things depending on viewers' attitudes and numbers watching so it wouldn't be surprising if Idol does the same thing.
  10. I like this kid and agree he has a Jacob Hoggard vibe for me too. I think he knows how to play the game and is going to run with all the opportunities it gives him. When he talked about being on the show makes the difference between smoky bars and larger venues as well as something else I don't remember, I knew he was in the game. Jacob did the show for exposure and didn't want to win (no one will ever change my mind on that fact). He got what he wanted out of Canadian Idol and look where he and his band are now! I think Dalton is going to do the same thing. I'm waiting for Dalton's Paul Anka's "Put your Head on my Shoulder" moment that Jacob pulled off flawlessly. Dalton makes different song choices and for me that's a good thing and makes him very watchable. Too many young singers. I know it's the last season, but can't get behind putting all those young teens through. Guess HCJ has given up on lecturing about age appropriate songs and "feeling the lyrics and music" as these kids wouldn't have enough life experience for him or wouldn't have in the first year he judged. From everything I've watched so far I have to say that although I know "reality tv" isn't really "reality tv", it's still sad to see how little real talent and charisma have to do with the selection of contestants.
  11. Just finished watching the Canadian Dance pairs which I PVR'd. Have to say I'm very impressed with the talent we are churning out up here. Of course my favourites are Andrew Poje and Kaitlyn Weaver. I adore their routine and have to say the combination of the music, the skating and the connection they have can make me emotional at times. While I'm a little sad some of our more experienced dance pairs didn't do as well as expected, I will say Elisabeth Paradis and Francois-Xavier Ouellette were a welcome surprise. (Sorry don't know how to get the accents on their names). He's apparently an ex-hockey player who decided to take up skating. They have a beautiful flow to their routine, their lifts don't look awkward as dance lifts can often look and I really liked their spins. Paul Poirier and Piper Gilles always bring something new and unique to the table. I really think their long program is cool! I'm not sure if they're the only ones who do a stationary rotational spin, but it stands out for me and I don't remember anyone else doing one. They have some cool lifts and unique moves. Although very different, they sort of remind me of some of the old European dancers from the days when there didn't seem to be any rules and costumes were at times very bizarre! It's really nice to see Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon doing so well and having so many excellent skaters benefit from their coaching and experience. Haven't watched the long for the pairs yet, but will say that was a nasty fall that Kirsten Moore Towers had yesterday in the short program. Can't imagine how shitty her partner feels about what happened. It really brought home how dangerous pairs' skating is once again and how much timing and skill the tricks take as well as trusting your partner.
  12. Thank you for the answer. Can I then ascertain that the skating club isn't necessarily the club the skaters currently train in? I didn't realize a skating club and a training club were two different things. Interesting.
  13. I've been watching the U.S. Nationals and have a few questions if anyone can answer them. Watched Kayne and O'Shea and when they got to their kiss and cry time, who was the guy with the specs beside them? I think he's one of their coaches, but might be a choreographer? The other question pertains to the announcements made during the introductions of the skaters. Why do the skaters have their skating clubs introduced? Are these their original skating clubs? Sometimes the clubs are different for each skater instead of the same which I would have figured should be the same for the pairs and dance. I like seeing skaters we don't get to see during the regular season. I enjoyed the Shibutanis routine. I think this has to be my favourite routine of theirs I've watched in years. The last dance pair - forget their name - sorry, but do know that Patrice is one of their coaches, had some cool moves.
  14. She did and it was a special that CTV ran up here in Canada. It was her singing and being interviewed by Graham Norton. It was the equivalent of a one hour Graham Norton special focused on Adele. I think the venue was smaller and it was "at home" vs overseas. There must have been a comfort level performing before a smaller hometown crowd and having someone to talk to in between songs, vs all on your own in a large international venue. Just my two cents.
  15. This is appointment tv for me too! I actually watch this live and sometimes will rewatch to catch things I've missed or really enjoyed. Did anyone notice it was a poster of Rebecca on the wall in the children's show stuff? It's all the little things that make this show so much fun. Wonder how much is improvised?
  16. On a very shallow note, can I say thank you to the show for putting Dove Meir on my screen! Very nice! Okay, now that that's out of the way. Interesting that Callen is still checking up on the ex. I think part of it must be a security issue but if memory serves me correctly this is also the longest romantic relationship he's had. I will admit I didn't realize it had been that long. It's nice to see him not shrug this off. I'm really enjoying the way the show is handling Kensi and Deeks' relationship. It's not in your face but you know they are together. I like the little interactions that occur - not over the top and some are really funny.
  17. This just aired here in Canada and I couldn't believe how shiny Amy's legs were. It was very distracting. I don't think I've ever noticed this before. Really happy to see I'm not the only one who noticed or commented.
  18. This is an understatement if I've ever heard one. Why hasn't Harry jumped in to say how inappropriate and gross this is? He didn't seem to have any issues telling young girls when they were doing/singing something he felt was age inappropriate. Double standard?! Initially I thought the kid with the grandfather was cute but as time went on he started to skeeve me out. The grandfather reminded me of all the dirty old men I've encountered over time. If the kid is already like this as a 15 year old I shudder to think what kind of man he'll grow up to be ... I don't think it'll be nice. I'm constantly amazed at Keith's musical knowledge. He really does seem to have a knack for remembering songs/artists etc doesn't he? At least once a show I'm surprised when he starts to sing along (which doesn't impress me) but he knows all the lyrics.
  19. For anyone interested in the Canadian Nationals in Halifax here is the schedule for tv coverage : Friday Jan 22 - 2 pm will have the Women's and Dance short on TSN, the Men and Pairs' short will happen at 7 pm on TSN. Saturday Jan 23 brings the Pairs'and Men free at 7 pm on CTV and the Women's and Dance free at 9:30 pm on CTV. All times are EDT. Check local listings of course for any changes etc. I got the listings from the Skate Canada website.
  20. I'm joining everyone who said Kit looked very uncomfortable and a little afraid of Rebel. This is the first time I've heard Kit "real" voice and have to say he seemed very subdued. I did laugh when he talked about his mother's reaction to GofT. Rebel needs to get her clothes in a slightly bigger size. I think every time I've seen her on a talk show she's in a tight, uncomfortable looking outfit. I wonder how she breathes in these clothes? I don't care that she owns her size, she needs to dress so she's not constantly tugging on her dress. I didn't think she was funny either.
  21. cbc.ca is streaming the NHK live with the ladies currently being shown. The dance is supposed to stream around 9:45. Doesn't look like cbc.ca is going to stream the dance. Looked it up on wikepedia and it doesn't look like there are any Canadian dance teams there so no wonder it's not being covered. The main network has limited coverage beginning 2 pm EDT today with the pairs and men's and the ladies' tomorrow at 2 pm EDT. Tomorrow is only an hour. It's quite interesting watching it streaming vs network coverage. Last week was fascinating watching the crowd in Russia and some of the reaction shots. Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure I saw Nikita Katsalapov giving his new partner Victoria Sinitsina an extended kiss in the kiss and cry last week. It wasn't shown on the network broadcast, but it was on the streaming. Are they a couple off the ice as well?
  22. Thank you. I couldn't figure out who he reminded me of. He sure is nice to look at. Sharon Stone seems to have aged well even with the soft camera filters on. I thought the elevator scene with the two guys was cute and it made me smile every time I watched it in the previews even before realizing where he was or who he was winking at. There's something playful and cheeky about this character I really like. I'm glad I didn't erase this off the PVR as I didn't realize Dmitry Chaplin was in this episode. Changing this to, I didn't realize I needed to watch the second episode to see him. Now I have, I really like that the show doesn't seem to take itself seriously. I seem to like action shows lately that are a little tongue in cheek (Strike Back anyone?). Most of the action sequences for these shows is so unbelievable that for me it's more entertaining if I know I'm not to take them seriously.
  23. I missed having David Pelletier do commentary last weekend when CBC had limited coverage. I know budget restraints are in place, but it seems more and more the networks are doing "in studio" commentating vs sending people to the actual events. I think this is brutal as I'm not sure what kind of footage is sent for them to review. I always liked some of the behind the scenes snippets you would get from people who were actually in the rink watching vs far away. Did anyone watch the Gala performances from Skate Canada? I like watching the competition, but have to admit I really enjoy some of the exhibition performances especially for the dance and pairs. This season also seems to be the season for many skaters to use various songs from the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack - the one with Claire Danes and Leo Dicaprio. I like that the skaters can now have lyrics in their music when they skate.
  24. Not only is it usually super huge, but the thing that always makes me shake my head is the disbelief when the couples are told the price tag. Seriously?! Have you never watched the show? Do you really think when you signed up that you'd be the exception and not have to get a fixer upper? Having said that, I'm one of the naive ones who didn't realize how fake this show is. I did wonder about the time lines for things but figured things were fast tracked so they could film things in a timely manner. It's so weird then to realize the bidding wars etc aren't really a thing. I watched last night's special and thought it was cute, but now am a little disappointed wondering why bother with the charade? I'm always astounded at the budgets people have (especially young, first time home owners) or how little some things cost. Of course I realize the owners are generally getting things at cost and some for free, but the expectation and hope that you too could do some of these things with the same amount of money isn't very fair. I did my bathroom a few years ago and know how much it cost me, and that wasn't anything fancy. When things are replaced or fixed on the Buy and Sell show I'm sure you have to pick my mouth up off the floor as I sit in stunned silence and know I have no hope in doing the same things to my home with the budget I have. I do like some of the ideas that are shown but know that I wouldn't be game to give up most of my possessions for new things to go into my new home as many of these couples seem to do. It seems very little of their original stuff gets transferred over. I'd rather spend my money on upgrades/more renovations than on bricbrac or things I wouldn't normally have considered buying or don't particularly care for.
  25. Thank you for the correction. Truthfully this is the first time in years I've watched all the disciplines, so the ladies' and mens' programs are running together a little bit. When the singles' turned into a jumping competition I tuned out but was convinced by a friend to give it another try. So this tells me she didn't really do much for originality this year. Everyone is busy in their own way, so that's really no excuse and she managed to practice her routines in the ice shows she performed in. She may not have shown her long, but she did get the practice time in. Not many skaters get that opportunity.
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