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Everything posted by Persnickety1

  1. Isn't that also the date of the season premiere of RHONYC? That might make up for the ending of my beloved VPR. Maybe.
  2. Oh, good point, I hadn't thought of that. I was picturing at some point a nasty leg break when she landed and her immediately becoming zombie chow.
  3. So I'm a bit confused. Enid scaled the 15-foot steel wall with the assistance of her handy pegs (or whatever they were). But how the fresh hell does she get down on the other side? Does she just jump from 15 feet and hope for the best when she lands? Little details like that bug the bejeebus out of me. Also, I'm a cheap date. As soon as I saw that French press coffee pot on the kitchen counter, and assuming they have coffee to go with that French press, I'd stay. ZA be damned. If there's coffee to be had, I'm in for a penny, in for a pound, so to speak.
  4. LOVED an apparently drunken Sonja telling Dorinda she parties with John John Kennedy all the time and Dorinda's reply. This season of NYC looks like it might be a lot of snarkalicious fun.
  5. Not an audible peep out of Brandi throughout this entire fracas? Girlfriend must have smoked some good shit at the coffee house. Remaining calm and keeping her mouth shut was a very good look for her in the first look. Now, her motivation for remaining silent is up for speculation, and, of course, there's no telling what might happen in the rest of this episode. Looking forward to Tuesday...Between the VPR season finale Monday night and this shitstorm Tuesday night, I'm counting down the hours.
  6. If I saw her on the street, I would do precisely what you advised not to do. I would like nothing better than to poke the crazy that is Kim Richards. My inner child is about age 10, so I figure that would put Kim and I on even playing field intellectually. Then I could tell her something really insulting, like "Why don't you eat a piece of bread???" or "Why don't you blow up your lips some more???" Fuckin' Kim. I just want to shove her pill bottle up her ass and pull it out her throat. And I'm nonviolent. Seriously. She brings out the beast (thank you, Kim!) in me.
  7. I loved the "you're a sick and vicious human being," said with full-on grimace, absolute disgust, and utter contempt. If this is the first look, and according to Kyle's interview even more shit goes down in Amsterdam, I can't wait to see what the rest of the episode holds.
  8. As far as I'm concerned, what Kim was going to "share" about Harry could be anything from the mundane to the horrific. Hell, I wouldn't put it past the bitch to out it if Harry, a la Farrah Fawcett, were fighting colon cancer or something equally devastating, to throw it out there to get her spiteful, 4th-grade-level revenge. As for the "eat a piece of bread" comment? Yeah, Kim, that shit was juvenile and shit-tastic when you threw it to Taylor as "go get your lips blown up." Picking on physical characteristics like your lame ass does is because you're too illiterate to formulate an intelligent insult. Yeah, you go, Lisa Rinna. I don't know what the hell the secret is about Harry, but it's Harry's to tell. Lucky for Kim that I'm not Lisa Rinna. I'd have dragged Kim's adult son's drug problems right out there at the table, cameras running, and no turning back. I'd give as good as I got. Fuck with mine, I'll fuck with yours. HARDER.
  9. And even after THAT massive debacle, Kyle said in her interview I posted above that things are even worse now between all of the women since the reunion. I can't wait to see that reunion. Hell, maybe I'll put in for the evening off so I can enjoy it on first run instead of just off the DVR hours later. Priorities. I have them. Thank you, Bravo, you bastards.
  10. YOWZA...Extended preview of the glass throwing...(also great interview with Kyle). http://www.accesshollywood.com/kyle-richards-on-the-rhobh-brawl-what-set-lisa-rinna-off_video_2659837\ KUDOS to Eileen for telling Kim "You're a scary vicious human being" in this clip. I wholeheartedly concur. I try to be nonviolent, but I'd love to bitch slap Kim.
  11. Wait, what the fuck was that shit last night? Some odd homage to the scene in the Godfather where a baptism was going on interspersed with scenes of mobsters being gunned down all over town? Except in this case, it's a baptism and the Great Telephone Recording playing simultaneously? Whoever directed this episode must be a true Francis Ford Coppola fan. With none of the talent.
  12. I'm really hoping FI Tom's confrontation with Jax at the photo shoot involves more tears. I just can't get enough of FI Tom and his overwrought, angst-filled weeping. If I were Ariana, I'd constantly try to find ways to make him sob just so I could be treated to the sight of his crying. I'd hide his flat iron and hair products and concealer. That would probably do it.
  13. Well, that was....Interesting. At first I thought, "Oh, great yet another fucking FATTY catfish!" but at least this had a twist to it. And who knew "basic" was a total diss? I'm incorporating it into my Reality TV Random Insults file I keep in my brain for appropriate occasions. Also, are people really still this naïve? Girlfriend never thought to Google around or stick the dude's phone number into Google to see what might come up? After a few seasons of this show and other tales of internet frauding, I'm shocked there are still enough gullible people out there to keep this show going.
  14. http://www.realitytea.com/2015/02/26/real-housewives-new-york-premieres-april-7th-cast-says-lot-tears-true-friendships-real-drama/ Okay, maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but the fact that they just finished filming a week or so ago and the tentative premiere date is just a few weeks away leads me to believe they got some good shit to work with. Unlike last season when it languished for a year or so before the season premiered. I'm really looking forward to this one. After the dark and disturbing season of RHOBH, this one should be a lot of fun by comparison. ETA: And apparently there is a new housewife, Dorinda Medley. Here's an article with info about her: http://www.realitytea.com/2014/12/02/socialite-dorinda-medley-joining-real-housewives-new-york/
  15. Those 3 little words depress me far more than they should. That aside, I can't wait for this finale and then the lost footage and the reunion show(s). After that, I'll be stuck with no choice but to relive my favorite moments courtesy of my DVR until Season 4 starts up.
  16. In order to flip housewives and elicit different reactions to these things, it seems it would require also flipping every iota of these housewives' fundamental personalities. If, for example, Lisa V ran around drunk, belligerent, and blatantly stirring up shit everywhere she went, no one would be shocked at the "spread eagle" comment. That's not we expect from Lisa V so of course it's kind of surprising to hear her utter such a thing. On the other hand, If Brandi had made the "spread eagle" comment, no one would be surprised because it would be in line with her past behaviors we've seen on the show and her own tales of drunken debauchery. Our reactions are based on what we've been shown on the program and based on what we know of their personalities (which is I believe Bravo's intent with these shows, to keep us a bit in the dark about certain things the women are capable of saying or have said that they choose not to show us), so, forgive me, but I don't quite grasp what it is you're trying to convey with this post. Maybe I need another cup of coffee because I'm probably not expressing myself well at all.
  17. To be fair, she did try to talk to her one and one. She was very direct and asked Kim if she had been drinking or if she were sober in the back of the limousine. We saw how that went. And, thanks for reminding me of something I've been meaning to bring up. If Kim's behavior on poker night was the result of taking "a" pain pill, why did she not mention this to Lisa Rinna in the limousine ride? She could have said something as simple as, "Oh, I took something for my (insert pain of choice here), and I don't think it's agreeing with me. Maybe I should go home and sleep it off." Nope, never even mentioned it. The "a pain pill" story apparently didn't occur to Kim until after the poker night shenanigans were underway. No matter how many excuses one can try to create to explain the inexplicable, there's just no excuse for Kim and her nasty behavior. None.
  18. Kyle's blog is up now: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/kyle-richards/kyle-i-couldnt-do-anything-right (ETA: As are blogs by Lisa V and Brandi)
  19. Lisa and Eileen already have their blogs up: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/lisa-rinna/lisa-r-kim-tends-to-forget-key-events
  20. ^^^ I saw what you did there. You may or may not owe me a new keyboard for that explosive fit of giggling whilst swallowing hot coffee.
  21. Right. In fact, I believe Stassi said during the Jax-banging incidents, he was actively courting her to take him back and give him another chance. I'm still not convinced the Ariana/Tom fuckery started after he broke up with Kristen. Plus if they had these mad undeniable feelings for one another, I would say the fact that they reportedly texted back and forth at all hours and hung out together shopping and shit would constitute a level of cheating as well. I think Tom is just as much of a cheater as Jax is...He's just able to hide it better (and probably able to turn on those glorious overwrought tears when confronted with it).
  22. YES, complete with unseen footage, bloopers, and anything else they can tack on there. Hear that, Andy? You're missing a money-making opportunity here with this glorious little gem!!!
  23. My first thought when Kim was whining about her knee pain? "Yup, there she goes, laying the groundwork for needing more pain meds." Honestly, that woman has me so jaded that I assume she uses any ache or pain as her go-to excuse for a trip to the ER for a quick "pick me up." Also, as much fun as the first 12 minutes or so of this episode look, doesn't it quickly spiral into the Kim shenanigans when they arrive in Amsterdam towards the end of this episode? Maybe she's extra bitchy because her knee still hurts and she couldn't score any pain meds. Yeah, I'm totally a suspicious bitch when it comes to Kim. I've learned if I expect the worst from her, I'm rarely disappointed.
  24. I need to Google around and see if there's a support group for VPR addicts in which to lament and drown our collective sorrows when this gem wraps up in a few weeks. I'm assuming the finale next week, a (hopefully) 2-part reunion, and (hopefully) a lost footage episode. Last night is the first time I'm glad Bravo dovetailed WWHL onto one of their series episodes. I can't wait to see Andy own the fact that this is the best show on Bravo. I'm sure housewives all over various franchises felt their jaws hit the floor when he issued that proclamation. And, bonus for Andy, he and Bravo get these chucklefucks dirt cheap, too, at $5000 per soul (er, episode) as compared to a reported $1 million for some housewives. The expression "dirt cheap" and this crew somehow go together like milk and honey, don't they? Life was rudely interrupting my VPR time last night so I still have to watch the entire episode uninterrupted. And, although I've always thought Stassi, the proverbial blind squirrel, stumbled across a few astute acorns over the course of the seasons, she really hit the nail on the head when she was trying to make Kristen see that even if it did turn out she was right and FI Tom had slept with Miami Girl, what would it accomplish and how would it benefit her. It was logical, rational, and had no place on my TV during this particular show. Take that sensibility shit elsewhere, Stassi. Good thing Kristen's head is too filled with thoughts of FI Tom to allow Stassi's words of wisdom to penetrate that psychotic skull of hers. Stassi, please do not try to talk sense into Kristen. This trainwreck is barreling into the station now, and I don't want it jumping off the crazy tracks yet. It's what I've been waiting for all season. Don't try to spoil my petty, juvenile payoff!
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