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Everything posted by Persnickety1

  1. GMTA and all, Trooper. When I saw Brandi carrying a white plastic shopping bag after they left the pot shop, I immediately thought OH LOOK, SHE GOT KIM SOME TAKEOUT!!! And I didn't mean Chinese food.
  2. I hear ya on that one, Trooper. I'm wondering how many shenanigans might have been left on the cutting room floor this season, especially in light of the fact that production confirmed way back in season 1 they had miles of shit they opted not to show. We really don't know how much of Kim's fuckery the other women may have had to endure, just like in season 1. Not saying that's the case but it's definitely a possibility.
  3. I agreed with Lisa R. If Eileen has an issue with Kim (which she rightfully should), it's up to Eileen to address that with Kim personally. I actually found myself more wondering why the fresh hell Eileen expected Lisa R to insert herself back into that volatile situation. How would one even preface that? "BTW, Kim, I have an issue with the ridiculous attack you launched on Eileen last night as well"? This is the first time I've seen Eileen engaging in what (at least from the preview) appears to be shit-stirring. If you have an issue with someone, deal with it directly. Don't bring in a third party to somehow act on your behalf. That's how most of the shitstorms on these franchises start, one housewife sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong. I'm curious to see the entire exchange between Eileen and Lisa before judging Eileen too harshly. After that I'll be judging shit all over the place.
  4. Interesting.... Last night I was watching a Teen Mom catch-up episode with Amber, known primarily for domestic violence against her boyfriend and substance abuse. Like Kim, Amber refused to watch her behavior over the seasons of Teen Mom. I'm not a licensed clinician, but it seems to me watching one's own ghastly behavior while using could be a positive learning tool, even reinforcement to keep one on the straight and narrow. This is the second reality TV personality I've seen who refuses to watch their antics captured on film. Like Kim, Amber also had a lot of relapses. I think if I were in the shoes of Kim or Amber, as unpleasant as it may be, I'd want to view footage of myself in a strung out condition to keep myself on track. In fact, I think I'd probably watch it anytime I started to feel the temptation of relapsing, just to remind myself how horrid I was.
  5. Brandi's wording in that reference was selective. "The last time I smoked was when I was with you." She didn't say "The last I smoked was when we smoked together." Again, she apparently relied on semantics. She never said Kyle smoked, too, but she intimated that and definitely made it seem as if Kyle smoked, too, but when you really look at it, she never said Kyle smoked, too. Brandi's good at verbal fuckery and innuendo. Based on Brandi's track of such bullshit tactics in the past, I'm going to go with Lisa V is the "truth cannon" in this instance. No wonder Brandi said she didn't partake at the pot shop and had to stay on her A Game or whatever she said. Calculating bitch.
  6. I was thinking that, too. They might even do individual head shots of them and give them to the staff for their portfolios. Since those are quite spendy, it would be a nice perk for them once a year.
  7. I may or may not have partaken extensively in the past and I totally agree with you. In all of my years, I've never seen different names and varieties and effects laid out in menu format. I'd have been all over that shit, too, giggling and pointing out different "entrees" and asking questions. I also think Kyle didn't need to give Brandi - nor anyone else - an explanation for choosing not to partake, just like no one should ever have to offer up a reason for choosing a non-alcoholic beverage over a cocktail. I don't feel Brandi needed to voice her reason for not partaking, either, but I admit I was delighted when she had nefarious reasons for so doing. Brandi's entire protestation was ridiculous. She was probably hoping to runteldat to Kim at the hotel..."How DARE Kyle say ANYTHING about your habits when she was there smoking weed like it was her fucking job!!!"
  8. I agree. I'm also pretty sure she'll try to play off smacking Lisa in the face as a "joke" too. Granted, the slap doesn't look to be a hard one but still...To actually reach out and smack someone in the face like that? I'd have decked that bitch, even if I needed a ladder to get up into her face to do it. Uncouth does not even begin to describe the horror known as Brandi.
  9. And before she made the choice to take "a pain pill" that wasn't prescribed for her. Dammit, now I'm sitting here wondering if she rushed to the hospital to cover her ass about having 100% pain as the reason she needed the pill, rather than admitting she probably did it for recreational purposes.
  10. I'm not sure if production ordered them to play nice instead of packing up their toys and going home or what happened. I wonder if Lisa R were taking a tip from the Lisa V playbook. Remember the tea party from hell where Lisa suddenly did an about-face maneuver with Taylor that caught everyone off guard? She chose to play nice with the crazy mess in front of her rather than continue to engage in the battle. I think it's a smart move. Keep those friends close and those enemies closer...And only get within striking distance of the nutters when you absolutely have to.
  11. I'm so going to try that one on Mr. Persnickety when he gets back home. Right now we're still calling each other "YOU RAT MOTHERFUCKER!" and telling one another "YOU'RE A DISGRACE!" Mini Persnickety enjoys those 2 phrases as well. Just a couple of terms of endearment we picked up from Mob Wives this season. Obviously, we're both 12 and parse reality TV to keep things fresh in our marriage.
  12. I think I've nearly choked on my coffee several times. Maniacal giggling + hot Starbucks = Uh oh.
  13. I'm reaffirming my undying love for you. This GIF is everything. Oh, I'll bet they have, too. And I'll go one step further. I'll bet Bravo told them in no uncertain terms to suck it up, buttercup, and go work that shit out on camera LIKE WE ARE PAYING YOU TO DO.
  14. Oh dear, season 1.... Between the finger wagging and that dreadful tied blouse (which really needed its own Twitter), I just knew there had to be something terribly off with Kim. Same impression here. Kim had completely ignored her earlier and then, once on the plane, was shooting death daggers at her. I guess her pointing finger was otherwise occupied.
  15. Again with the finger pointing. I'm thinking that would be a great drinking game for this show. Whenever a Richards sister points that finger of accusation, take a shot!
  16. Google shows Natalie G as being 32 (DOB December 22, 1982). She looks a helluva lot more like 32 to me than 44.
  17. We''ll never know because Kim chose to take "a pain pill" midway through the season and wreak havoc. I'm sure at least Lisa R and Eileen would have brought a lot of interesting storylines with them. Kim set the tone of the rest of the season when she knowingly and willingly chowed down on that "pain pill."
  18. I wonder if Kim has ever been lucid enough to have an epiphany that, had she not chosen to take "a pain pill" on Poker Night the rest of the season would have played out totally different? For all of the finger pointing in other directions, Kim and Kim alone made the decision to take that pill knowing she was going to be at an event being filmed. As for the other housewives approaching her off camera, this is (purportedly) a reality show and I believe the money machine Bravo frowns quite heavily on things being taken "underground" while those cameras are rolling. Hell, the viewers could have had a nice trip to Amsterdam, a fun night of poker playing at Eileen's place, a more upbeat gay mixer, and nothing about Kim's sobriety or lack thereof would have ever come up. Didn't we get through at least 10-12 episodes before Poker Night, none of which involved Kim's sobriety except maybe in passing? So, going full circle, who's really to blame for this season's trip down the sewer of addiction yet again? Kim. She has only herself to blame.
  19. Plus if Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, was never investigated despite numerous allegations about his various substance addictions, I kind of doubt anyone on the squad would give a flying fuck about has-been Kim Richards on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Ain't nobody got time for that shit.
  20. Okay, I'm just going to be full-blown bitch and say this. During that scene of Kim crawling around on the bathroom floor the night of the SUR party, desperately searching for something she dropped? My first thought was Brandi hit the nail on the head with the meth comment....That Kim was down there looking for her last little rock of crack to smoke. Added to her comment discussed earlier to Kyle in the bathroom at Dana's game night about not sleeping for 7 nights. I also thought it might have explained why Ken told her to NOT put it in her purse when she found whatever it was. Who would care if she had a prescribed pill in her purse? A crack rock...Not so much. I seem to recall way back on the TWOP forum someone pointed out Kim's hands during one of her scenes with Kyle in a boutique and said the condition and stains on them looked like a meth user's hands. Tying that scenario to the current episode, who knows what Kim might be on these days or what type of pain medication she took before Poker Night but, back in the bathroom-floor-scavenger-hunt day, I honestly did consider that Brandi had perhaps hit the nail on the head with the crack comment. In retrospect, however, I look at all the other ugly false allegations and innuendos Brandi throws around, and I realize it probably was not the case at all.
  21. Add to that the fact that I doubt she's takes them as prescribed to get so whacked out of her skull. I used benzos short-term and had no withdrawal problems at all, but long-term users can suffer seizures, etc. Hell, I've reviewed documents on patients who were downright suicidal withdrawing from benzos. I'm glad you never suffered any of those ill effects, SwordQueen. Maybe some of us just have more fortitude than others. I think her behavior on poker night could very well have been from a combination of benzos and opiates ("a" pain pill). I still have suspicions her hospital stay might have had at least an element of detox involved, whether from benzos or opiates or whatever else she may be ingesting. No proof of that, of course, just a suspicion from everything we know from the show and what Kim herself has said were her "injuries.".
  22. Mama Persnickety was an opiate addict. She had this same demeanor demonstrated by Kim. I suspect Mama Persnickety had a raging case of undiagnosed bipolar disorder, but I have no idea if Kim has such a diagnosis or not. It's interesting though, that my mother (rest her soul) was precisely as Kim was during this meal. I could start my own forum on her inappropriate, out-of-control outbursts such as Kim demonstrated at WERCK (after this dinner, they should change the name of that restaurant to WRECK). IMO, just from personal experience, it's cathartic for people like my mother and Kim. Their intent is malicious, their instant gratification is striking so low that it causes an emotional outburst from the recipient, and then they're satisfied with themselves for getting the reaction they wanted. I'm not saying Kim is an opiate addict nor that she has bipolar disorder, but the similarities between Kim's behavior at that dinner and behavior I had seen exhibited by my mother is uncanny. Another example - See Mama Joyce and her relentless vicious snarking at Kandi last season. She started criticizing Todd, then saying Kandi's daughter didn't even like Todd, and went through a literal laundry list of shit until she finally made Kandi break down and cry when she snarked on her engagement ring. Mama Joyce achieved her goal, to break Kandi down, and she shut her fucking trap after that, looking self-satisfied and smug, just like Kim did after everyone left the restaurant last night. Kim's behavior towards Kyle is very much like that as well, especially last night. Bravo should release the whole uncut, unedited, uncensored dinner on DVD. Hell, I'd work overtime to buy that shit.
  23. Oh, don't feel too badly for her. There are many other anti-anxiety medications on the market that do not have the mind-altering and addictive effects of Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, or Ativan. Ones that don't make the user look and act a fool as Kim does. This may sound harsh, but, yes if you are under long-term use of any of the above-mentioned anxiolytics, they are highly addictive and the user must wean off of them slowly, usually under a physician's supervision. Seizures and other nastiness can occur with an immediate withholding of the medication. So, speaking completely technically, yes, one using these long-term is indeed addicted to the properties of the drugs and, in pure layman's terms, for all intents and purposes a "drug addict." Sounds harsh but addiction doesn't separate a prescription from a street drug. It's an equal opportunity destroyer.
  24. I love it. I think quite a few reality TV personalities probably peruse the boards here. Pretty sure a few did over at TWOP, too. They may not post but they're probably here. Reading. Scrolling. Judging. Making mental notes...
  25. Hmmmm.... Someone up thread a ways (I think maybe Trooper?) suggested that production probably had a talk with the women and put down some hard and fast rules about the trip. Maybe they were all ordered to continue engaging in all activities, so Kyle just assumed Kim would be there as the others were ordered to be? Maybe initially she thought Kim had bounced and was going back to the States? Well, combined with Kim's vehement assertion about the strength of her sobriety. Cough, cough. Other than that possibility, I got nothin'.
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