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Everything posted by Persnickety1

  1. US Magazine is covering the story, too: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/teen-mom-2-star-leah-messer-is-divorced-again-2015106
  2. Yes, particularly on that "little bitch" Colette, who is still holding tight to her pacifier. (NEW POSTERS: Don't hate me, I didn't coin that phrase for Colette, that was done by her lovin' daddy, Dr. Terry last season).
  3. I'm going to assume their wealthiest, most pretentious friend(s) have a mausoleum that has THIRTEEN bathrooms. Thus the need for the HighBrows to one-up them by having FOURTEEN crappers. I found myself strangely curious about whether Heather had a bidet installed in every one of those FOURTEEN crappers as well. I then found myself feeling sorry for any ER patients with whom Brianna had contact and triaged those patients on whether or not they "looked sick." That was probably one of the most asinine statements I've heard a registered nurse make...And I'm in the medical field and I've heard a lot of stupidity spewed over the years.
  4. I found myself answering that question aloud.... "His hair has obviously already been falling out for years, Vicki, and not from chemo!" I really dislike Brooks but I don't think he's faking the cancer diagnosis. Of course, I've been wrong about these chucklefucks and their claims before, so I reserve the right to call him a lying despicable dog in the future if that's what he turns out to be.
  5. Nail, meet head. He had all of those hotel receipts in his briefcase? Yeah, dude definitely wanted to get busted. No other explanation for him hanging onto those receipts like goddamned paper notches on a headboard. Shannon, girl, you are wasting the best years of your life trying to save what appears to be your Titanic-esque marriage. Rearranging deck chairs probably won't help at this point. And whoa, that new chick...Damn, at first I thought Heather was meeting up with one of Lynne Curtin's wayward daughters. Heather, pick one of your 14 bathrooms in Le Mansion Grotesque and give yourself a good old fashioned swirly. And when you're done, give Terry one, too. Pompous twits.
  6. Well, we know at least that much is truthful. I suspect Monty is as big of an asshole as Kim, cancer or no cancer. Having a terminal illness doesn't mean he can't be a total douche. ***digging my ticket to hell out of my purse***
  7. With a not-so-subtle waft of betrayal and burned latkes. I'm pretty sure the way Jill betrayed Bethenny in that lame-assed attempt to create a storyline certainly didn't help Bethenny's lack of trust. What a piece of work her "best friend" Jill turned out to be. Ugh.
  8. Eh, maybe if the offer had come from Kristen. I believe her kids are closer in age to Brynn than Heather's kids are. Personally, there's no way in hell I'd have arranged playdates for my daughter with children of someone I either did not know well or did not personally care for. I doubt my daughter's socialization skills suffered due to my decisions on with whom to accept playdates. MMV, of course. Heather reminded me of a former NYC housewife with her in-your-face/in-your-business/hovering/helicoptering bullshit last night. Jill Zarin. Perhaps Bethenny also sees these traits in Heather and, after Bethenny's own experience with Jill and her goddamned busybody shit, maybe that's why she apparently doesn't care for Heather and doesn't want to get to know her better. Could be totally subconscious on Bethenny's part. I know on several occasions throughout my existence I've encountered people that I frankly didn't like on sight, for no rational reason, just "something" about them that I couldn't put my finger on. Of course, later, I'd realize that the reason I didn't take an immediate liking to the person was because they looked or acted similar to a person I previously had an issue with. Heather really needs to cool her damned jets. She started off the season with her ridiculous announcement about Bethenny owing LuAnn a car, then to trying to gossip about Ramona to Bethenny as if Bethenny had never even met Ramona, then to the tale of woe about Kristen's lack of invite to Bethenny's party, then to critiquing Bethenny's custody arrangement, then to insinuating herself into Bethenny's conversation with Dorinda about what was on the menu. Andddddd all of those busybody behaviors definitely give off a whiff of Jill Zarin bullshit to me.
  9. I was really hoping we'd get more scenes of Bethenny in the board room or doing something with her business hustle...not more scenes with that sorry excuse for a therapist. Those scenes bore me to fucking tears. A little more board room, Bravo, and a little less therapist's couch please. I was also hoping we'd get some scenes of Heather and her business, and, even more so, a few scenes with her adorable son and he's doing. And right now it's back to "Kristen...Who?" Well, at least next week we get to see Dorinda take her on about her part in the The Great Dance Debacle. Other than that, I'm perplexed as to why Bravo even kept her on board this season. I had read where Kristen didn't want to focus as much on her marriage this season (guess they all can call their own shots to some degree), but I'm sure Bravo has filmed footage of her at home with her kids that wouldn't directly relate to her asshole husband. Right now she's such a one-dimensional figure on this show it's like she might as well be a mannequin propped up in the corner. I think once again Bravo might have (did) miscalculate what the majority of the viewers really want to see with these shows and have edited it strictly to fit whatever storyline it is that Bravo wants to sell us. I remember Andy said way back before the season premiered that he realized audiences would think that 8 housewives were way too much, but then assured everyone to hang in there and it would all fall together for us. Sorry, Andy, so far it's not really falling together for this viewer...it seems like a few of the 8 have been unofficially relegated to "friend of" status. Hopefully at least Bravo will have an epic unseen footage episode after this season so we can see what else the women were really up to during filming.
  10. QUICK, CHAD, GRAB YOUR ANKLES AND TUCK YOUR HEAD.... YOU'RE GETTING ROLLED RIGHT UNDER THE KIM BUS TO NOWHERE!!! http://www.realitytea.com/2015/05/28/family-insider-downplays-makes-excuses-kim-richards-behavior-mexico-photos-nicky-hiltons-bridal-shower/#/slide/1 This is a lovely article full of snark, by the way...Well worth reading the whole thing.
  11. I'm telling ya, I'm already wringing my hands in anticipation of next week's episode and Dorinda totally calling out Kristen for her part in the dancing with John debacle. I'm hoping that irritating O face might just be frozen on Kristen's face after that scene. I was neutral about Dorinda until tonight. I really felt bad for her during her birthday "celebration." And imagine that, her good "friend" Ramona, who apparently has been crying on Dorinda's shoulder throughout the Mario shenanigans, is the one leading the pack against John. I think Dorinda is seeing a side of Ramona she probably had never seen before. Welcome to Bravo, Dorinda, where destroying friendships is expected (hell, encouraged) to help bring the drama and the ratings. Betrayal, party of 1, your table is ready. But, in all honesty, did any of us here on PTV think Ramona had truly changed? Now let's get this show on the road for next week when Kristen will finally get that camera time she's been angling for...but somehow I doubt this is the way she wanted it to unfold.
  12. Absolutely. The very least he could do is NOT bring temptation in right under her nose when he knows she's struggling. He has a car, he can drive his ass over to the pizza place and eat a slice or two on the premises instead of bringing it home if he just has to have pizza. I know they're both still young but with the vast amount of time this chucklefuck spends on the internet, you would think he would realize one is never too young to start eating healthy and change his own eating habits, especially now that he has a daughter to think about. I think I tend to judge Tyler harshly anyway (yes, ever since he was mean to that puppy while Catelyn sat there chewing her nails and Nicholas was crying), so I'm delighted when he gives me a handful of ammunition to fire at him.
  13. I think perhaps some of Farrah's treatment of Deborah is simply because she can. Deborah lost all of her money in that Catfish scam and I strongly suspect is beholden to Farrah doling out the money her way (like with that ridiculous $8K on that facelift). Farrah knows she finally has the upper hand she always wanted and she's definitely taking advantage of the role reversal. Her and her mother have such a toxic relationship. I find both of their personalities repugnant but Farrah has certainly ramped it up for this season. I'd have sympathy for Deborah's predicament, but she lost that money due to her own ignorance (being scammed must be a family trait, since Farrah got scammed way back in the series with that car deal) and put herself in a situation of being financially dependent on her unstable daughter as a result of her own actions. While I don't doubt Deborah loves Sophia very much, I suspect her constant presence is more due to her financial needs and wants rather than her desire to spend an inordinate amount of time with Sophia. BTW, I can totally see Tyler being the type to sit down with a freshly-delivered pizza for himself while fully well expecting Catelyn to go make herself a salad. He just strikes me as being that sort of a prick. Amber, I'm no psychic, but my crystal ball is definitely showing me images of you having a full-blown relapse in the very near future. Ryan, you lazy turd, get your son's booster seat installed and leave it in your fucking truck at all times so it's always available. Hump your dates somewhere besides the backseat and leaving the booster seat in there should never present an inconvenience. They don't take up that much room. Maci, just STFU and go away, you sanctimonious ass. Go hook up with Leah and get some husband-trapping advice. At least that stupid bitch manages to get a marriage out of her men.
  14. Precisely, Scoobs. I have no problem at all with what Heather was feeling, I just take issue with treating/talking to someone like that in their own home. There was no excuse, IMO, for the gutter mouth tactics she employed. She's a savvy, educated, intelligent business woman, and to see her go from zero to MOTHERFUCKER in 0.8 seconds really disappoints me. It's not a good look on anyone, not just Heather. Now had Heather told Sonja something like, "I cannot believe how rude and inconsiderate you're being, Sonja. This is completely disrespectful to your invited guests, and I'll be leaving now. I have better things I could be doing with my time rather than waiting around for you," and then just left, I'd be totally down with that. "Lady Morgan" deserved to have her ass ripped, to be sure; however, there were more tactful, less thuggish ways to make her point, voice her displeasure, take a stand, and yet show some self control. Do I think Sonja is a fucking bitch for what she did that morning? Absofuckinglutely. But enough to call her a fucking bitch in her own home? No, I've got more dignity than to drop to that level under those circumstances. I'm an adult and have a multitude of other words in my vocabulary (although admittedly all forms of "the F word" are my favorite in private). It would take a lot - like someone messing with Mini Persnickety or one of my pets - for me to hit Defcon levels of swearing at someone in their own home.
  15. I just stumbled onto this little gem the other day when TLC was having a mini-marathon of it. I'm in. In for a penny, in for a pound. So far only one thing I tend to want to scream bullshit on...The parental units claiming they didn't plan to name all of their offspring with "J" names and that it just happened. Not buying that. Just admit you thought it was cute and own it, parents. When little things like this don't make sense, I tend to side eye a lot of the other information that emerges when your lips are moving. Maybe it's just me, but I have concerns about broods that are this large and home-schooled their entire academic careers. As well adapted as they appear to be, are children in these types of atmospheres even properly socialized in the general public? While there's a sports team's worth of siblings here to keep one another entertained, is it really normal to not have any interests outside of the family compound? Do they ever get to go out and socialize much with peers? Hopefully my questions will be answered in upcoming episodes. I assume at least the son who is proposing in the next episode must have been doing something social to have met his girlfriend, unless the meeting was orchestrated by the parents. Curiously, I know a family (although a bit smaller) who live a similar lifestyle. While they're all now middle-aged, they are so completely and totally dependent on one another and overly enmeshed in each other's lives that it makes for some very disconcerting family dynamics. Even though well beyond their formative years, none of the siblings ever developed any meaningful relationships outside of their own, and even several of the spouses, after many years of marriage, still feel as if they are a third wheel and not part of the "inner circle." Weird. Maybe because I come from a smaller (and rather dysfunctional) family, I just have a hard time believing that one can be fulfilled when only having one's own siblings as a social outlet. Just seems a tad abnormal to me. But then I'm abnormal, so there's that. These people are coming across as reasonably "normal" in these initial episodes but, knowing how TLC operates, I anticipate seeing cracks in the one big happy family facade and perhaps a higher level of dysfunction being exposed later on in the season. If it isn't a trainwreck on some level, TLC doesn't usually keep it on the air. Unless the "reality" trainwreck becomes so dark and ugly that no one wants to touch it (see Honey Boo Boo). As an aside, I found myself wondering if a hot-shot big-name agent approached the oldest girl (the lead vocalist) and offered to make her the next Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera, would she still be as bound to the family band concept or would she seize the opportunity to strike out on her own. I also kept obsessing about just precisely what about this lovely girl kept reminding me of Leah from Teen Mom 2. Never could put my finger on it, though. A bit off topic, but regarding the Willis family van accident.... OMFG...I can't even begin to imagine living with that. When I first started reading an in-depth article shortly after the accident occurred, thoughts of how I probably would have leaped from a high-rise rooftop had I lost all of my children in one fell cruel swoop of fate filled my mind. I then read where they had 3 remaining children who weren't in the vehicle. I don't even begin to want to put myself in their shoes or imagine the absolute devastation of that wreck, but I'm assuming having 3 remaining children to go on for must have been what kept those people sane. Mad respect for that couple. Even with 3 children surviving, I'm not sure I could have come out of that with any semblance of sanity or will to live. The survivor's guilt (even though these parents certainly had no culpability in their children's horrific deaths) and grief I've no doubt would have destroyed me. In any event, I'll definitely keep tuning in. Okay, I'm done prattling on about this little gem...time to get another cup of coffee and settle in for some more reading of my fellow PTV'ers astute and insightful posts.
  16. Well, looks like Lauren the Sloth had her bridal shower yesterday. Wonder what took so long. Oh, snap, that's right...They were waiting for the Bravo camera crews, which were on hand for the festivities. https://www.facebook.com/officialcarolinemanzo/photos/a.10152334892353276.1073741829.74043908275/10153322870963276/?type=1&theater
  17. A little more information filtering through... I still can't believe this has an anticipated premiere date of next month when they're apparently just now in the filming process. Has anyone heard anything different about the premiere? Anyway, here's a little tidbit to hold us all over whilst awaiting the premiere: http://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/441727-fear-the-walking-dead-showrunner-talks-main-characters-companion-status#/slide/1 A little more to the story at the link above...
  18. She appeared to be significantly older than Tomas the Booty Pirate, too. No judgement here in that my husband is more than a decade younger than I am. I just don't care for LuAnn's hypocrisy with the "older woman/younger man" scenario when she's been there herself at least two times of which the viewers are aware. IMO, it's more about Carole fraternizing with the help than the age issue. Kind of like when Sonja about stroked out when Cindy dared to do a few dance steps with Sonja's intern during the infamous "Pecking Order" episode.
  19. The audio with somewhat distorted visuals of the women in the house open up the episode. The way it was aired was somewhat discombobulating because this exchange took place right at the very beginning of the episode from what looked like a street view through a foggy and rain-streaked window. It was surreal. Heather is loudly either proclaiming Heather is a bitch/fucking bitch or telling Sonja she is a bitch/fucking bitch. It's at the very beginning so try to catch the episode again. Granted it's Bravo and editing monkeys, so it's difficult to tell if indeed was saying it directly to Sonja or perhaps Sonja was upstairs and Heather was saying it about Sonja...although as loud as her voice appeared to be I think even the daft "Lady Morgan" would have had no problem hearing her. If someone called me a fucking bitch in my own home, they would seriously wait an eternity to get an apology from me and would never darken my doorstep again. I don't disagree with Heather's assertion at all; however, I completely disagree with the foul and tactless way she asserted it. With Alex's Herman Munster boots???
  20. If anybody stood in *my* home screaming at me that I was a fucking bitch, I can guarantee that heifer would have her umbrella implanted up her ass and hop her way pogo-style back to her own home. I can think of no acceptable reason on any level that can justify Heather screaming at Sonja in Sonja's home in such a foul manner. Yeah yeah, I know Heather apologists will have a field day defending her actions but I'm not bothering to respond. That's my opinion and that's how I'd have handled Heather's outburst. Between this and last season's "motherfucker" incident, any respect for I had for this woman has disappeared faster than Sonja's panties. Holla!!!
  21. It might have been the nitrous oxide now that you mention it. I was so shocked by her engaging in such shenanigans under the described circumstances that I think my jaw practically hit the floor. I don't recall any of her daughters being in attendance, so I was frankly quite stymied as to just why she would be hanging around with girls that young on her own. And then, probably because I really don't give much of a rat's ass about Demi, I wrote it off as some temporary leave of her sanity due to her recent separation from Ashton. Crazy stuff, that's for sure.
  22. Imagine that...beloved little Kimmie Richards WALKING ON SUNSHINE!!! On a more serious note, there are some bizarre similarities in Kim's meltdown behavior and Allison's in this Intervention episode. Maybe huffing is more "trendy" amongst the "old enough to know better" crowd than I realized. Isn't huffing what got Demi admitted to the ER a few years back, when she was inexplicably hanging out at some sorority house or some such fucknuttery?
  23. The FTWD Facebook page just put up some new photos: https://www.facebook.com/spin.off.cobalt/photos/np.1431373719453934.100000134565793/1616421981929148/?type=1&permPage=1 (ETA: More pictures just added to the above-linked Facebook page...)
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