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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. + No Rest for the Wicked - I would actually put this one higher in my top 6 but then I like Ruby this season. -- Ghostfacers -- A Very Supernatural Christmas 38 - Mystery Spot 32 - Bad Day at Black Rock 29 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 28 - Jus in Bello 23 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 18 - Ghostfacers 11 - No Rest for the Wicked Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright
  2. Only if they did this would I want to see God on this show. God should be very scared if Death and Dean ever teamed up. I know wishful thinking. But at least I'm not the only one that wants to see this.
  3. I never saw Chuck as God. I just saw a meta moment with Krikpe at the end playing Chuck. But then again, I don't believe the God, Heaven myths in this universe to begin with. Which is why I think its such a problem at times. It's almost like they are scared to death to have any good in this universe. Good doesn't have to be "Touch by an Angel" although I enjoyed that show for what it was. I know that Gamble said things like is Chuck God...did we see God and laughed. In my world God is still on vacation or running from Death.
  4. +Jus in Bello -- Ghostfacers + No Rest for the Wicked 37 - Mystery Spot 33 - Bad Day at Black Rock 30 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 30 - Jus in Bello 26 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 20 - Ghostfacers - I don't hate them but after repeat watching I'm bored. 18 - No Rest for the Wicked Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright The Kids -- Never had a problem with the mini Dean and this one is higher on my list. But I knew it would be a losing battle. I just wanted Fresh Blood to go out with it. LOL. Fresh Blood, has such a few great moments, Sam getting through to Dean before his risk taking got him killed and the ending is one of the most bittersweet moments. I would rather have Henriksen over Gordon, but this does show how brutal Sam can be. I've always liked Season 3 Ruby over Season 4 so she doesn't bother me that much. I blame the writing and directing because I see a lot of potential for this Ruby. Still on the fence so my voting may change as the mood strikes me.
  5. -- Ghostfacers -- Fresh Blood ++The Kids Are Alright 37 - Mystery Spot 33 - Bad Day at Black Rock 29 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 29- Jus in Bello 27 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 23 - Ghostfacers 19 - No Rest for the Wicked 03 - Fresh Blood 03 - The Kids Are Alright Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side
  6. Jus In Bello ++ The Kids Are Alright ++ Fresh Blood -- 37 - Mystery Spot 31 - Bad Day at Black Rock 29 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 27- Jus in Bello 23 - Ghostfacers 23 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 21 - No Rest for the Wicked 09 - The Kids Are Alright 07 - Fresh Blood 03 - Time is on My Side Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call
  7. "I'm bad to the bone" Demon Dean might have very different music taste what if he likes to torture his audience from something from Air Supply or some Johnny Cash country songs.
  8. Both Jared and Jensen have said all along that the brothers should go out fighting together. The film they often reference is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I often wondered if the real ending Kripke planned which would have made sense with season four was for both Sam and Dean to wind up in the cage together. To me it would have made more sense that the mess that happened at the end of Season 5 but I think if they had used that ending then how do you get both of them out of the cage? So a switch was created and here comes Adam. Does this show have to have a sad ending, I don't think so, but the writing needs to be much stronger than what they have done to make a happy ending possible. They could leave it open to do a movie and like the shows that did that, never do that movie but close the chapter so we have a satisfying moment. If they write it where I'm satisfied then I will be happy with it. Although some fans were with Season 5, for me it was a big fail. Now Demon Dean and Death might be fun. I really agree we are seeing Dean being that rebellious college student. Some of the worst cases where the ones where the kid's freedom to make decisions had been too controlled by the parents. I can see Dean being like this. He's always followed what was the right thing to do, whatever that thing was and to have that stripped away, To have the FREEDOM to just not worry about anything or to have the weight of why do I have to always be the one to sacrifice especially since the last time it was thrown in his face that all he's done is more harm, why not embrace his selfish desires. So I can see this be like going to Vegas to party like the world is ending and for once he isn't on the road to save it. How they get him off that pathway will be the point that could be very interesting. I agree that for once to have Sam in the role of being the savior to finding a solution is needed. Sam needs to be able to see how much he has learned over the years and how much he has grown from that young man that left his family to go to college. Then and only then can he move forward and have a healthy life...of course they won't allow either brothers to do that because this is Supernatural after all. It would end the show if they had both brothers going off in different directions and being in a healthy place to allow that.
  9. -- Fresh Blood -- Time is on My Side ++ The Kids Are Alright 37 - Mystery Spot 29 - Bad Day at Black Rock 27 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 23 - Ghostfacers 23- Jus in Bello 23 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 21 - No Rest for the Wicked 09 - Fresh Blood 07 - The Kids Are Alright 05 - Time is on My Side 03 - Long Distance Call Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Sniff Sin City, Poor Dean unable to get rid of the demon because he needs that book and then to discover there is actually a demon that might be interesting...maybe worth saving. The poor hunter that is so bad at the job. This might be the closest we see Dean getting to Vegas, right. It had some really nice moments but it also had weak ones too. My problem I still haven't rewatched all of this season and so I don't know which ones are really my best votes. I still seem to like ones that others don't.
  10. Till we see the ep, there still is a bit of is Dean toying with Sam to explore how far will Sam go and will Sam find a moment when he can reach Dean. Remember Dean reached both Bobby and John when they were possessed so it is still possible. Plus this shows track record is they don't keep the boys separated for long. My question does Sam know Dean is a demon at this point since this is all clips from Ep 3. How did Collette reach Cain? Sam's quest is to find his brother and save him. I just hope if they have Demon Dean hunting with Sam they do a better job of giving a reason why he is willing to do this. That was my entire problem with Soulless Sam, I never saw a real reason for him to go hunting with his weaker brother. This has the potential for major Character growth for Sam, to realize how difficult at times it was for Dean trying to keep Sam human and to protect him. Sam's usually not allowed to see this part. So I hope the writers will create character growth for both boys. I'm sure there will be moments when I will feel like throwing something at the TV next season but hopefully it will be a nice mix of good moments too. With the big introduction of a witch this season, I wonder if Sam has found that Spell or something that he promised Dean he would find. I doubt they will have Sam dead in the veil, at least I hope not. So I'm in agreement with Jensen that it will be scarey and sad, because I'm excited and scared all at the same time.
  11. ++ Sin City -- Time is on My Side -- The Magnificent Seven 37 - Mystery Spot 27 - Bad Day at Black Rock 25 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 23 - Ghostfacers 21 - No Rest for the Wicked 19 - Jus in Bello 19 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 09 - Fresh Blood 07 - Time is on My Side 07 - The Kids Are Alright 07 - Sin City 05 - Time is on My Side 05 - Long Distance Call 03 - The Magnificent Seven Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning Sniff Red Sky - I really love the panic attack that Dean has and all the Dean and Bella Moments. But I knew I liked this one more than most fans. Sam dancing with the old lady is fun for a second but it goes on too long. But half of this one I enjoy rewatching.
  12. One would think that Crowley not being a stupid King of Hell would find a way to keep the blade because the temptation for Dean to kill him might just be too much. They did tease that Dean's bucket list is to kill Mark Shepperd and Mark has been teasing let the boys start a new spin off and let Crowley and Cass take care of Supernatural. Mark is a hoot in the interviews. Not really totally new but Jared mentions the question is how far will Human Sam go to get his brother back.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-GrF6rdDQ4
  13. Sin City ++ Fresh Blood -- Time Is On My Side -- 37 - Mystery Spot 27 - Bad Day at Black Rock 25 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 23 - No Rest for the Wicked 23 - Ghostfacers 19 - Jus in Bello 19 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 09 - Fresh Blood 07 - Time is on My Side 07 - The Kids Are Alright 07 - Long Distance Call 05 - The Magnificent Seven 05 - Sin City 03 - Red Sky at Morning Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum
  14. Before they thought up the angels, Sam was suppose to turn into a Demon to Save Dean. But then they thought of the angels and threw that out even though they had Sam's eyes turn black. So far they haven't made me hate Dean and I think they will actually do a better job of helping us with Demon Dean once they return Dean to Dean, since Jensen is a stronger actor. Jensen is very protective of Dean. In an interview he said how he called up Bob because he couldn't reach Jeremy and changed the ending. Dean's last speech to Sam before he died was suppose to be much longer but he wanted it short and sweet. They allowed the change. So my point is that if he really feels something isn't right, he will fight to find a way to make it better. In this case I agree that less words was more. Sometimes I wonder if the changes Jared and Jensen make create some of the issues we discuss really heavily, but I do admire the craft of putting this show together. It's why I'm still watching when I doubt I'll ever watch another HORROR Show. I'm just not a fan of these shows. I don't like lots of gore. And I guess I've had to much real life Horror that I just don't get scared. I know I always say nothing really bad ever happened to me, but if I don't think and just start saying a list of all the stuff that has, I always get the mouth dropping on the floor. I've been told I should write some books, but my writing skills suck. So I'll just admire those that do it.
  15. Actually it is the second one to leave us. Just fixing and not voting. I do like the Mauled by a Hellhound: :) 33 - Mystery Spot 25 - Bad Day at Black Rock 23 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 23 - No Rest for the Wicked 23 - Ghostfacers 21 - Jus in Bello 17 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 11 - Fresh Blood 11 - Time is on My Side 09 - The Kids Are Alright 07 - Long Distance Call 05 - Sin City 05 - The Magnificent Seven 03 - Red Sky at Morning Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum
  16. Have been watching Season 3 and Sin City had some really interesting ideas and one that could work for season 10. Not all Demon's are bad and they have their beliefs and who is really more evil, demons or humans. This sounds like it could be a set up for Sam being human and doing bad things motivated by saving his brother and Dean following his path now that he is a demon. Another theme is also running threw 3 & 4 which could tie into Season 10. Before Sam kills the crossroad demon, she taunts him by aren't you tired of having to clean up your big brother's messes. Of course Dean's biggest mess this season is the consequences of taking the mark. Will be interesting since Carver was really invested in season 3 how much he will use these themes in Season 10. I did like one comment from Jared, How the fans forgive them for things they don't like and continue to support the show and even want it to stay on the air. I just hope that some of the things pay off this season. On a side note, Mark is so funny about being upset about not getting a doll made after him. The chaos that shows up is certainly entertaining for some good laughs and lately I can use all the laughs I can get.
  17. Thanks for the smiles, I've been in a blue mood and getting nothing done. I really need to do something productive today.
  18. You got it. Okay who wants to do it - I have to do some clean up.
  19. no but Sam would sure love some payback and I'll get even more big if that doesn't work. Ditty look at titles
  20. No to both but the devil made me do it, I swear plus I can't believe I'm getting to give hints, lol
  21. oops me bad, lol. Well maybe this one will make up for it. It does have a clue I think.
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