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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. My thought is Jared a bit bi polar...the depression, the hi's the lows. It would fit with his actions. He could be just a bit that most of the time he can deal without meds. Jensen did say that he was upset because they had waited for over an hour but he saw Jared's response so he decided against it. It was part of the Nerd Q&A. I think Jared blows up quickly and then it is over. He does need to give it some time before he posts because even if he is in the right, it makes him look stupid. One thing I talk about with the kids, is the person screaming and sounding really angry looks stupid to the people watching. Ever see a kid start laughing when they are being chewed out? In the long run this could hurt his career too. Sure he could have a legit complaint, but there is a better way to do it and Jared isn't in his 20's anymore. He needs to learn the better way. JMV.
  2. This sounds like there will be something for Dean's character, what exactly, they may not have gotten it down yet. Personally, I liked season 1 Dean. I don't think he can be that character totally again, he's gone through too much. However, I was pro brothers 1-mid season 4. I didn't see Dean's storyline as being given away till 5. I still saw moments that were Dean moments though, so there will be something for Dean. One of the spoilers posted in the last few pages talked about Sam having an imaginary friend. I just think it is easier for the writers to come up with stuff for the younger brother that he either needed protection from or suffered from. As long as they don't do the Dean's hit rock bottom and dying from guilt, I can deal. IA with Jensen, I'm so done with that. I liked that Jeremy had to suffer with his decision with the fans in the con panel. Serves him right thinking he could get a way with not having an answer. Although Jensen did save him at the end. He pointed out that Charlie was only supposed to be a one ep character. But I loved how they let him suffer before anyone tried to help him out, he deserves that. I just hope that we are finally moving into a new direction. Both brother's share the blame in the mess of the darkness. Sam for helping to remove the mark and Dean for killing Death. That has to be addressed. I am a Dean girl, but I can't speak for all fans, but I do blame both brother's for this mess. How they go about trying to fix it matters. So I see a little light in the dark tunnel, so I will see what happens before I blast what they do. An open mind makes it more enjoyable for me. JMV
  3. I don't hate Hunteri Heroici & like parts of it, but don't really remember it...hmm Hell House -- Mystery Spot ++ Hammer of the Gods -- 19 - Hollywood Babylon 19 - Dog Dean Afternoon 19 - About a Boy 19 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Frontierland 19 - Fan Fiction 19 - Hibbing 911 17 - Tall Tales 17 - Monster Movie 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Reading is Fundamental 17 - Weekend at Bobby's 15 - Changing Channels 15 - It's a Terrible Life 15 - The Monster at the End of This Book 15 - Hell House 13 - Mystery Spot 11 - The French Mistake 07 - Yellow Fever 07 - Everybody Hates Hitler 05 - Hammer of the Gods 05 - Ask Jeeves 05 - Nightshifter 01 - The Real Ghostbusters 01 - Hunteri Heroici Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie The Usual Suspects Wishful Thinking
  4. Dean in a Hawaiian shirt, isn't something I would think of as normal. So either they went on vacation and somehow caught up with Rowena or there could be something not right. When did we ever see her in Blonde hair and wearing traditional witch garb? All of them maybe trying to give us hints but usually they can't give us enough for use to guess it this early. But I'm wondering if it is an alternate time line??? Or the Boys went on vacation and accidentally met up with her? So I doubt they are killing him off just yet. But yes it would suck if Jensen had to direct the ep in which Cas died, but then maybe they are repeating Season 6th, Cas dies and comes back. But I also know that Misha likes to mess with us. :)
  5. A little, I just have a hard thinking about a fresh way without it sounding like I stole what some else did. Most of the time I don't describe but I'll think about it and see if I can figure it out. :)
  6. Hey, I've got way more confidence than when I started. lol I have an idea about being a drama teacher and even started working it with the kids, just to see if anyone would like it. I also have one about when I got robbed working at the Bank. Only was involved in 3 out of the 5. NO, I didn't rob them, they robbed us. lol It got so bad that the FBI guys just said "hey you know the drill." Okay question. One thing I struggle with is describing faces, without sounding like everyone else. Ex. twinkling eyes. When I look at the faces I really go blank on how to describe them especially if I created a new character. I guess that's why I keep thinking plays, because the description can be open to whoever the casting director wants. Any suggestions?
  7. -- Wishful Thinking -- Changing Channels ++ Mystery Spot 19 - Hollywood Babylon 19 - Dog Dean Afternoon 19 - About a Boy 19 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Frontierland 19 - Fan Fiction 19 - Hibbing 911 17 - Tall Tales 17 - Monster Movie 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Reading is Fundamental 17 - Hell House 17 - Weekend at Bobby's 15 - Changing Channels 15 - It's a Terrible Life 15 - The Monster at the End of This Book 13 - Mystery Spot 11 - Yellow Fever 11 - The French Mistake 09 - Everybody Hates Hitler 07 - Nightshifter 05 - The Real Ghostbusters 05 - Hunteri Heroici 05 - Hammer of the Gods 05 - Ask Jeeves Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie The Usual Suspects Wishful Thinking Just decided it was time to Let Wishful Thinking go instead of listing between life and death. Someone that loved it more can give it a proper send off. But it's not the best of the comic ones for me either.
  8. And this is the reason Supernatural fandom is not considered nice...wonder if some will vote thinking this will make Jensen upset. Oh the irony if they won...
  9. Somehow Jensen got JDM there. He keeps getting more and more work, so I doubt we will get him on Supernatural unless somehow a schedule worked. But a show with a lot of actors might give him some time off if they really wanted him. But everytime I see JDM, I have to really shift to that not John, lol. Even if the character isn't acting like John.
  10. Jensen was the reason I watched and then got hooked. It hasn't been 10 either for me, just 7. Everyone has the things they wish the show would do, but I would settle for just the two working together and moving on to a new storyline that didn't mention blame and guilt. There are too many writing issues and normally I wouldn't have stayed invested but seeing the acting improving and watching some stuff on youtube has made me stick. It is a rich story...I wish the writers would mine it better. I will say at least every season has a few eps I really like. Some more than others. The only season I don't own and doubt I will is Season 8. So I'm hoping this season will have more I like than hate. I think Carver has improved Sam last season if you don't count the Black cloud from the end of season 10. It's been a long time since I even liked Sam again. That's another thing I'm bitter about, the need to make you hate one or both of the main characters. I blame the current ideas of writing for TV Shows on that. Now it seems writers think if you kill someone off or just do drama for drama sake that is good storytelling. I really think it is the writing that is holding this show back. The acting is there.
  11. Does peak my interest, how come Dean is dressed like that? Catrox14 I would love to see Dean and Sam split and having to deal with their real self opposite. But from French Mistake interviews I'm afraid that will never happen. As for JJ, I suspect Jensen will be very protective of her at least until she is old enough to say she wants to do that, as he got made fun of modeling as a young teen. I can't see him saying yes, until he knows for sure she can understand the issues. He's fine with his image all over the place but I haven't that many pictures of his daughter, and really I'm glad about that. However your idea could be a fun fanfic, so you going to write it??? :)
  12. Already know about knee. I have a tear on my foot and knee issues and back issues most likely from falling off a light tree over 20 years ago. I guess the one miracle was I was told my ankle would never heal, it did. Of course they know more than they knew 20 years ago. For those that don't know, a light tree is the bar that holds the stage lights, so yes I was up high. But not higher than my height. When I landed I couldn't move but luckily it was a brief form of that. Hence the reason some of my parents of my students call me Drama Queen. I have many stories and someday I might write them into a play. It's why I started writing fanfiction, I know I can tell a good story, but can I write it? I also understand some of the obstacles of learning issues because sometimes I really get frustrated when I can't find the word I have in my head. Without word and google, I doubt I would write much. So if I sound whiny, sorry, just trying to explain why I doubt myself so much. If I'm really evil, I would write a story where Dean has to deal with all of this. It could actually work, since his personality is the type that is really good at hiding learning issues. I know I was. I've read all kinds of sci fi & Fantasy so I'll put it on my list. ETA: wrote too fast and forgot words...it's clearer I hope. Hopefully not too teachy too. :)
  13. When I can walk better, I will. Maybe the half price book store. Darn feet problems...:P
  14. When I started writing several of the rules were thrown at me. Don't do one word sentences, don't use contractions, don't be passive. Show don't tell. Not being a writer and failing grammar, hence the reason I teach Drama, I took most advice seriously. But Drama people break rules, period. Example never have your back to the audience, unless there is a real reason for it. So I skimmed the list and made my response because well many of those list were thrown at me. I still love run on sentences. I'm afraid I know nothing about this Amber stuff. :(
  15. ++ Mystery Spot -- The French Mistake -- Nightshifter 19 - Hollywood Babylon 19 - Dog Dean Afternoon 19 - About a Boy 19 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Frontierland 19 - Fan Fiction 19 - Hibbing 911 17 - Tall Tales 17 - Monster Movie 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Reading is Fundamental 17 - Hell House 17 - Mystery Spot 17 - Weekend at Bobby's 17 - Changing Channels 15 - Yellow Fever 15 - It's a Terrible Life 15 - The Monster at the End of This Book 11 - The French Mistake 11 - Nightshifter 11 - Everybody Hates Hitler 09 - The Real Ghostbusters 07 - Hunteri Heroici 07 - Hammer of the Gods 07 - Ask Jeeves 05 - Wishful Thinking 03 - The Usual Suspects 03 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old
  16. When I started watching this show, I didn't feel Sam had way more than Dean. It was Luke and Han Solo out to save the world feel. But now I don't really care to see Sam be the damsel in distress to be saved by Dean or even Dean saving Sam. I want two brothers working together to kill the big bad. If they must split the two make it count and mean something. If they must rinse and repeat, at least make it feel new and exciting. I wish I could be excited about this season...but right now I think having low expectations will help me like it more. So right now I'm just looking forward to some of the one shots that don't connect to anything being the ones to look forward too.
  17. the song is Reba but for some reason it gets to me. It covers all 10 Seasons.
  18. I try to avoid passive voice and show not tell. But sometimes no matter how I try to rephrase it the preposition winds up at the end of the sentence. And don't forget those silly little things called transitions...sigh...no wonder it takes forever to finish a story. :) All right, Mick Lady perhaps it time for you to venture into writing. lol
  19. ++ Mystery Spot -- The French Mistake -- Hammer of the Gods 19 - Hollywood Babylon 19 - Dog Dean Afternoon 19 - About a Boy 19 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Frontierland 19 - Fan Fiction 19 - Hibbing 911 17 - Mystery Spot 17 - Tall Tales 17 - Monster Movie 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Reading is Fundamental 17 - Hell House 17 - Weekend at Bobby's 17 - It's a Terrible Life 17 - The Monster at the End of This Book 17 - Changing Channels 13 - The French Mistake 13 - Nightshifter 13 - Yellow Fever 13 - Everybody Hates Hitler 11 - The Real Ghostbusters 09 - Hammer of the Gods 09 - Hunteri Heroici 07 - Wishful Thinking 05 - The Usual Suspects 05 - Ask Jeeves 03 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old
  20. Unfortunately, our fandom can be really nasty. I don't hate Carver and he has done some good stuff. But his WTF is what really makes it hard to swallow sometimes. But you have to have a tough skin to make it in the business because you get rejected way more than you get the positive strokes. Shame they had to get so nasty, because not all of us are.
  21. @Catrox14 well that's the first step towards the point of no return... In real life I have no one to talk about SPN with and none would understand me watching it. :) But at least I'm not alone here.
  22. -- The Real Ghostbusters ++ Fan Fiction ++ Hibbing 911 19 - Hollywood Babylon 19 - Dog Dean Afternoon 19 - About a Boy 19 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - Frontierland 19 - Fan Fiction 19 - Hibbing 911 17 - Tall Tales 17 - Changing Channels 17 - Monster Movie 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Folsom Prison Blues 17 - Reading is Fundamental 17 - Hell House 17 - Nightshifter 17 - Weekend at Bobby's 17 - It's a Terrible Life 15 - Yellow Fever 15 - The French Mistake 15 - Nightshifter 15 - The Monster at the End of This Book 15 - Mystery Spot 13 - Hammer of the Gods 13 - Everybody Hates Hitler 11 - The Real Ghostbusters 09 - Wishful Thinking 09 - Hunteri Heroici 07 - The Usual Suspects 03 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 03 - Ask Jeeves Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow... Swap Meat Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! Fallen Idols Slumber Party Clap Your Hands If You Believe Party On Garth The Curious Case of Dean Winchester How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters LARP and the Real Girl Ghostfacers Out with the Old
  23. Just adding, it was clear in Brother's Keeper from Death That he could pass the burden on to someone else and then could get rid of the mark. But first it had to be passed on. Dean said no, because he wasn't going to harm another person. This was the part in his rush to get the mark, he didn't ask for clarification from Cain. So this is why Dean could kill Cain with the blade. But first Cain tried to tempt Dean to do more by telling him he was holding back. Now the only problem with the writers is that many times logic seems to fly out the door, if they want the story to go into another direction. But that is where fanfic comes into play. You can fix their goofs with your version. Suggestion, the fanfic rabbit hole is quite large, use a timer or you will find yourself doing way more than you should. Watching reruns is understandable even if you have the dvd's. If the ep you want to watch is running, why not and you can do something during the commericals, so win/win...right? :)
  24. Jensen isn't afraid to look like a dork. Why I have no idea. But he wore it proudly. :)
  25. If you like Dark Dean you might like this video and deals with season 10.
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