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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. I wanted to be excited about the ending. But the fight scenes felt cartoonist to me. The big bad over the top and not really feeling a real sense of urgency or threat. His death, underwhelming. One of the worst performances by Tom Cavanagh. I usually enjoy him but this time it was just a blah. All the emotions were one dimensional. The conflict missing. I did enjoy the kids and Damien Dark. I wish I felt over excited for another season, but it feels like it is the end of the road. Grant is looking older, as if he isn't really enjoying this anymore. I didn't hate the negative forces, but their appearance didn't work. How on earth are the twins still around with all of the changes. I'm glad that they don't intend to leave the fans in a mess in case this had been the end of the road, but the payoff isn't working either. How many times can someone almost die before it no longer matters? I would have rather been surprised by what happened vs a paint by number ending. Nothing they did showed that Iris was really needed. Instead of showing how vital she is, they told us. It's moving towards the end and unless they can really do something drastic to put it back on track, it feels as if this is the end of the road. Shame, as I want to feel different about it...but it's dying a slow death. Not sure anyone can save this.
  2. As a director of middle school kids, I can tell you no, it's no Jared. Jared's acting in the beginning was just plain bad. I know the training he received in high school because I do know the style. Had Jared been a stronger actor, he would have layered it. Gone in several directions. I always told the kids, acting is a partnership between actors and director. Yes, there will be sometimes when you have to do something because it is what is best for the scene, but your job is find the voice. Also, instead of saying I'm mad, which isn't what real people do. You try to hide that your angry until it just happens. There is so many ways to show anger. Sometimes a soft voice can be so much scarier than a shout. Jared's acting at the beginning took me out of the story more than I wanted. But he did start to grow and Manner's really helped him with his choices. Had Jenson been at the same level, the show wouldn't have made it pass the first season. I started watching for Jensen. Now Jared can do some things really well even in season 1. But Jensen took a character that people could hate and add depth to him. Had Jared been able to do the same, those lines that made me dislike him would have made me pause. For me, it is training. Jensen naturally does Meisner Technique. I think Jared gets in his head and thinks he's doing something he isn't. One game as a director, I used to play was can I take a child that can't act and make them an actor/actress in 3 years? Then it was can I do in a year, and one I did in 6 months because he took the coaching. By the way it was Shakespeare. They were shocked by the results. So If I can get kids to do it, imagine what adults could do??? So the director may have asked something but in the end the actor has to deliver. Don't know how many times I had an actor give me what they thought I wanted, and it was off the mark. But I will give Jared this, when it's really awful writing, everyone struggles to overcome and sometimes you just can't. So that is why I go back to the writing. The crap they wrote made it all worse and that's why I got bored of Sam. It's also why 15 isn't a season I will remember other than Christian Kane singing with Jensen. I loved there voices together and wished they had done more together over the years.
  3. Totally true. Outside of this forum, they get even crazier. What's really sad what they think was great stuff for Sam really started to make me dislike him. In real life I'd take a Dean over a Sam any day. LOL
  4. Well, I know the part of Dean in purgatory, season 9 and 10 got me watching the show again, From some comments I read, some hated Adam because they felt he made Sam look bad. Funny, it's always fine for those same fans if Dean looks bad... I wanted both brothers to enjoy fighting the good fight together. I got tired of the Sam show with dumb dean. One reason I was ready for it to end. Not to mention the other character that stole the show and got boring fast. Every writer has hits and misses. I haven't watched 8-10 in a while but I did think on the whole it had a stronger theme running through the seasons. Once Carver left, well, all bets were off.
  5. I loved the kids and Bart brings something new because he really hasn't been explored. Sad when a few minutes of the show is the highlight. It's uneven on Candice. Either they do to much on her or it becomes hand wringing will she make it or not. I'm sure she could be ready to move on. Really the show seems ready to end. Yeah, I don't get it. Tom C left but he's baccck. I do like Tom but he's become one note. I was enjoying Matt L being the good guy with issues. The show is now a mix bag and maybe it is time for it to end. Could be why it has been changed on its lineup. For me, this season was a little better than the Mirror season, but I miss Flash being the Happy Hero without the weight of the world. I miss the comedy that brought a nice mix to the show.
  6. Having them ignore the past Arrowverse, isn't totally working. Clark was close to Kara. I think they need to either give a throwaway line or make it clear why it's not the same as we were led to believe. Hopefully it's answered in the final. I'm tired of Ally. So much of this season hasn't been as strong for me as Season 1, So the next ep could be a real letdown or a win. I'm hoping for a win but I'm not sold that it will be. I like the actors and I think they are trying to do their best with what they have been given but I want to see Jonathan have a stronger story than what they gave him this season. It will get old if they don't find a way that he can be useful. In season 1 many times he was the one that got Jordan to believe he could do something. So in this ep, I almost forget he is there as he doesn't really have anything to do unless he is Bizarro bad boy. I found myself being taken out of the story. Right now it looks like a bad choice and it doesn't make sense why? Also what happened to Kyle? Why would the world's merging cause him to just disappear? I totally agree. I was excited to see season 1 and unless they do something really well; I think I will feel this season was full of promise but failed on delivery. The first half was forgettable for me. So many issues should have had a shorter storyline so they could have expanded on the stronger parts. If they end on Ally being the big bad to deal with...not sure I would care. I'm bored of her already. I think it would have been better to have allowed for more time for Clark to be without powers. When you skim over the best moments, and have so much space between eps, it really harms the storytelling. For that I blame the writers. Most of the positive moments have already been expressed. I'm still a fan, but I wish I felt Season 2 was as solid as Season 1 I did love how they had the kids work together to figure out how to fight the big bad, I want more of that.
  7. Never thought it was good writing to begin with. Major problem and no the writers didn't have a fix for it. Singer, Krikpe and and other's didn't always see the best ideas. Unfortunately, the best director died. His death really harmed the show as he could say things that the writers would listen to, not always, but he did have better ideas and found ways to help the mess they wrote. The mess of Season 5 and what I felt was really predictable direction starting in season 4 is a reason why I stopped watching season 6. I don't remember, half the stories in season 6 through 7 as I could barely watch the show again. I went from loving the brothers to liking Sam to not caring at all. If anyone found themselves hating Sam, well, that's the result of bad stories and writing. You can't beat the drum to death to make me think someone is great. You need to show it by their actions, not just some pretty words. Nor did I ever buy what drivel they pushed on Dean. It's full of bad writing. I felt Mary coming back was a reward and in my stories of Supernatural, it will stay that way. I don't have to go with cannon since the own show ignored cannon. So Mary coming back is a great reward with many interesting stories never told. That's my ending. Forget the rest of the nonsense, and I won't mind if Jack never came into existence. I never saw Singer as some gift. He often had bad ideas. I get Jensen respected him, but I do wonder how much friendship was really left once the show was over. It's a shame we didn't have someone that really wanted to uplift both brothers. I liked Bobby, Cass and Sam but there is plenty of times that I never agreed with what they told me I should. Why because they never could overcome the bad writing that SHOWED that they were STUPID and knew nothing. lol
  8. Which brings up all the things that I hated about soooo many writers. They used X to create plot points and ignored what they set up or how it would hurt the characters. It created a selfishness on the writer's part that harmed the show. IMO Jared couldn't overcome the bad writing. He's the weaker actor. He can do some things really well, but most of the time he did what was written. Jensen took a character that could have easily been awful and added layers. But even with his skill sets, sometime you just can't overcome bad writing. I do blame the writers for either not caring or being too selfish to work up a strong story. I did feel like Gambel and Carver tried. I prefer Carver over Gambel but luckily for every season there is a few gems that are powerful. I just wish I felt they had done their best. So it wasn't an issue for me when they finally ended the series...I thought it was already dead and buried. It's a shame what they did to so many awesome characters. But the best, just dessert, was none of their sequels getting picked up, but Jensen's was...
  9. If Jensen did have a moment to film something and the schedules aligned...but I think it is more of, how does it add to the story? Him showing up all the time might do more harm than good. The story is about John and Mary. So it depends how the beginning narrative is done on whether or not they needed him. There have been actors that they wanted to use and did as they would fit them in when they could work it out. But there has also been the moment when they couldn't fit the schedules and they had to hire someone else. I'm not expecting Jensen to be on the show all the time, so if I liked it and he did show up it would be a nice surprise. But if you plan on him being part of it all the time, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. Yes, you could do some voiceover work that you slip in, but usually they only have a few scripts worked up prior to a show. One voice over actor did an entire movie in one day of shooting which they usually thought would take a few weeks. But it would require just coming in and doing the work without playing around.
  10. This was the issue I had, but with Jensen's comment give them what they want but not how they expect...It does give allowances. How they deal with it will be my concern more than the cannon of the later years. I don't care about the Dabb years cannon. I'm all for blowing it up. Many of the other showrunners had some really bad stuff. Kripke and Carver had more successes for me but I did like a few of Sara's ideas until she went overboard and lost my interest. This is the main issue for me too. If it is a well-written story that offers variety for everyone and character driven vs oh how about we do this for this plot issue and oops we need to change course... So many new shows get old fast because the issue is just to check off the boxes not because it adds to the story. So many shows might as well end as they can't get better than their first season. The trailer has at least given me a reason to check it out. How good is the story will decide if I stay or not. I'm still recovering from what they did to my show I onced loved.
  11. So many options on this. I know in our high school we had a student with a father MIA and it was hard to wrap your mind around it. Many vets also had so many different experiences and I had two distinct experiences in college. One I worked with. He was dark, thinking everyone was out to kill him. The other was happy go lucky, but he was doing drugs. So the experiences would definitively shape John in his ability to defend himself and help him become a strong hunter. Also since this is prior to Mary's death, he wouldn't be as hardened as he later becomes after the death of Mary. I think this is a point that the fans that Hate John forget.
  12. When I first started hearing about the story, I wasn't sure I would care. But as more info has been exposed...I'm more hopeful. The issue with the internet, is that one person makes a statement and then claims their statement represents x. It may be a really small group. It's nonsense to say that only one person's view is correct. Usually there are parts where you agree and disagree. Some common ground. Since I don't care what others tell me what I must think...I'll wait and see. For instance I liked Jo and Ellen. I liked Katie Cassidy as Ruby. I'm a Dean girl fan, but I also liked it when the Brothers worked together to solve issues. So the SPN fandom is a very mixed bag...but I'll decide what I do or do not like. It's fine if you disagree with me...You do you.
  13. Last season it was Jordan not able to deal with his emotions and what is going on and this season it's Jonathan. It's obvious that Jon is the one that usually figures things out, but his parents need to do some realization. How hard it is to be the son that lost his place in the world. He doesn't have powers, doesn't really get to play football and so he caves and takes the easy way out. My problem is this season seems a little more predictable. The last two eps have up the bar a bit, but the death of Bizarro and Anderson going crazy feels more like checking the boxes. I hope Jordan figures it out Jonathan's feeling and covering up for a bad girlfriend. It's time for Jordan to be the smart one and help his parents understand where his brother is coming from. That would line up with what they did last season. So I guess Ally has everything she needs to destroy the world. Guess it could give Tal-Rho an opportunity to redeem himself. He was fun to watch this ep. Not too many points to cover that hasn't already been touched on. I did enjoy the last two more than the beginning eps, but hopefully the plot will get stronger and it builds to an interesting story that isn't predictable.
  14. Haven't watched Walker, but it looks like in season 1 it did really well but has been slipping ever since. I've never kept up with twitter and if they make a strong story that is interesting and fun, it could be a hit. I don't really have a problem with them having John and Mary fighting together because it does set up for a good story. I'm guessing they are using either John lied about not knowing anything about hunting prior to Mary's death or angels interfered so it can be tied to cannon of Supernatural. For the show to really have a chance, it needs to stand on its own two feet. Part of me wonders if the so called leaked pilot was a test to see what folks thought about it so they could make changes if needed. As far as copyright goes, yes, they could kill all fanfiction. Some just see fanfiction as a way to help sell their product, others see it as people stealing their characters. I know one writer of a show complained about fanfiction because they thought they should create their own original stories instead of using theirs. So there will always be some who believe that fanfiction shouldn't be allowed. Right now, they should be protecting their scripts as it is the early stages, but I do believe Jensen knows what he is dealing with. He's had a tv show get cancelled in the early stages. I believe he is very aware of the business. His involvement, even if it is only behind the scenes, may be why it gets a chance vs all the other failed attempts.
  15. That's my issue since he starts Supernatural in the dark. Now could they explain it sure. My biggest issue, being retired and making less, I have limited funds for streaming. I'm not a big horror fan anyway, so I'm on the fence if I will give it a shot. I have no problem with girl power if they allow the guys to match it. I not a Mary Sue fan.
  16. Wow, a really recon of John. If it's only on HBO max, I could easily pass on it,
  17. I gave up cable and only try to watch a few shows NCIS LA, flash and Legends of tomorrow. I have disney for now but will be dropping it soon. I had apple tv for trail but didn't see much to try so it's gone. For now, I'll keep Netflix and prime, but they really need to get real about people being able to afford streaming services. I do have a large DVD collection so in time I'll be doing that. I find myself enjoying older shows more than the new ones that preach at us. Not a sports fan, so it turns out giving up cable not a big deal.
  18. I wonder what they will think when they see stuff that has nothing to do with their show and the fan base has fun at their expense.
  19. I'm surprised how much traction the story is getting, especially since Dark Angel was so long ago. Jensen and Alba had great chemistry on the show for being such young actors. But they say it doesn't matter what they are saying about you as long as they are talking about you. It also shows how they don't really have anything to talk about if they are going to dwell on old news. Guess we'll see if they have something together in the works.
  20. I like Superman and Lois, and the Flash is having trouble. But I hope they don't go to HBO max, as I won't be able to watch if it leaves the CW. I have a limit of what I can afford and HBO isn't worth it for just one show.
  21. I know there are fans that didn't like Katie Cassidy and I did enjoy her on the Green Arrow, but I agree. As far as Ruby goes, I thought she was a stronger actress. There are so many I wish they hadn't on this show. They didn't know what to do with some characters, and they tried to get rid of Cas, but the fans wanted him back, so they caved. I'm still not ready to do a binge watch on this show. But I know when I do, I'll skip through many of the shows for because if I hated it the first time around...well, no reason to watch it again.
  22. I kept waiting for Jensen to correct Michael Rosenbaum for always saying 14 years instead of 15. That would have been something cool, but I understand why he said no. My respect for Jensen only grows. I get the need to stay busy and be creative. Even when he throws someone under the bus, he makes it sound as if it wasn't that bad, and it will be a trait that I think will only help his career to keep growing. I just wish I could ask, is there anything you can't DO?
  23. Disney is the worst about it, went after a schoolteacher for teaching her students to draw dogs, and they claimed it was their property when they weren't doing their dogs but something similar. Most likely you got too many hits and then they complained. In order to keep the copyright, there is a clause about you must protect your work or you will lose it, not a direct quote. Some see it as free advertising, so it just depends.
  24. One thing that was pointed out by someone dealing with their friend dying in their arms, that you need an experienced person for each department and not to cut corners in a budget. This should never have happened. In all the plays I produced and directed, our guns on stage changed from realistic looking to water guns.. No blanks were involved and when kids asked me can't we use them the answer was always no. I always used the principal as the escape goat, I wasn't stupid. But even my training and I don't have much with guns, is that you never point a gun at someone, period. Well said. I'm seeing clips where they are talking about will Alec face charges and the realistic possibility of whether he could go to jail. Jensen isn't being talked about, and I doubt they would know who he is. Jensen KNOWS to IGNORE Twitter and social media. Alec is the one having to live with killing someone and I doubt it will be an easy thing to do unless he is totally heartless, which I doubt. Jensen will make sure something like this never happens again in anything he produces. One of the most traumatic events in my life was my sister getting hit by a car. To this day I still react if I see a kid in the street with a car in the road. I'd rather be known as that crazy lady vs seeing another child hit by a car. Maybe this will get Hollywood back to being artistic vs being as realistic as possible. My prayer is that it brings safety, so actors aren't hurt in stunts, one actor got run over by a car. Or killed by something that should be safe but really wasn't. I'm all for supporting having an experience person in each department. The fact that people walked off the set prior to this incident makes it worse, and that is on the producers and most likely Alec.
  25. Part of me wants the movie to be finished, and another doesn't. I would like to see Jensen in a western. Great photos. I think it's way too early to know what they will do. I do hope it is a wake up call about safety. I can see the film being finished to honor her work, but it will depend on how the legal issues are resolved, so for now all we can do is wait and see.
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