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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. The non scripted is because it is cheap to make. How many will watch don't know. People are changing how they watch TV, period. So if the show makes money, it stays. By making the show in a way that it can gain new audience members and not just the old fans, it's a smart move. Supernatural survived when it should have been cancelled so many times. So I know that Jensen is well aware of what can happen. The takeover means that nothing is safe unless it becomes something that attracts viewers. There is very little that I watched on CW. I no longer have cable and as inflation increases, many will have to become picky with how they spend their hard-earned dollars.
  2. My only thought, it could be copyright protection. It's why Disney would go after anyone that did something that looked like their cartoons, such as taking an art teacher to court for having her students drawing Dalmatians. There is something in writing that if you don't protect the copyright you can lose it...So that may be a reason. In time they may lighten up.
  3. If I was directing Jared, I would tell him you're in your head. With the right training, he could improve. But there is a lot of mediocre acting training out there. So I don't blame Jared or any of the actors that can't understand how to use your instinct to give layers to a performance. Is there moments that I can see some character Jensen has played? Of course, he is Jensen. But it is how he adds layers that enable bringing a new reaction to an old reaction. Not sure if I can really explain it. But I've watched kids that couldn't act move into something so much more. Do I wish Jared would do so much more...of course. But I have a feeling he has too many yes men around him. It's the danger of group-think and I'm seeing it more and more in creative people's projects. It's why they get so surprised when something becomes a hit; that they never saw coming.
  4. I don't hate Walker, but I also did watch one ep which Jensen directed. If the show had grabbed my attention, made me curious about it, I would have gone back and given it a go. Instead, it sealed it for me. I didn't find Jared's Walker interesting. I was bored. So I won't be watching his show. Now, if you love Walker, no problem, but the acting just isn't strong enough for me. Now I enjoyed the old Walker show enough to watch it off and on. It was just fun, but I knew it wasn't supposed to be great acting. Haven't watched GK so zero opinion on it. Just because Jensen is in something doesn't mean I will watch it. I've never watched his Horror Films as I personally hate them. I tried The Boys, but couldn't finish the season 3 and I won't be going back even if he's on it again. So I don't understand why people have to make it you hate X when it is all about personal taste. I'll never forget judging a high school duet acting. All 6 groups were fantastic, but we had to rank them. None of us agreed on any of the rankings. None. This was trained actors judging and all said I would in a heartbeat put all of the actors in a show. So why can't the fans be happy for their favorite and quit this nonsense of putting someone down because it will harm X. It doesn't. I do think Jensen will break out. He's getting too many opportunities and Jared put himself into another show which will limit his availability. But if Jared was free, I wonder how many would be knocking on his door. His Sam and Walker look almost identical. The rules of acting is that there is always someone better and worse than you. Jensen gets my respect because he seems to shine in everything I've seen him in. My reason for not watching "The Boys" has nothing to do with Jensen's acting. It's plotlines and writing that I'm not supporting.
  5. I'm going to take my comment to Jensen Master Actor as it isn't really about The Winchesters.
  6. This is what fanfiction is for. You create that moment. Rewrite what was on the show. Since they didn't maintain cannon, it doesn't do any harm. Dabb who???
  7. To me, what is sad about Jared's fans is that they really think Jared was harmed in not being included. I could get upset that Jared supposedly said he wanted Jensen to star in Walker and then decided to do it himself. What is really true? I suspect since Jared is constantly dealing with depression that he doesn't remember any conversations. Jensen could have expressed the idea thinking out loud and he totally never heard or remembered it. I can give him this slack. His attack on twitter, no, that was poor taste on his part. Also, if Jared is smart, he won't attack Jensen because who knows what other opportunities might come up if he supports his friend instead of attacking him? Blacklisting is really real and Jared has the personality to get blacklisted. He's fine as long as Walker keeps going, but if it starts to fail viewership. Well, the CW might not be a safe space for shows anymore. I tried Walker and nope, it's not for me. But I'm not a big fan of Jared's acting to begin with. Don't know how many actors/actress couldn't get work because they were deemed hard to work with. People aren't watching shows in the same way they did, so if the show has to pull a profit..., I don't know if any CW shows have really high ratings. If I can watch the show for free, I will, but I'm not going to pay for HBO max. Since I have to wait to watch it, I won't count for ratings.
  8. I think there is a reason that Jared isn't in on the plan. I don't see the story involving what we already know, but a tease of something that we don't expect. The story will be/should be involving Mary and John. How it ties into the original may be open ending so they have plenty of wiggle room before it happens. Jared got what he wanted when Supernatural ended. Notice Jensen has been very careful any time he reflects about the ending. He's never said it is awful because he does want Jared's fans to tune in. Also he wants new fans to tune in. If it goes back to hunting and saving people and the rich history prior to the Dabb years, I suspect it will interest more viewers. While it is fun to try to guess, I wouldn't be to attached to anything yet. But I would trust that Jensen will have a spin on why Jared/Sam isn't involved. For now, we can have fun playing with the WHY.
  9. the first few years of OUaT was really good so hopefully they have strong writers. I've been watching shows that I had watched or started and most of them start to fail around the 3 season. A few have bombs in the 2nd season...but they need a strong character story for each character. If you have a strong female you also need a strong male to balance off on. Many of the newer Tv shows get boring fast as they prop up X and it isn't interesting to watch a Mary sue win all the time.
  10. Doing a rewatch and it is so eerie watching s3 e10. Finn the character, finds out his dad died of an overdose. Knowing that Corry will suffer the same fate in real life, hits hard. I know the show is getting ready to be a dumpster fire. I didn't like the last few seasons the first time I watched it. So I expect I'll be skipping through the parts I don't want to watch again. I do blame the writing on several issues. I do wish they hadn't gone with making it the Rachel show. If they had expanded the time frame in the first few years, they could have easily kept the main characters for a longer period. Hindsight is easy to so many issues. For me the songs are the parts that are still worth watching.The mashups are still fresh and hold up even though most of everything else doesn't. Finn's character really becomes a missing ingredient and the show never/could recover from it.
  11. I'll give it a shot. Not a big Horror fan so will see what they do. I will admit after hearing Jensen talking about giving the fans what they want, just not how you'd expect it to be. I got more interested. I did laugh when I saw his response. "Of course we aren't throwing out 15 years of history, wait till you see it and I think you'll like it." Not exact words, just a summary. :)
  12. Every Main Character In The Boys Season 3 Ranked Worst To Best Read More: https://www.slashfilm.com/940231/every-main-character-in-the-boys-season-3-ranked-worst-to-best/?utm_campaign=clip Was surprised to see Jensen over Homelander since he isn't really a major part until the last few eps. I figured they would favor the actors that had been on the show since the beginning. So it would be interesting to see what would happen if Jensen came back. I won't be watching it as I don't like the Boys. But it is interesting to see what people think. LOL.
  13. The flaws for Kripke writing are more apparent with the Boys as they try to cover it up with gore and etc. I think it is the actors' ability to elevate his scripts that keeps the fans. My question would be is would SB have been Dean, if Jensen had been the poor actor people tried to make him out to be? I think Kripke gets excited about how something is made vs how the audience sees it. Look we can do all of these things, isn't it exciting? VS what does doing all of these things do to the character? If the showrunners after Kripke had really been talented, would we still think highly of Kripke? I'd like to see Jensen given a top-notch script and then see what happens? Would people be surprised at what he could do if everything was at the highest level? I wouldn't be...but I could see all the haters being in shock.
  14. Finally watched a good portion of Season 3 of the Boys. I missed 2, but since I'm not a fan of the Boys, I don't think it's all that bad. Dean and Alec are my favorites from Jensen. Soldier Boy isn't bad. I just don't like the show. I'll let the fans of the show fight about who is the best actor of the Boys. When you fast forward through major chunks of the show...why watch?
  15. The actors draw you in. A really bright spot on this show. I do find myself watching most of their scenes. I agree on the Maeve comment. I agree on Kimiko being a compelling character. I also believe that Jensen is still a fantastic actor. Soldier Boy is a character that is just scratching the surface but isn't fleshed out yet. My complaint about this show isn't some actor being bad or weak. I can see the acting chops of the series. I'm just not a fan of the series. I've fast forward through so many sections of every ep in this season. I started season 1 and just stopped watching. I did jump to season 3 but haven't had any real issues with not watching most of the show as everything is painted out pretty well and you can figure it out. I just don't enjoy it. I remember being in college and they were talking about what an awesome play it was when it was really how many bad words they could put into the show. If you cut the words, what was there...not much. I wasn't in awe of the play, nor did I agree with their assessment. I find myself feeling the same way about this show. Not putting down fans of the show. Jensen is doing a fine with the material, it's just not a compelling story for me. As Starlight reveals what has happened and she spells out that she is quitting. I'm asking why should I continue? I'm not into what the story is selling. Sorry Jensen, still a fan of yours, but if Supernatural had been this gory and bloody, I wouldn't have lasted the 15 seasons. Karl Urban works for his character and his acting is top-notch. I don't like Homelander, so he isn't a draw for me to watch this show. Again, the actor is fine. This is the best for Starlight and a good place to stop the show. I might give the next ep a shot, but I know my viewing of The Boys is at the end. I don't have a desire to watch season 2 nor will I be back for season 4. It's not for me. For the fans of the show, enjoy. Jensen got me to give the show a second chance, but he's not enough for me to want more.
  16. I think the best you can do is wipe the memory from your mind and only remember what you're fond of. If you remember what's his names work, well, you're giving him credit that it was worth thinking about. The best revenge, not remembering anything other than a handful of eps. Forget the directors, writers and whoever supported the stuff that stunk. After all, what they want is for you to remember. If you can't recall anything that they have done, then that's a pretty good insult. I'll remember Dean being a badass that gave his all. Anything else to add? Otherwise, forget it was even canon.
  17. Writer interviews saying that what Dean fans felt wasn't true as if it was allowed, would hurt their pet character. Fans of the other characters said that it wasn't true, but it got to the point that you might as well ignore what they said. It wasn't worth the fight. I never changed my position. I just stopped trying to explain it.
  18. I almost stopped watching during season 14. I only continued when I found out there would only be one more year. So I finished not because I LOVED what they were creating but to see Jensen's final year. I might remember three eps from both seasons. I was beyond thrilled when they declared it would be ending. Had they continued, well, I would have just stopped. Plenty of shows I have never finished. Lost is one of them.' Of course, if you complained, they attacked Dean fans for whining and that there wasn't any favoritism going on. BS.
  19. I'm going by what is more the definition of lead actor vs character actor. Typically, the lead actor looks a certain way. Now you may argue that they are starting to change the definitions, but it hasn't become the norm yet. If I turned my head shots in, I would be auditioning for a character part vs leading lady. I might get a mom, but I wouldn't be up for the lead. Many things in the business side of acting hasn't changed. It's why there isn't a clear pathway for becoming an actor. It's why Jensen has even said, I know more talented actors that never got that lucky break. The world of acting is brutal sometimes to the emotions of those that attempt to do it. You have to be able to handle rejection and in today's world, social media, which, let's face it, can be brutal in their opinions.
  20. It's the right kind of acting lessons. I always got the message "something happens when you're in a scene," I always listened, and was a naturally good listener. As I did take acting lessons, many didn't really help, but I would pick up some tidbits here and there. Jensen's acting lessons were reacting to other strong actors. 15 years of experience on just one show. He had actors along the way that helped him develop his craft. I know at one point I felt I was missing something that other actors had, I didn't really start acting until my senior year in high school, But I had life experiences. Many different forms of trauma and unusual situations. So when I created a character, I had something I could pull from my life to help me. In the 90's I found a mentor that really helped me improve. I realized I was doing Meisner techniques without knowing I did it. I think Jensen is the same. Jared has the speech and debate tournaments training and it gets in the way sometimes. Marking the script with keywords to stress. This leads to a fakeness that you really have to overcome to make it work. It makes you react in your head vs. listening to your gut. He also may be more method and that can be a bad mix. Jared's listening skills are lower, you see it in the cons vids. Sure he listens, but with the intent on how can I spin it back around to me or create a joke? It really shows up when he is telling the fans how much they will love this story as long as it involves him. He never saw how it harmed Jensen's character. Now of course, an actor will want to have the best story for his or her character, but I think Jensen gets a kick out of seeing other actors doing a great job. His support helps them and helps him to give a better performance. Jensen is also a director. That broadens his scope because he understands what is needed in a shot. By him being in character when he didn't need to be, it also helps his fellow actors to do better. I always told my students watch that young actor you love. If they stick with it in their 40's they'll really grow. Why because life happens and as it happens so does your acting skills improve. Even John Wayne is a much stronger actor in his later years than when he first started.
  21. One thing that helps this is when an actor really listens to what is being said in the moment. Being totally present. So the reason he can draw your attention is because it is honest. Real. He is reacting in real time to what is happening. I don't catch Jensen phoning it in. So he can draw your eye to him as he is always reacting. This creates a 3 dimensional character vs someone that is in their head reacting, but it doesn't really match. Sometime you can't put your finger on it, but you know something is off. Jared gets that reaction from me. Something's off and it pulls me out and I start watching as a director instead of an audience member. But for me, even though there may be some instances where they are similar, they also are very different. That's why Robert Downey Jr is a great actor. Now he does plays many of the same type of character but if you watch they also have something unique to each character. I feel like Jensen did this. In "Still Life" Jensen's character isn't like Dean, Alec or Ben. Now looks can be there which can draw you out but that means they can't play a character actor. Lead actors are usually who you recognize. Character actors, you don't. A really good one - you can't remember where you saw them last and it really bugs you. Until Jensen ages, he won't be able to do that. I loved Cary Grant, but he was stuck in having to play a type, as it's what brought the studio money. However, he is more talented than John Wayne. John Wayne is more what we call a personality actor. I've seen maybe one or two films where he wasn't Wayne but he wasn't that strong either. But when John Wayne did his best stuff, it worked for those films. Shatner is the over the top stage actor that is doing what would have worked for stage on film. So it's too much. But sometimes it worked. I enjoyed him as Kirk. But the 60's acting isn't what we want now.
  22. Created a topic space but open to changing topic title. Always thought Dean would like Alec. Haven't seen Soldier Boy from the Boys, so no thoughts yet.
  23. Emma Snyder, could a new thread be created for this?
  24. For me the bad parts of Bobby was bad writing that didn't match up with the actions from other shows. You have him telling him that his life is worth more than selling his soul to save Sam. You have him playing ball instead of training, allowing Dean to have a moment of childhood. I did hate some of the lines they gave Bobby. But as someone that has forgiven a parent for being harsh, I understand that upbringing has a lot to do with how they react. This parent says things and has done things that weren't loving but in their mind they have only been loving. So perhaps because I understand some of the issues of an abusive parent, I can see the positive even though there is many things that look as though they can't be a loving person. Bobby cared and loved the boys. Even in canon they told us that Dean was his favorite. He's messed up but even in his bad days he also showed Dean love. If Dean created something positive out of that mess, he can't be all bad.
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