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Everything posted by RealityGal

  1. YMMV, but this bitch makes me absolutely stabby..... First off, what he is doing is fairly obvious you dumb broad, he is looking in the refrigerator. Perhaps he will take something out of the refrigerator and eat it. Second, there is nothing wrong with him eating something from the refrigerator, not even that nasty ass yogurt that he has no interest in. Third, why must he sit there looking so dog whipped, grow some balls man, you don't have to explain to this dopey bitch why you're looking in a refrigerator in your own damn house. You're allowed to look in a refrigerator, you're allowed to eat food from there. Can you imagine how pathetic the rest of this poor saps life must be with this naggy cow following him around all the time? Ick. If this is what marriage turns women into, I want no part of it!
  2. I'm not trying to be a weenie, but I hope you're wrong too. I truly do love this show for some of the beautiful fashions the contestants bring. I do love me some crazy, and I do love me some drama. But I REALLY do love me some good runway show. I mean REALLY love it.
  3. I was "Granny Smith" in our 4th grade stage production of Johnny Appleseed. I guess I'm an actress too! sweet!
  4. Yeah, I wasn't a fan of Nick, and my feeling was that this recent year of TC contestants, and frankly, every year of TC contestants, I would want to eat the food that ALL of the finalists make. Seriously, I think one of the Voltaggio brothers (yes, I know I misspelled that) has a restaurant out here in LA and I'm dying to try it. I always want to try the food the finalists on TC make. So, at the end, with the finalists, its not necessarily about the ability to cook so much, because I think all of the TC finalists have that, at that point it does become me specifically not wanting someone to win because they seem like a jerk. Or really rooting for someone because I just like them. I certainly would love to try Nicks food, and after I was done, I would like to kick him in the nuts. With the other two finalists, I wanted to try their food and then NOT kick them in the nuts. Its a subtle distinction I'll admit :) However, with this show it concerns me that there are quite a few contestants whose food I wouldn't want to try. I guess if you're gonna do one of those shows like one Diners Drive Ins and Dives then personality is all that counts. But frankly, I have a big personality (although I didn't really know either of my grandmothers) and I feel like I could do that show. I know what tastes delicious! I can yell at a camera! I can make up grandmother stories! But if the show is going to have to do with cooking, I wouldn't want to watch a show about cooking where the food network itself is unsure if the person can even cook!
  5. You know, you're right, this time its gonna be different. This time she will be a real woman who just has bad luck with an IPhone, but somehow has a ton of selfies of her in a bikini that she posts to facebook. None of her facebook friends will let her use their laptop either, I'll bet, bitches!
  6. This stuff is probably going to include talking about fighting, but not actually fighting :)
  7. I will grant that Cruella DiVille was seriously one of the most fabulous Disney villians of all time. Caroline is one of those friends that is always making cutting remarks and then calling them "jokes." Friends like that can be toxic, because they will rip you up, and if you tell them your hurt they tell you that they were only joking and make it sound like you're thin skinned, and if you ever make a comment about them, its a problem. In some ways, I agree with Caroline on some things, and I think if you can take her with a wink and a nod you'll be fine, but I wouldn't want to be her friend because I can be sensitive about my looks and appearance. The grounds were just gorgeous the way that they were, but places like that could be run back in the day because labor was cheap, and people who lived in those places took advantage of the lower classes, and there wasn't a middle class. I imagine its become hugely expensive to keep up the estate. I wouldn't be surprised if the Sandwhichs actually lived in a smaller house on the property during the winter months and basically had stuff during the summer when tourists are around. I think its good to respect dietary preferences. I just had a problem with the way Juliet and Noelle went about it. If you're violently opposed to eating something, or you're allergic, its something to mention to someone once you get the invitation. You shouldn't just suddenly go off about how you're "not gonna eat bambi" thats just not necessary. If I were in either Juliet's or Noelle's position, realizing that my host knew about my dietary preferences too late to make any changes, I would simply eat around the food I didn't want to/couldn't eat, and eat what I could. Then, when I got back to the hotel it would be all room service, or some 24 hour food mart. And yes, it was the country, but I can't imagine that they couldn't find SOMETHING to eat after they got back if they were still hungry.
  8. LMAO! I guess the napkin and napkin ring holder are only for fancy occasions, not for sitting at home watching the game. But its nice to know he is faithful to the hat, even when wearing pj pants and a tee shirt. I don't know, I watch Bad Girls Club, Real Housewives, and the recently cancelled I Wanna Marry Harry. I am probably an awful person, but I'm okay with a show being around for sheer snark value and train wreckiness. However, this show may have gone even a bit far for me, I haven't watched this Knotts Berry Farm episode, and I'm not sure I want to. I guess I like my reality shows where the contestants are crazy, but everything ends up okay in the end. I was so upset about the Top Chef winner, that I seriously questioned whether or not I wanted to watch again. These reality shows set the stage for people to get emotionally invested, and so to get somewhat invested and to see someone you can't stand win sorta stinks. And so, when the end result of an episode is that you send a good cook home when they have demonstrated that they can cook over cooks who clearly are annoying and have produced bad food it bothers me a little. And frankly, maybe more importantly, it makes food network look like a joke. If you're the food network, and you're telling me you're willing to keep someone who can't cook in a competition to have a show on your network about cooking, you make me question whether anyone you have on a show really knows how to cook or if you just kept looking for a personality without substance.
  9. thank goodness, its hard living alone on an island of annoyance :)
  10. Thats what I'm saying. I sometimes find Kandi's entire storyline with Mama Joyce a little hard to believe. She suddenly seemed to turn into this crazy monster, with crazy sisters. I think some of it is real, but I think a lot of it is Mama Joyce wanting some fame and seeing her way to get it. And maybe Kandi seeing a way for her mom to make her own money and stop taking hers.
  11. So, is she a man, or really fat, or a really fat man? All will be revealed tomorrow!
  12. This is all very true, and a persons views on what they want their relationship with god to be is their own. So....very true, it is a YMMV type of thing, and nothing black and white and set in stone. Personally, I find it annoying, but that truly may just be me.
  13. Kirk is an awful actor. Althea just may be worse. Nikko always looks like he is ready to laugh at Mimi, but frankly, she deserves an Emmy for pretending to find him sexy enough to sleep with....ick
  14. Her voice was all annoyance and nag and passive aggressive anger, IMO. And so what, is he not allowed to open refrigerator doors and look in? He isn't allowed to touch the refrigerator in a way that would upset that naggy shrew? Its a refrigerator, maybe she should eat an actual piece of Boston Cream Pie so she can calm down. Those things are meant to be opened and rifled through. And shouldn't you assume if someone, anyone has opened your refrigerator and is looking through it, they are looking for food, and even if he isn't, even if he is looking for his porno stash he hides from her in the vegetable drawer...who....cares!?!?? Leave the man alone to look in the refrigerator, how in the world is it hurting you? Who cares if he just likes staring at the refrigerator light and pondering the meaning of life? ETA: of course YMMV, and I just detest that naggy broad with the intensity of a thousand suns
  15. You can ask, but it shouldn't be a production, IMO. I think your faith should be somewhat personal, and private. Its like when I see people who are constantly engaged in continual PDA's but then you find out that behind closed doors they don't even want to touch each other. They are more concerned with what other people think their relationship is, than the actual relationship. If god is special to me, I don't need to loudly proclaim that he is my only alliance, and ask him to help me win gobs of money in front of a TV crew. But thats just me, and of course, as with all things I always think that YMMV. I find her loud prayers and ministrations for god's help annoying, but thats me.
  16. But she just got mad at him for looking in the refrigerator. If she had something she really didn't want him to eat in there, she should have put a note on it. He clearly didn't want her nasty yogurt because he kept looking for the apple turnovers she was bragging about on the phone. But I do approve of calling her a shrew, thats actually a good word.
  17. The rudeness at the dinner party was unparalleled IMO.... 1. If you have a violent distaste for a certain type of food and/or you're allergic to it you should say something BEFORE the day of the dinner party. Its why a lot of invitations to events will give you options, because not everyone can eat meat. I certainly think you should say SOMETHING, because its going to hurt the host's feelings if they just see you sitting there not eating the food they are serving you, or even more simply, the food waste that could be avoided if someone just told you that you couldn't eat meat. If Juliet and Noelle had said something before the day of the party, I'm positive that their dietary preferences could have easily been accommodated, and I don't think anyone would have been offended. 2. Juliet is perhaps the most annoying person ever - sorry, but you are living in the UK, and when in Rome, just try to do as the Romans, its a little disrespectful to a culture to insist that "I'm an American, this is who I am, and I'm going to be myself no matter what!" To sit around blurting out that she is "not going to eat bambi" is perhaps the rudest way to assert that she doesn't want to eat venison. And then to be annoyed that you've only made this preference known at the very last minute and no one could change your dish is silly to me. She could have just as easily have said "hey, you know, sorry, but I don't feel comfortable eating venison, if you can make a change, thats great, if not, thats fine" You can't tell me that she couldn't survive on a meal that included an appetizer, a main dish, and a dessert without a meat option. Or that it couldn't at least hold her over until she got to the hotel and ordered room service. And then her "talk" with Annabelle was ridiculous to, IMO. To me, you don't have to hash out EVERYTHING in the world, sometimes you can have a tiff and get over it naturally. If someone that you've had a tiff with is acting nicely towards you, why do you feel the need to discuss the fight, especially when both of you feel you were right. And you were both wrong. Her bluntness is just annoying to me, and her voice annoys me, and her clothes annoy me. Tonights dress would have been fine....in a play...as a costume. 3. Leaving for a smoke break in the middle of dinner - is rude. Especially when its so obvious, and you're gone so long that people notice. 4. I would like to see Julie's husband, where was he?
  18. I definitely hope he does! I also hope he uses the royal we....now I can't wait for project runway! This guy had better not turn out to be perfectly normal and nice either, if you call yourself The Mitchell Perry, you're making promises of crazy that you had better keep!
  19. They should jump at the chance. With the apparent lack of brainpower and overabundance of muscles on the mens alliance those girls could control the alliance in no time.
  20. This episode 1. Mimi still pretending like she didn't know about the sex tape. Why at this point Mimi, why? 2. Kirk's apology party - sounds ridiculous, but their entire story line is a study in ridiculousness, so why not. 3. Benzino getting shot - I wish I understood the backstory behind that, I think it would be far more interesting than any of these other produced storylines for the show 4. Tiffany (Waka's wife/gf/finace) - a nice girl, but what is wrong with her wig, it drives me bananas! If you're gonna do a china bang it should be cut STRAIGHT across, but her wig is so lopsided, she should get that fixed. 5. Bambi/Scrappy - I sure hope that puppy is rented or borrowed for the story line, because giving someone a live animal unless they have expressly asked for or expressed an interest in having one is an easy way for it to not be taken care of.
  21. Your grandma sounds awesome! I'm not sure if you can cook, but you should try out for the show with that story. After all, Kenny couldn't cook, and he didn't appear to have an awesome grandmother either. JK - I know thats not your grandma, but she still sounds awesome. That is so true. I actually think they prefer outrage on the boards because it means the show has "buzz" and you know those FN executives love words like "buzz" I think the most I talk about a reality show is when I get annoyed with it. I get the impression Christopher probably tried out for Top Chef and didn't make it. I would imagine that if you're a chef of his caliber and are looking to "make the leap" in to chef stardom you probably send in audition tapes to every show that could help you accomplish that goal and take the first offer that comes along. I think Christopher probably realizes he isn't a "personality" per se which would fit in much better with Top Chef- because the Vetigello brothers (yes, I totally spelled that wrong) were button cute, but IMO had personalities as spicy and zesty as vanilla pudding. However, they could succeed on Top Chef because those boys could really cook.
  22. Seriously. I get a little offended as a woman that women on the whole are being portrayed as these whiny, bitchy nags. First off, I would think, as your significant other, I'm happy you went for a jog, you didn't go for a jog, thats fine too. Now if you told me you were going for a jog, and you went to see a hooker, I would likely get pissy, but just because you went to get a soda? Second, why the hell am I mad at a guy for looking for something to eat, as a woman of the house am I keeper of the refrigerator and all food therein? Ridiculous.
  23. First, IMO, prayer is something that can be done privately, doing it loudly, in public and on camera looks attention seeking, which shouldn't be the purpose of prayer. And frankly, it does make me question the sincerity of her Christianity. Shouldn't she be praying for the right person to win? How does she know the right person is her? How does she know that she is god's pick? Maybe god wants someone else to win, maybe someone else needs it more than she does. Although, I agree that you should always be thankful, but her prayers have seemed to mostly revolve around imploring god, on camera, to give her a lot of money. All the time. And honestly, I certainly hope that god wants me to do things other than pray, because if we all spent out entire day in prayer, no one would be out selling or making food, clothes or shelter.
  24. First, I don't ever remember jada saying that. Second, if she wanted to use the computer she should have at the point she said that it depends who gets there first, mentioned that she would like to use it first, and they could have discussed it. Not "well if you get there first" but be straight and "well, I wanted to use it first, because I'm tired too" and then they could have at least discussed it. Maybe agreed that the first person to use it could only have it for 15 minutes. I can't imagine the rest of the household would see it as Jada running to get the computer when Slim called it if it hadn't actually gone down that way, with everyone having the understanding that Alex was gong to use the computer first and Jada running to get to it ahead of her. What Jada did was petty, and it doesn't matter to what degree it was petty, it simply was petty. And it was done to one of the few people in the house who didn't hate her and wouldn't call her out. Thats bullshit. I don't think that "well everyone else is petty to you" is a reasonable excuse to pile on and be petty too, especially when you, like Jada, have been the victim of Redd, Britt and Loren's petty behavior. It seems hypocritical to, on one hand, say that Redd, Britt and Loren being petty sucks when they are being mean to you (Jada), but then turn around and behave in a petty manner towards someone else who has never been petty to you (Alex). And this is part of the reason why I can see why people don't like Jada, from what I can see she is whack IMO. However, I don't like the fact that she is being bullied for simply being unlikable. I think people, at this point, don't necessarily like Jada, but I think they dislike Redd, Loren and Britt.
  25. Well, I feel better now that a real Texan has apologized :) Besides, the BBQ you guys have there more than made up for it. LOL - I'm from California, and I do stuff like that all the time. I had a business trip to Chicago in March, and March in California is warm and sunny, and I figured that since it was spring I would just pack all my sleeveless dresses, all my heels, and a light sweater. I was shocked, shocked I tell you when I saw snow on the ground in Chicago! I wish I coulda heard that accent, it sounds so neat! Like talking to Yosemite Sam at the gas station....no one I spoke to in Texas even had an accent. Apparently, there are tons of transplants, especially in the city so its uncommon to hear an accent. Boooooooooooo
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