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Kaiju Ballet

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Everything posted by Kaiju Ballet

  1. I'm going to steal the phrase"aggressively ugly" lol. I fear it will come into play if/when they do the avant-garde challenge.
  2. No matter how I feel about Kovid, I appreciated how genuinely sad Karli and Christian seemed at his aufing. I also appreciated that Elaine attempted to dress to fit the challenge, maybe Nina and Karli did to a certain extent as well. Whether or not they succeeded is a matter of mileage, but it does give some context for where they're coming from in terms of their judging. Brandon is really impressing me with his comments! I also liked how Christian is so personally invested in how well the contestants are doing, so much so that he was having (rightfully) real issues with the casual dining during the model fitting, and how dismissive the designers were towards him (and by extension, the models). His comments to the designers in the workroom were right on, and although he may have been criticized by some (not me) for giving too specific design directives, this episode was a reminder that ultimately it's the designer's choice whether or not to listen. And if Rakan and Jamal can't listen, that prize of a mentorship at the CFDA would be wasted on them anyway. From a what I would wear perspective (if I could afford it) Renee's outfit, Bishme's and Venny's. Ms Minimalist's, but only because as someone pointed out, that's a basic ensemble that's readily available right now. Hester's was an abomination. I feel like I've seen that on the clearance rack in the junior's section......twenty years ago. Getting tired of how the show keeps trying to use her as a narrator. I was totally relieved that Sebastian was safe, although that outfit was....not good. So sad that we didn't get to see Afa's take on this challenge! I really like Dapper Dan in the workroom, and that the guest judge was recommended by him with real cred in the fashion world.
  3. Lol. I thought Where's Waldo? I am so happy that Butter melting in the Microwave voice was saved. That duet was truly lovely, and his voice was indeed like buttah. Does the audience really shout "Steal Steal Steal all the time?" Wow, Red Marlowe's nephew was dumped! Although the heads up was that they didn't mention Red during the package. Or if they did, I missed it. Not gonna lie, I liked that commercial featuring past Voice contestants, including Kirk Jay! And future contestants too, with Alisan Porter's kids. So cute! A lot of the battles were really well-done tonight, and I enjoyed the guest judges giving useful comments. Khalid seemed to get a lot of THs, which I'm not mad at. He gave really good comments. The packages are useful in helping me tell contestants apart, so it was funny when multi chair turn blonde guy and one chair turn guy realized that they were both kids of cops and worked in restaurants. I thoughtthey were going to sing "Don't Stand So Close to Me," lol! Right choice there, and so sweet of Blake to say what he did about the voice cracking. Really happy with Guy Whose Dad was Murdered by Mom's Boyfriend. I actually thought he had won that round, but now he's with John Legend, so I feel sorry for the guy that's still stuck with Adam.
  4. Dang, that was Gabby directing? I had no idea, and I thought the direction was absolutely outstanding tonight. I really hope she gets to direct more. It was so effective the way she had the hotel corridor scene, with poor Blake, and then Cookie walking by as the door closed on him and Maya. I’ve had a soft spot for him and Tiana together since “One More Minute” (love that track!) In fact, I adored how music was used throughout the episode, and I had to look up the song that was used for the corridor scene: Love and Hate by Michael Kiwanuka. Which is another testament to how good the direction was, introducing new music, in a show about….music! The sad thing was how much the episode reminded me what a great character Jamal is. All the scenes with him doing the creative director thing, and then him on stage…magical. I’m really praying they find a way to save the character, even without Jussie. Also appreciated – a non-binary character social influencer that even Oprah follows, lol! “Not sure you can call them a bitch.” LOL love Porsha!
  5. Maybe someone else grabbed her card first? Maybe he'd like to work with some of the other gorgeous models who are available? Just because he liked Mimi and was happy to work with her doesn't mean he can't like anyone else. That's what I meant. I was hoping to hear a followup from him about that, since Mimi's story was so highlighted in the show's premiere, and now I look for her in each episode. Even a throwaway "I wish I had gotten Mimi again, but I am happy with xxx." I guess I became a Mimiphile, so I care about her fate in this competition and industry. As you say, there are so many gorgeous models that if the producers are going to make the designers run to grab a card, it'd be great to find out a little bit more about who they're hoping to get. Otherwise, just do the button bag or make the selections off-screen. I do love the extended episodes, and the fact that the designers are seem to be trying to help each other out. Even the disappearing "Heatherpile" was resolved smoothly, and Renee benefited from doing the trade with Kovid. Great point, and sadly ironic given that one of the same judges talked about cultural appreciation.
  6. I loved this episode, and all the friendships that have been springing up. The bit about Jay's parents fawning over Seth was hysterical, and perfectly in line with what we know about Jay and Seth's characters. I was howling at all the food containers that Seth had in the office. I'd be prolonging my stay there too! And not gonna lie, I got a little teary at the housewarming, and seeing how Littlejohn's one of of the gang. She's definitely my favorite. And Ted has been amazing in terms of what he's brought to the show. He's had aawesome chemistry with every actor he's worked with, and one of the reasons this season FTP has been something I look forward to watching. Plus this: Right? :-)
  7. Kovid and Hester are individuals that I would normally like watching, and want to like watching, but wow, are they making it hard. The way they’re presented it seems like they’re both just Trying. Too. Damned. Hard. Not so much gunning for camera time as it is for any scrap of attention. Their constant "Look at Meeeee!!!" affect is wearying. It seems that the race to the model cards is so you can better your chances at getting a model that you want. Hester is giving me Jay McCarroll/Morganza vibes. Remember those days when “Models, this is a competition for you as well”? I appreciated Christian’s comment about how she’s found her muse, in wanting to have the same model she won with. That being said...... Did I miss Kovid saying why he’s never worked with Mimi again since the first show, when he was falling all over himself with working with a goddess incarnate and other over the top gushings? (BTW, Mimi is fierce.) Granted, maybe the producers didn’t put it in, preferring to run another tearful TH about his past – at the expense of getting to know other designers who probably have compelling stories, but who knows? We’re not getting to hear them! That is, unless they’re about to get aufed. Afa was someone who stood out to me as someone to root for. How many times was he shown jumping in and helping another designer out? (Along with Sebastian) I was rooting for Afa, and was disappointed we didn’t get more of his background experience using tree bark and other natural materials in traditional designs. And I am so, so sad that Afa left over Kovid. I didn’t find the judge’s comment about the fineline between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation patronizing. It was probably the most substantive thing that she’s been shown saying IMO. On the other hand, I am really enjoying Brandon Maxwell. And laughing that “even in the woods they found a way to do a reveal.” DRINK! (Oh wait, am I the only one playing this drinking game?) I like Marni. I didn’t know who she was before, but I’m really enjoying her and Christian’s visit to each designer. As much as I loved Bravo Tim (the less said about the replicant on Lifetime) there’s only so much you can do with “Remember to use the Sponsor’s Accessories Wall thoughtfully!” At least with Marni you get advice that’s closer to approximating what professional designers find useful. Same with Christian. And judging by Brandon's "getting sick" over the red socks, having someone like Marni help you out just might get you into the top 3.
  8. I did wonder if this battle took place before bathrobe-gate, because I was surprised that Michaela wasn't picked up. Her voice is really something special, and I'm really hoping that this experience doesn't sour her from continuing. Jej did not disappoint. I thought he was the correct pick for Kelly, and Beth is going with the right coach for her. The big surprise for me was Domenic? (Ex-track star dude) His voice is also really special. I was hoping he would get stolen before Adam inevitably screws him over. What the eff is growing on Charlie Puth's upper lip? I liked the story about how he and Adam met. Rod's voice was also special, but Blake was right to choose Gyth. Rod will stand out more on Adam's team, and Gyth already has that performance polish down. Same with Maelyn, who's giving me the same frontrunner feels as Season something winner Alisan Porter. I really enjoy seeing them getting to meet and sing for the people that they've idolized as guest coaches. Blake seems to be the one to most consistently bring in household names, at least from the perspective of someone not hoping to get into music as a career. John Legend is bringing out the best in everyone this season.
  9. The fashion was totally on point. I loved what Tiana was wearing on the red carpet. And Devon's red MC jacket. Bella was adorbs! Porsha's right. Pay your dues, Maya! And give Cookie her coffee. (also: "I was where you're at. But with better style." LOL!!!!) So true!!!! I really liked the little bit we saw of Porsha and Blake -- hope that becomes a full track. Also LOL on Lucious barging in on that focus group. Good thing he didn't have his bat. Yay, Alicia Coppola! And Giselle is stunning.
  10. The Ron Clark Dance Academy strikes again! Glad they showed a little snippet of the tribal dance move, which I have been waiting for them to break out before challenges. Or even after, when they win. Also in the tease category -- Wardog finally getting targeted. That would have been an easy way to get him out. But no. I did laugh when WW mentioned how he was a litle Tony V. So glad when people seem to hear what's being shouted at the TV screen. Aubrey--I liked her in her original season, haven't been as enamored of her since. Surprised she didn't try to grab the chicken. Then was even more surprised when she made that comment at TC about having her black cats. Why not say "puppet" or "minion"? Just as condescending and erroneous. She was really gracious in her exit. How did Keith's mad scramble for the advantage not put him in the crosshairs of Reem's rage? Instead, she rewards him by giving him the one that she pointed out. BTW, I fear for her kids after seeing the way she was going after Chris. Julia and PeeinthePark finally get tons of screentime! Wondering if they showed Joe's convo with her as something that will lead to her undoing. "People see me as a threat!" Agree with poster upthread--where was the convo between Rick and Aubrey? What was his reasoning for giving the advantage to her?
  11. Give Eric his own restaurant and show! I was really disappointed not to see the meal he had planned, in addition to rooting for him to win. That being said, I am glad that the finale was, as someone said earlier, between two chefs who brought out the best in each other, and respected the local cuisine. I did enjoy seeing them having dinner, and roaming the markets trying and reacting to foods. It was like watching them evolve as chefs right in front of our eyes, as they’ve been doing all season long. I’m glad for Kelsey’s win, especially when one chef did say, “I’m ready for dessert now.” And lo and behold, here it was. So the meal progression worked in that respect. But yes, I am glad for Sara that her savory dish wasn’t dinged for not being a dessert. Lotus chips – thanks also to the poster who underscored that it was on Eric. And the other poster who pointed out that Michelle may not have relayed her concerns to Eric. With the editing, and her flat affect, it kinda looked like she was either uncaring or deliberately with-holding the info from Eric. FTR, I don’t think she was uncaring or setting out to sabotage, but that really made me think about how being telegenic or having the type of personality that plays well on camera is definitely going to be rewarded, if only in getting a more favorable edit. I really liked Padma telling the Kelsey and Sarah some of the really great comments they got from the guests. If they’re going to bother bringing in guest judges who are notable chefs, I hope that we’ll get to hear more of their critiques (from chefs not celebrities or magazine editors, that is). Although I did laugh when they showed several talking about the saltiness of Sara’s pork -- only to have Tom shut them all down with an “I didn’t think it was salty at all.” Another LOL moment was the Sara’s TH when she gleefully announced “I got the PEANUTS! I got the PEANUTS!”. My inner twelve-year-old heard her saying something else. I was a little bit squicked out when she insisted that Eddie and David kiss her “on the lips” in the kitchen. Just me? Ok, then. Those montages they played for the remaining three was really great, primarily for seeing the chef’s reaction to theirs (LOL Not Today Satan!!!) and also the other chefs. I have to admit to going “Oh right, he’s a judge” when Gordon Eliot came up to narrate Sara’s. I did go through a Dan Tat/Egg Custard Tart phase – a bakery that was near me at the time featured different varieties of it, like Green Tea and Egg White. There were other flavors too, but those were the ones I would get, or the “classic” in a smaller size than the usual. I’ve also come across the term “Portuguese style” to refer to the caramelized tops (like the one that Kelsey, Eric and Sara had) vs. the plain one, which is a uniform golden yellow custard in a flaky crust. I have never been to Macau, but I sure want to go now! This is my favorite locale of all of the Finales. A big thanks to the Elves that pulled this locale together, and how amazing it must have been for all of the cheftestants to have been flown there!!!
  12. ITA. As I was watching, I kept thinking what a great character Jamal was. That breakup scene was beautifully done. I half expected Kingsley to have "signed" a big ol' FU on the paper that Lucious gave him to sign. I may have teared a little at the scene between Cookie and Candace reconciling. And also with the high school scene -- can you imagine being called into a school assembly and getting a surprise performance by Jamal Lyon? (Which once again, made the Jussie situation such a damn shame as far as the show is concerned) And OMG the lil' bit with Lil Buck was EVERYTHING. Hate the Maya character so far. Is the actress an actual ballet dancer? Because really finding it hard to buy her as one. Also loved the callback to Andre's relationship with God/Church. Really hoping he's ok--I've grown to really love Cookie's "Number One Son" and of course, the actor brings it every time!
  13. I initially took it that way. Or at least that the intention was to make it a poignant scene about how people that Victoria learns to count on for support and counsel leave her in some shape or form. I have no idea if that scene had any factual basis (did Victoria think of Wellington as a father figure?) but the lines were well written IMO. Something about how when you reach his age you learn not to invest too much sentiment in farewells. Given how Victoria has already outlived/been mysteriously left by/outlasted so many major characters in her life to date, it was a nice foreshadowing of how that advice would serve her well as more prime ministers, counselors and made up characters would enter her life. And then, Wellington turns his back on the Queen and walks out, which kind of made me question how I was supposed to take his goodbye. I thought you were never supposed to turn your back on the Queen? So was it like an "FU" kind of "I quit?" I also tried to remember if Wellington always did have Victoria's back as he claimed, but that just invites comparison to the vastly superior first season. Are we also meant to think that young Bertie is smitten with his cousin Heidi? Or is she just the next young blond woman who'll provide a sex scandal now that the Duchess's beyond-stupid storyline has run out? I get so frustrated every time Feo shows up on screen and Victoria says again how it's time for her to gtfo. Victoria seems to forget she's the godsdamn Queen when it's convenient to the plot. The only reason given for her inaction is that it gives Albert another scene where he says something cutting/diminishing/contemptuous to her, when she's clearly capable (and does) make other decisions against his wishes with far more consequences. And nothing against the actor, but the PM's role this season is just to be a foil for Pam. Even the Lady in Waiting Whose Name I Never Learned's character has been given more nuance. It was also weird to me that with Albert's great vision of the international commerce aspect of the Expo, Pam was never asked to comment from the perspective of the Foreign Secretary. I mean, wouldn't he play a role? Other than have another passive aggro exchange with Albert. That said, I thought the explanation of the greenhouse and the inspiration from an Amazonian Lily named after the Queen was really interesting, and wished that part was given more time than the whole Duchess/Footman storyline. The Duchess recovered really quickly from the soap opera reveal of the Footman's past, but then again, everything else about that storyline is unbelievable AND boring. Which is kind of a feat in an of itself.
  14. Lol. This! Was Sara also the only one that did a dish that was created by the chef who mentored her? It seemed everyone else interpreted the challenge as their own dish that was somehow inspired by the mentor, not invented by. Good thing it turned out so delicious, otherwise she would have been dinged for wasting the meat, or for hewing too closely to the chef and not letting enough of her own identity as a chef come through. I'm also still bitter about Adrienne's mentor-chef being so unnecessarily Tool-ish. Maybe other mentors made similar observations of their mentees that weren't shown, but rushed plating is something that's obvious to everyone and needn't have a further spotlight on it.
  15. Well, there went my dream of an Eric/Justin throwdown in the Finale. And it's true, if they were given a garden, they should expect that it would be incorporated in a challenge sooner or later. And I'm glad that Justin won the Quickfire (didn't he have problems setting up the garden in the first ep?) and was so gracious in his TH after being PYKAG'd. It hurt Eric to have to be asked about the connection to Bryan Voltaggio. If he had given a thought-out story to the judges (Tom), he might not have been slammed for not having a "complete" plate. Sara's probably was the tastiest, but she also gave the best spiel while presenting her food, helped by the obvious response by the mentor who inspired it. Adrienne's mentor's facial expression was a shade short of a sneer when she said (admittedly awkwardly) he likes mushrooms! he likes other ingredient! that's how he's the inspiration! I did like what Kelsey's judge had to say about interns working in his kitchen. Yeah, not looking forward to hearing Sara's crowing next week. It's very difficult to be happy for her. She was definitely very fortunate to have had two local chef-friends and mentors among the diners being very effusive fans.
  16. Not gonna lie, I was looking forward to tonight's premiere, after a very satisfying last season. But this premiere, starting with its too-short 60 minutes....doesn't bode well. Liked Keith with his backstory, but I'm conflicted about his narking on Reem and Wendy. It saved his butt for sure, but doesn't it also paint him as an untrustworthy person to enter into an alliance with? Not a fan of TV News Anchor for pointing out the swimming lesson as the trio to pick off. They also happened to be the marginalized folk, gathered in one place. What a coinkidink. Liked the new Tribal Council set! Also the set for the RedExEx Island shelter. Jury's out on the returning players. The main plus is, it's four less names that I have to learn. Didn't have a strong feeling about Wentworth before, but her eyerolls during Tribal might lead to a negative one if they continue. Menu of advantages--really? Let me borrow one of Wentworth's eyerolls here. Yeah, that was a trainwreck of a Tribal for Reem. It was definitely an "OMG Stop Talking" moment, as her lack of social intelligence spiralled down. It'll be interesting to see her on RedExEx Island, since we're stuck with the "twist" this season. I do like Wendy so far, it remains to be seen whether her being a Survivor fangrrl will help her or hurt her.
  17. You too? I think the show is definitely setting Feodora for a great comeuppance, so that passed through my mind as well. And then when Victoria was about to confront the "Swindler" Couple. Yes, and then I realized how Lord Pam had totally become a character I'm fanning, because I was more concerned that Duke Mon(ster)mouth would do more than just cause a scene at their club. (Although that possibility for storytelling was a lot more interesting than the "will they get away with it" between the Duchess and the Footman. Stop trying to make that happen!) My eyes are still rolling at how the entire scene between the Duchess and Joseph played out during the ball. Well, actually at all the scenes between them, really. It's also hard to root for someone who's clearly shitty at their job and not even trying. (Don't make me think Penge is in the right, show!) I don't get why Feo thinks that because she's got Albert blindly believing her (why?) that Victoria telling her directly that its time she goes home, she can stay. I've been watching the docu on Princess Margaret that airs after, another sister to the Queen who's been sidelined. If Daisy was going to fictionslanderalize the heck out of Feodora, that would have been a more interesting, nuanced route to take. As for Albert and the phrenology, this is the same dude who brought Mr. Cain (cleverly referenced by Vicky) to handle Bertie. And now he's bringing in another person to single Bertie out as damaged goods? I'd be smashing sculptures too.
  18. This episode made me very cranky. And yes! I noticed that too! I was already taken out of the scene when they showed the (wandering, unchaperoned) Duchess approaching the naked footman on the beach. The sudden appearance of flame-breathing dragons would have been a lot more believable, especially when he said, "Walk with me, Duchess" (after he put on clothing) And she does. And honestly, it's hard to root for a dude--no matter how good the eye candy--who nearly lost his job because he couldn't resist going for a swim, just running off to test out some new waters. If Downton Abbey--the show Daisy wishes Victoria was--taught me anything, it's not like footmen could treat road trips as work/vacation. Was he counting on the Duchess to bail him out again, with her villainous husband only a few feet away? Because that just makes him stupid or entitled, or both. His "I offer you love" would have worked if he had been set up as a total manipulative player before, rather than an 8 foot tall bewigged stalker, but here it was just him mouthing the payoff to the on-the-nose discussion between the Pams about how the Duchess needed luuuuurve. Hope Daisy Goodwin didn't dislocate a shoulder patting herself on the back with that. After Victoria caught herself addressing Abigail as Skerritt, I half expected her to declare that she was just going to continue to do so, because that's exactly the kind of tone deaf that's a lot more believable than her blithely inviting Duke Boar/Bore along and then ignoring him behaving like a drunken fool in her presence. I did like Lady P, a lot. In just a few lines she was a lot more interesting than Feodora, Duchess Lookin4LoveinAlltheWrongPlaces, and NuSkerritt combined. I feel like I've seen that (beekeeper's) veiled intro to a new character before--maybe even on this show. Any ideas? Although with the lengthy buildup to seeing her face, I was sorta expecting Rufus Sewell in drag.
  19. I loved the Quickfire challenge --mainly because I never thought to use bouillon for anything other than making broth. Eric continues to impress more and more. I'm sure the elimination win made up for missing the Quickfire win. I thought what Adrienne did was within bounds, considering that she was really highlighting making her food from scratch. Besides, Sara ate up the fans rooting and hollering her being described as a hometown girl, and she was definitely playing to them with the name of her dish. The crowd turning against you for using a box mix is your own damn fault, girl. In the same vein, I wondered why Justin didn't just put "Open faced" in the name of his dish. Ed Lee was way too hung up on there needing to be a bun. I'm sure that Justin would have been dinged for using store-bought buns, especially since it sounded (from the other judges) that it might be overkill to have one more component. Kelsey's dumplings looked absolutely delicious. Between the Home Call of Death, the reminder of what she had given up to compete and the taking a huge risk in what she was choosing to make -- good fakeout, editors! And Michelle's win last week probably did weigh her elimination over Sara's. That, plus the fact that Michelle would never, ever cause any drama in the house. Meanwhile, Sara seems to be the cheftestant to root against this season. Perhaps next week she'll make a risotto.
  20. Wow, Daisy went there. Mad respect. I kept thinking that Daisy was going to have Victoria magically cure Skerritt by offering her the job of dresser back (because this is the same universe where footmen can initiate conversation with titled ladies with "I've been meaning to thank you...."). That was a satisfying payoff to the "Skerretelli" lovefest dragging on, pulling away valuable time from the title character herself. All the actors involved were fantastic in those highly emotional scenes. Same with Albert at Cambridge. I had a flashback to his rousing anti-slavery speech, and was getting ready to eyeroll another scene where he wins over people with his impassioned words. It was believable that his audience here would be less than enthused about being called out for their backwards ways, and told they do it better in Bonn. As with people here, I loved the fighting via letters, but wow, were V&A striking as a united front, entering into the hall for a court function. Also loved getting a reminder of the foreign dignitaries presenting gifts, that this would be a usual thing happening throughout her long reign. On a similarly shallow note, that silk floral duvet that she was using was absolutely gorgeous, as were the children's clothing. The show really does best when it gives us these views of what it's like to be Victoria, the Queen. The people who did all the makeup for cholera victims, especially Skerritt's, should be commended. It really helped underscore how brave and unflinching Victoria was to deliberately expose herself to that, especially as --did Palmerston run out of the hospital ward?--I'm also sure the sounds and smells were also off-putting. Really hoping that they don't drag Chartist seamstress woman into the role of Victoria's new bestie, but that seems to be where it's going, especially as Skerritt's facility with a needle has also been essential, not just her hairdressing ability. But I'll be disappointed if Chartist then gets stalked by New Chef and they end up having a romance.
  21. The scene of Skerritt's resignation was really well done. I could feel both their hearts breaking. Nice buildup with the scene in the ocean, where Skerritt says something along the lines of never having been in the water before, and then without hesitation, running in to save Victoria. That was an awesome "bathing suit" by the way. What I could have done without was the view of a barechested Francatelli lounging in bed after "putting those twenty minutes to good use." I had an immediate flashback to Austin Powers. Just me? Ok, then. I also enjoyed the standoff between Palmerston and Feodora, and the reference to a past affair between the other lady-in-waiting and Palmerston. Ernst and Palmerston in the same room would be epic. Liking the new footman, unpixellated, very much. Shante, he can stay. Chartists, Evil Feo and Francatelli can sashay away. Can someone do a gif of Penge drumming? That was one of the highlights! "bitter" is the perfect descriptor for it!
  22. They should just give Aunt Feo a moustache to twirl already. Talk about anachronistic -- that scene with Victoria comforting Bertie took me back to Clara in Doctor Who, that's how time-bending it was! I know V&A were considered progressive parents for their times, but they were almost a parody of hipster parents letting their kids run wild and then talking peer-to-peer about it. Or at least in this show's universe, make it a deliberate contrast to how Victoria was raised, and how she's doing the over-compensation thing with her own kids. Agree with @Zella that the scene with French King Simon telling the kids what's what was hilarious, and also felt realistic. It was super kind of Victoria to offer up her uncle's property to him. Did Albert do anything after he saw the street urchin doing something in the gutter? (e.g. help that kid, toss money at him, etc.) Or was it just another reminder that he's into social welfare and will be doing more in that vein when they get back from Os-porn house?
  23. Lucy Worsley is awesome, and this special didn't disappoint. All the different components could have been whole episodes--the clothing (seeing V's undies!), the food (especially Franconelli's recipes brought to life, and the tidbit about turbot). the music (and the detour to a very plausible supposition that V & A's "favorite composer" would have played a role, and why it worked out differently), the setting being so radical for a royal wedding, and even how that wedding was referenced throughout Victoria's life and still has an impact today.
  24. Color me surprised that Steven's disappearance wasn't used to swap out the actor. Love Fallon slapping Sam: Don't you dare cheat on my brother! It's always touching to see that bond between Fallon and Steven. NuCrystal didn't bug as much this episode. They did a good job styling her. Jeff's monochrome outfit when he "died" is how he should always dress. Fallon's smirk-smile at the end of the episode was everything.
  25. I wouldn't even want to be judged by the third worst boss I've ever had -- I've had some pretty awful bosses. But I'm also not a chef, and it seems to me that who you've worked with is a huge part of the chef identity, and how the other cheftestants size you up. And of course it's an additional source of stress if the person who's mentored you is a guest judge. Plus the editing folks are always quick to remind us who's trained with someone known for whatever the challenge is based on. IMO, it's fair to also hold it against someone if they've worked for a chef who's not well-liked or respected--and then be pleasantly surprised. He's kind of stood out from the beginning. I was happy that he really shone in this episode.
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