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Everything posted by Angeleyes

  1. The bun was gone when Ridge arrived at Eric’s house. I guess he can’t be all free spirit there. I agree that there has been zero self reflection and he probably blames Sheila for the pine cone of epiphany as well as all the other poor choices he’s made. He’s probably hoping being the welcoming hero will absolve him of everything. (Gee, I wonder where Thomas gets it from?)
  2. Sheila faked the heart thing before when she collapsed at Steffy’s house because she wanted Finn to feel sorry for her and have to care for her. I hope for karma sake that she gets Li as her doctor this time.
  3. Sheila’s like the cat that lands on 9 toes. I’m surprised they didn’t go as far as having her land in the Avengers power pose. Lol You’d think the FBI would have at least been near the entrance to the property. She shouldn’t have been able to get that far away so quickly. I hope Deacon does the right thing and turns Sheila in, but I don’t have high hopes. We can’t have nice things on this show.
  4. The time I was thinking about was when she went to jail after the attempted shooting of Steffy in the hotel room. Steffy and Sheila got into a fight and IIRC Sheila missed and then Steffy took her down. Liam arrived shortly afterwards. I think was the infamous “Summer of Sheila”. She ended up serving the full prison term for this one. Then she came back when she got out of jail saying she was all reformed and Eric forgave her. I think that’s when she became a waitress at the restaurant then she sort of disappeared until she came back to town this time.
  5. I’m trying to remember how many times Sheila has served prison time. Was it just the once for the kidnapping and attempted shooting of Steffy? I can’t remember if she ever served time for some of her other crimes such as kidnapping baby Scotty (on Y&R) as well as holding Lauren and Sheila’s own mother hostage. For B&B she shot and “killed” Taylor, shot Brooke after holding Eric and Taylor hostage, tried to drown Stephanie. I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting.
  6. “I think Sheila Spencer has a nice ring to it” then Ridge mumbles as Bill goes out the door, “I wasn’t kidding.” Lol These two have been hitting it with the one-liners. I thought the black diamond engagement ring was quite interesting. Too bad it’s going back to the jeweler soon.
  7. Ugh at least we’re done with Dim, but you know they’ll bring Juicy back again. I just hope she doesn’t hook up with Elijah next. How many documentaries has this department been involved with? It seems like a lot.
  8. I’m not understanding why Ridge is just hanging out and watching everything unfold? He’s not exactly contributing to the investigation. “Just sitting there growing hair” as they joked today. Shouldn’t he be at home dealing with Thomas’s stupid ass issues? I’m sure there would be a way for them to secretly send updates to him at home.
  9. I don’t understand why they can’t just cast a new character to be a girlfriend for Thomas? Quinn left so that leaves money available to cast someone and if they cast a newcomer it wouldn’t even cost that much. Surely there could be more to his character than this?
  10. I’m looking forward to the new season starting tomorrow night. It’s sad it will be the final one, but I’m glad they have a chance to wrap things up.
  11. Now we just need Li to be brought on board to the secret plan to make it truly awesome. At the very least, I’m sure Li will be very impressed with Bill if he’s the one to bring Sheila down for good.
  12. What is the weird bobby-pin mess they’ve got going on with Steffy’s hair right now? It’s weird. So the whole rehash repeat spin cycle begins again with Thomas using Douglas to maneuver Hope into forgiveness and believing he’s changed once again. Liam’s incredulity and exhaustion with it is all of us right now.
  13. Deacon is forever the guy who makes bad decisions and shoots himself in the foot. He’ll probably go back to jail soon as most of the people in her orbit either get maimed or end up in jail because of her.
  14. I think the show didn’t do a good job of connecting the dots on these two things. I don’t want to get into book talk, but will say more of an explanation is given there. With Billy we are supposed to assume that his relationship with his Dad had a deep effect on him that informs how Billy feels about his ability to be successful in his personal and professional life.
  15. We only had time to watch the first episode tonight. I like it so far as someone who read the book. It seems like Riley is playing Daisy with a bit more vulnerability and naïveté than just automatically being the cool It Girl type. I’m looking forward to viewing the rest of the series.
  16. I’m also wondering why the CPS call was not brought up during the hearing by the judge. Seems like a recent CPS investigation + a new custody hearing would have raised some red flags. There would have also likely been a social worker and a guardian ad litem involved in the case. This is probably all just so the stupid writers will start the triangle over again or put Hope with Thomas or Finn. No one wants any of that.
  17. The judge was such a joke. She didn’t even ask Douglas why he didn’t want to live with either of his parents. She should have asked to determine if one of them was abusing him, etc. I’m tired of all these stupid judge’s chamber hearings with no notice and no attorneys. It’s all beyond stupid. Soap courtroom scenes used to take days and would be riveting. Now not so much.
  18. I prefer to navigate the site from the index page that lists drama, comedy, etc. When I use the buttons to move back out of the category I get taken to the home page. I prefer to browse through the shows in the index vs listing everything on my home page.
  19. Interesting that we got to see the beach house today. It looks like they painted over the awful mural Zoe conned Wyatt into paying her to do. Now they’ve added some fish prints. I wonder where Wyatt lives now? The rest of the episode was boring.
  20. Finn’s mom Li is also a doctor as well as Bridget when she’s in town.
  21. Since the HFTF’s bad review was a recent plot point, I thought I’d look up when Los Angeles fashion week would be. Their next date is March 24-26 and the last show would have been in October. As a point of reference, New York’s Fashion Week is next week. So it would be weird if a new collection had been released for HFTF much less that any reviews would be in print for it. Just another Bell creation that has nothing to do with the real world.
  22. I think today proved that Taylor is going to have to clear this up with the police because she can’t have Sheila forever hanging this over her head. Sheila is going to continue to demand more time with Finn and Hayes and God knows what else as long as she has this leverage. Also, Forrester Creations needs better security if they can’t keep out the one person they don’t want there. I’m surprised they don’t already have a strict system given that corporate espionage is a thing in that world.
  23. IIRC, Katie was pushing for the investigation to continue, but Bill made a big deal about being over it and just wanting to forget about it and move on with his life. She kept asking him if he was sure and then eventually just followed his lead. When anyone asked she told them that it was Bill’s wish to move on and everyone who didn’t know bought that.
  24. After the Bill/Sheila kissing yesterday it was super noticeable that they made the eww gross faces immediately after. I wish someone could get screen shots of it because it was so apparent.
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