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Matt K

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Everything posted by Matt K

  1. True, but there was very little they could do as if they didn't sell the rights then Marvel would not exist. As it was they were going through bankruptcy and there was talk at the time that they would either be bought out or shut down (or bought out and shut down). So if they didn't sell the rights in the first place Marvel would never have existed to create the MCU. There's at least a chance that Disney regains the rights to Spiderman if Sony Pictures does go under, which considering their movie lineup seems possible e.g. The Emoji movie (the only good movie on their slate besides Spiderman is Dark Tower).
  2. So apparently the next episode is on demand (but for some reason the FIOS app won't show any episodes available). Supposedly, we're getting like four new episodes on May 29 for memorial day. As for the episodes, the Lars episode seemed required given them being on the ship together. And I actually really enjoyed that episode (plus that it was instead a stealth Sadie episode. Topaz and Aquamarine were both super intimidating so curious to see more about them. I guess they were sent by Blue Diamond since they unwittingly encouraged her to put more humans in the Zoo. Hoping we'll see more of the Amethysts/Jaspers in the upcoming episodes.
  3. That was easily one of the best superhero movies period. I found it a significant upgrade from the first movie. This time most of the characters and villain were relatively fully developed characters. And as mentioned above, David Batista was MVP of the movie which I did not expect. And it was funny. I was laughing throughout the movie (and had trouble stopping when Drax made it clear he's famous for his massive turds). Ego was a great villain and the Sovereign while not as fleshed out (didn't really need to be) were a hoot, especially the video game sound effects. Supposedly Adam Warlock is going to be in the next GoG movie, so really looking forward to that. Oh and I don't know if anyone else had the issue, but for some reason my theater didn't show any previews, it just went right to the Marvel Studios logo (not really an issue as most movies suck, not interested in seeing a preview for the Emoji movie for example).
  4. Well to be fair they were canceled. I imagine if they wanted more seasons we would have gotten them.
  5. So new episodes start Monday. That said, all the episodes are currently available on the CN app and at least for me on demand (FIOS). Watched all the episodes and damn they were good. I hope we get more soon.
  6. So I've only read some of the book and gave up due to bordom about halfway through (skimmed the later parts ). I watched this with my wife and it was just okay. There was no real hook to get us into the story. It looked good but plot wise it was very slow. I'll probably keep up with it but I really hope it starts moving at a better pace.
  7. I believe Depp is the murder victim so hopefully he's not in it long. That said, I'm actually interested in this movie. It has a pretty good cast as long as the movie doesn't implode by having both Depp and Gad in the same movie (I really don't care for either of them) and Kenneth Branagh seems like a good fit as both director and star.
  8. Great episode. While the first half wasn't as funny, the ending killed it. Loved the return of the focus group and also the return of the "lawyer". Actually I hope we see more of him as he's probably one of my favorite side characters.
  9. I think the idea is that this is actually Jake's natural state and dog Jake was just a shapeshifted form. But who knows, I'm looking forward to see where they go with this (and hopefully more Jermaine too). I really like how Finn was concerned by the new look but was relieved to have his brother back.
  10. "Going to Burning Man, going to Burning Man" and who can forget Terry the teratoma. That show was really something.
  11. You might enjoy this video then, you are definitely not alone with those gripes.
  12. Of the new characters, I like Melody and hope she shows up some more. For Kurapika, it always sounds off to me when he's referred to as male (he, him, etc). It's actually kind of a shame that he's not female as that would help round out the group (and be one of the few anime that wouldn't be making the female character as fan service).
  13. I loved that show, even got the DVD when AS ran a limited run. On the plus side, if it wasn't canceled we'd had never gotten Bob's Burgers.
  14. It really depends on their relationship. Disney and Fox seem to be on better terms right now with the co-production of the X-men tv series so maybe? While I'm sad the role didn't go to Ron Perlman or Kiera Knightly, Josh Brolin seems like a pretty good fit especially after seeing him in Hail, Ceaser! I always forget he got his start in the Goonies.
  15. Pretty good episode. I knew someone was going to get stabbed with the epipen. Love how they just left Sabrina on the door step.
  16. That was pretty funny, especially the whole "lesson" at the end and the pepper grinder. I was not expecting Mickey to win big.
  17. The ads for this looked dreadful so the only thing I have to add is I wish they called it ImagiMary.
  18. I assumed the McDonald memory was not necessarily the same time period as the "origin of Rick" time period.
  19. Sadly I missed the first half of the first episode so I decided to wait. Kind of upset though, hopefully they'll put it on demand or something.
  20. They seem to be showing a new episode of Rick and Morty right now.
  21. So apparently, the rest of the season is on demand (on FIOS at least) and they are hilarious. The B Frank show was amazing and the hole USPIS story line is ridiculous (in a good way). I'm impressed with how much funnier this season is than last (and I enjoyed last season). Here's hoping for another season.
  22. After Iron Fist, my anticipation for this has lessened significantly. It's not like I hated Iron Fist, but there were so many glaring errors (like "I left my cell phone behind" followed a little bit later by, "hey you can use my cell phone" among others which would be more spoilery) and lazy choices (like where is this scene supposed to take place, what's Danny's motivation, etc). I hope Inhumans is better than that but same show runner so I'm less optimistic here.
  23. I watched it since it's between JoJo (which I've really warmed up to once they switched protagonists) and Hunter X Hunter. Didn't really care for it much. I also tend not to like characters like Keneki (they are so prevalent in Anime for some reason). It might get better but my first impression wasn't great.
  24. Well I guess that solves what happened to Kai. That was pretty dark.
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