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Everything posted by chrisvee

  1. This show gives me all the feels. I used to think the most tragically impossible love story was Margo/Eliot. But it now I think it’s Quentin/Eliot.
  2. Farewell, OUAT! You were one of my great TV loves for three seasons, then I just hung on for dear life until Emma got her happy ending.
  3. There have been a lot of execution problems this season — through a combination of bad writing in some cases and poor acting in others. But this ep makes up for a lot and it makes sense out of a few things. Maze and Lucifer have essentially the same arc. Am I worthy of love? Will someone put me first? Am I ready to put someone else’s needs ahead of my own desires and whims? I think Tom Ellis has done a good job over this season and prior showing how tormented Lucifer has been over the notion that Chloe’s feelings may not be the result of her own free choice. It’s Chloe that’s the problem and I’m going to put it down to acting/directingrather than writing. Chloe at the start of the season is understandably hurt and ready to move on romantically to someone else after how Lucifer treated her. What I think LG didn’t do well in early and mid season was show that it was indeed a rebound with Pierce. And that may have been out of some misconceived notion to make it a ‘surprise’ revelation. When we see Chloe devastated after Pierce rejected her there should have been more nuance there to convey the ‘why have I been dumped by both of these guys?’ In terms of relationship end game, I think it’s about teaching Lucifer to love and getting him out of Hell and into a functioning role as an Earthbound angel advocating for humanity bc he loves them. On Chloe’s side it’s a little less clear to me since she will be sacrificing some traditional relationship stuff to make things work if she’s even willing to do that and not betray what she just said to Lucifer about accepting all of him. I think Maze’s characterization may have been hurt a smidgeon by showing her developing friendships with Trixie and Linda so easily — it felt a tad regressive to have her suddenly feel so betrayed. But I can hand wave that a bit as ‘demon’. Amenadiel, Linda, Charlotte, and Dan — all good this season. Pierce as the Big Bad has sucked a bit bc IMO TW didn’t have the acting range to pull off the despair of Cain, the surprise of falling in love with Chloe, and the depth of betrayal. He’s sort of one note.
  4. Between the terrible writing and the chemistry-destroying power of Tom Welling, this show is seriously bad. Character arcs for Chloe, Maze and Charlotte are dreadful.
  5. He will indeed...and ‘Janet’ has a fairy eye I don’t know how I’m going to wait Hoping that kiss from the Fairy Queen has some juice
  6. I love this show so much. It’s totally hit its stride this season. I assumed ‘he’ was The Great Cock.
  7. I hate to say this but I think Chloe only works as a love interest/inspiration for Lucifer. Watching her mooning over Pierce is painful.
  8. Diana was...bizarre. She watched her parents die with no emotion. She and Kelly 'liked' Zerstorer. It's like she was a sociopath in training. Her entire character makes no sense to me. 2nd fan glad that Nick ended up with Adalind. At least CC could act. Very moving when Nick took off the ring. Also when he held Monroe's hand as he died. Last couple seasons haven't been great but I will miss this show.
  9. The Gosh news makes me sad. End of the show for me when founding characters go.
  10. It's hard to take the CS drama seriously when Hook is held to such a higher standard than Regina and Rumple. His crimes are treated as more serious and his redemptive acts are given less weight.
  11. This storyline is actually interesting but it's rushed -- more of the season should have been about this. It took too long to get here. I could envision this storyline with Abbie still here and a new future witness from dystopian future coming back then Crane/Abbie having to figure it all out and avoid their fates. Show is still hampered by lack of chemistry between Ichabod and Diana. Liked the future Molly with Ichabod -- that has some potential. Scoobies have shaped up. Shame they can't reform/redeem Jobe into a part-time Scooby.
  12. I keep examining the 'holding hands' shot -- Nick while Adalind is dying?? Adalind and Trubel on the ground? Sean and Adalind? I think happy ending will be defined as Monorosalee + Kelly + Diana with either Nick or Trubel as the rootless Grimm wandering alone (like Marie and Mom). No evidence for that though -- just trying to piece together the interviews. Adalind and Nick in the last ep made me feel I could have liked a Nadalind ship if it had been done earlier in the series before so much damage was done. Must confess to surprise that the show is ending with that, though -- thought for sure they would reunite Nick and Juliette. Maybe they still will or she'll get to raise Kelly and Diana now that she's human again. I feel like Adalind and Sean are both doomed.
  13. Trailer really makes it look like Adalind dies while warning them to run with the kids -- isn't that Zerstorer appearing right behind her? i suspect everyone dies but Nick, Rosalee, Monroe, and the two kids. Nick ends up wandering the earth as solo Grimm while Rosalee and Monroe head for parts unknown to raise their brood plus Kelly and Diana.
  14. Why did they bring back Ichabod's son? Argh.
  15. I think you've got it exactly right. For the brothers they really played up the redemption angle this season. And Stefan frankly got the best of that storyline since (sorry Elena, sorry Caroline) he has always been about earning forgiveness for his crimes and specifically forgiveness from Damon for consigning him to the vampire life. Damon's redemption played out offscreen during his human life with Elena -- a human life that was essentially a reset made possible by Stefan. Interesting and somewhat heartening for me that they really made the finale about Stefan and Elena. Stefan was honored as the person who put everything in motion to get them all to the afterlife and he was really portrayed as the catalyst that brought Elena back to happiness.
  16. I think the show ended as well as it could. I loved Bonnie getting her powers back and heading out to see the world while Enzo watched over her. We don't know how her story ended but I liked that her happy ending was about her own power not about a man. But I feel certain some guy was smart enough to see the awesomeness of Bonnie. ;) Even though the plot was nominally about reuniting Delena, it's interesting that what was really important were the family relationships like Defan and the girls and Caroline's kids. Which is good considering Steroline wasn't a chemistry powerhouse and Delena lost some oomph when ND/IS broke up. i will remember it fondly, with everyone meeting up in heaven like Lost.
  17. It's been a ride but I think that was an amazingly romantic ending. And the real love story was the brothers and the girls. As it should be. Very Lostian with the flash forward to Damian and Elena's deaths.
  18. I agree that the contrast between the horror and the comedy is too much. It's as if the Julia storyline and the Brakebills/Fillory storyline are happening in two different shows. IMO they need to take some of the edge off the really graphic horror.
  19. Tim Mison is trying really hard but the newbies esp Crane's partner (who is so bland and generic I can't remember her name) are bringing nothing in terms of chemistry. They need to recast some of these roles.
  20. Like the 'dad wants to retire' theory. So he's setting up Lucifer to develop empathy for his Creation via Chloe
  21. Such a shockingly romantic ending in some ways. Sherlock and John find in each other the perfect partner who can bear the other's flaws and heal the other's wounds -- and they get to raise a baby together to boot! All without any messy sex getting in the way. :) The Mary DVD felt somewhat like overkill since everything she said is something we've already seen. The last montage would have been stronger without it. Presumably if the show does return it can be purely detective story focused since John and Sherlock are now 'matured'.
  22. This episode was so bad that I had to FF through most of it. I really no longer care about Cade, sirens, etc. and it's boring wasting the last episodes with a 'Stefan and Damon are evil killers plot' AGAIN. I just want it to be over.
  23. My problem isn't so much the plot but that the show has no magic, no chemistry with Abbie gone. Even Jenny and Ichabod fall flat.
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