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Everything posted by Sprockets

  1. IMO Cole is creepy weird and totally boring at the same time. Chelsea is desperate to create her sparkling, childish babytalk fantasy life, and Cole plays along. Cole is the Not Adam, and I think there's a strong possibility Chelsea will get real tired of him real soon. Then again, who knows what she's feeling under that inch-thick clown makeup? She and Cole both need to stop showing us the gum they are chewing. Also, she could clean her house now and then. And stop getting more animals, especially given Aubtree's chicken throttling tendencies.
  2. Could be. Jorge is apparently not even his real name. This show is the land of illusions.
  3. Here are her nursing notes: 0500 Emptied bed pan, read Mohamed's FB page. 0600 Changed sheets, cried 0700 Rinsed bedpan, thought about deporting Mo. I'm pretty sure she cries whenever she is confused or frustrated, and when you have the mental acuity of a bowl of yougurt that's pretty much all the time.
  4. I took that to mean she's into some kinky stuff, maybe involving unripe fruit and an alternative bodily orifice. I could be reading too much into this.
  5. I'm sure Danielle has plans for the future. The odds of Mo ever getting public assistance are slim to none, and slim's out of town. So there will almost certainly never be anything for Danielle to pay back. She also simply has no grounds on which to build a case for deportation. It was pathetic to see she had a notebook full of his messges to other women, and even more tragic to hear she thought they would help in a deportation hearing. She also gathered "statements" from her family - saying WHAT? She has absolutely no substantive evidence that he was scamming her. Courts want evidence, not suspicion. The woman seriously needs to move on if she wants any chance of a semi-normal life.
  6. What will the taxpayer be paying for? We've already received the taxes from whatever he was paid for appearing on the show. . . .I cannot imagine what costs there would be.
  7. In light of this information which is new to me, it is beginning to look like he and Danielle were pretty evenly matched.
  8. Interesting. Still, just having to deal with Danielle is something you couldn't pay me enough to do.
  9. Was that her goal? My understanding was that she just wanted to be a model - which at her age and with her body kind of ends up being lingerie. Oh yeah. That was pretty clear from the start.
  10. First, we don't know the truth of the allegation. Second, the nature of a joint account is that both account holders always have 100% right to all the funds. If Danielle didn't want that to happen, she should have made other financial arrangements. So, given the legalities and only having Danielle's word for any of this, I don't think it can be called proof of anything much. I don't think he worked the whole time he lived with Danyeel. There would have been a period of time during which he was not permitted to work. Does anyone know what that was?
  11. So true. The fact that they didn't reach out to each other automatically says volumes.
  12. If they were married, it was just as much his money as hers. All of that is dealt with in a divorce settlement, anyway. So it's done and dusted. " Mohammed does not strike me as someone who actually wants to do an honest day's work. " Why? It's been mentioned several times on the show tht he has been working construction.
  13. I agree completely. That "presentation" she gave for school was pathetic, and she should have failed. Instead the teachers are coming in their pants over how she compared herself to Oprah. Kail is about Kail, nothing else.
  14. Of course not. But Farrah already got the sparkly unicorn dildo deal.
  15. What she means is no one will date her, despite her unique talent. This bimb could say the smartest thing in the world and in the process of coming out of her mouth it would become stupid. And her gums! Her giant pink wall of moist gums! I cannot. Yay, dip! Does it have jello in it? LIME jello? Because that would be awesome. Maybe she will post the recipe.
  16. In the first episode I got the impression that Chris paid for her schooling. I get the impression Chris has paid for everything, and he probably still is. If she and Chris were "friends," as ahe claims, why would she have any nervousness about him meeting The Creep? Or his first penis protector.
  17. I'm going for STNA, state tested nursing assistant, which just about lets her take pulses in nursing homes and make beds. And clearly she isn't working. Hey, how'd you like to be sick or in pain and see Danielle shuffling and snuffling in your direction, making one of her animal moans?
  18. I totally agree. Mo was a class act on the show, at least compared to some of the rest of them. He may appear to be snotty, but he's just reserved. I was set against him at the start, but I think very highly of him now. He apparently holds down a real job, and his English has improved dramatically, unlike some of the others ("the family Chantal," oh please). Danielle completely misrepresented herself to him and no doubt he was shocked by what he found out on many levels. Also, she is crazy. I would also like to know where this money Danielle is talking about came from. She has none. I've never been clear how she proved she could support Mo, as she had to do on the visa application. I suspect there was a cosigner, because nothing else makes sense.
  19. No kidding. I am sick to DEATH of the non-sub-plot of no one knowing Tourette's was inherited. ANYONE involved in this clusterhump issue could have taken 30 seconds to Google it and immediately seen it was transmitted genetically. That's how much anyone cared. And Loren, no one cares about the nightmare of your (nearly unnoticeable) disease because front and center we have the screaming, crying, raging bugeyed bitch that you have CHOSEN to be in regard to every single subject in your life. Everything is about you, all the time. Guess how attractive that is? Guess how long Alex is going to put up with that shit? There are people with serious disabilities out here, you selfish ignoramus. People who cannot work because of their medical issues, people who cannot even walk. But please, moan some more about your tiny little twitches.
  20. Because they are batshit crazy?
  21. Yes, I know. My husband is British, and came over on a work visa. I had to promise I would pay any expenses he incurred from getting government funds for the next ten years, and that is all. Kind of silly, because he had no right to any public finds. Danielle is dramatizing yet again. It seems like Mo is working pretty hard and supporting himself, whereas she is pretty darned unemployable. (Go on, think of somewhere she could work. Waffle House night shift, right?) Danielle's new Victim Cry is "he owes me money," and not only no he does not, but the financial settlements were ironed out in the terms of the divorce, so shut your fat drooly mouth.
  22. I agree wholeheartedly with this, to the point that it feels like we are mocking a person with real disabilities. Her eyes don't even point in the same direction, and her facial expressions make Loren's tiny twitches seem like nothing at all (Loren, they are nothing at all, you drama queen.) I seriously think she has mental issues. Of course she's also tragically stupid, with the emotional maturity of a celery stalk.
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