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  1. This was a good episode. I'm sad we didn't get this with Teresa back in the day. For now, I'm choosing to think Meredith tipped off the Feds, because that's the most interesting story to me. I have mixed up feelings about our justice system right now, so I found myself with those who thought the sheer amount of law enforcement going for Jen Shah was overboard. What she probably did was awful, I intellectually understand the logic behind a show of force, but...people who did stuff I think is way worse were brought to court with less fanfare. I can't get past that to think this was warranted, though it did make for compelling television. Lisa seems to name her feelings instead of show them, like she's trying to conjure them up, and I have no clue what she really felt, but I thought Heather was genuinely upset. I also felt like there was something oddly authentic in Meredith's theatrical bathtime reaction sequence. I need the next part of the story. I'm glad it's able to play out on camera, instead of the usual reality thing where the real stuff goes unaired to fuel speculation and keep people talking.
  2. Lisa is every soap villain I've loved in the past, so I enjoy her. I think she underestimated Heather and Whitney, which I think is fun, and I wonder how she's planning to get them to fight. For me, Jenn also being awful doesn't mean Lisa is less so. But, the wolf head was insanely unneeded. I know nothing about Mary outside of the stuff on the show, so right now I feel like she's no more harmful than others who peddle solutions. We'll see what Lisa gets on air to change my mind. I enjoy this franchise quite a bit, maybe because they don't really try to hide the basic soapy drama. In a weird way I feel like it's...real.
  3. I think Lisa doesn't like Whitney because of religion, by which I mean Whitney and Heather have a blood connection to a community Lisa had to work to enter. If they wanted to come back, they probably could. If she steps out of line, though, she's probably just out. I think she resents them, and/or is trying to maintain her place by keeping them on the outs. There's no other reason I can think of for her to have gone to the level of telling someone not to recognize Whitney as a cousin (she didn't deny doing that). Also, her interview about polygamy/inbreeding was...a lot. She was sloppy as hell with all her shenanigans. Her attempt at crying felt like a parody of these shows, and I owe way more credit to people like Tamra on OC for their skills. I would blame the catering thing on production if Lisa didn't walk in and make a comment about parties with no food. Why say that (edited soundbite) if you aren't expecting an issue? Did her alcohol company even sponsor the party? I liked the way Mary dealt with Jen. As far as how Brooks would know about a tweet Jen merely liked...screenshots are easy to take and send. That said, I'm super ready for these feuds to hit the back burner. I'm loving this cast because they remind me of early reality TV folk. Like, they should know the game by now and most of them dont. It's bizarre and refreshing. And it's nice to have villains who genuinely believe they're the victim.
  4. This. Hire a different person Or, supervise. How busy could you possibly be during covid times that you need your social media managed? I don't really believe her anyway. Someone that into themselves gets notified of mentions and whatnot, and there can't be they many. She knows what she's putting out there. I don't get what the scene at Meredith's house was supposed to be. Did a bunch of guys and Mary come over to watch Meredith try things on? Were the guys potential customers? They didn't seem all that interested, but we didn't see much of them. Jennie's daughter is the precocious kid from every 90s sitcom, and I love that. This drama entertains me, but I think I need them to switch it up in a week or two. Only so much I can watch grown ups fight about Twitter (has anything good come from Twitter?).
  5. I think Jen is wrong to like comments about Brooks, but we're messed up for making them in the first place. I love shade as much as any Bravo viewer, but commenting on a 20 year old because of his orientation isn't shade, it's just...lazy. There's so much to mock here. With Jen, I feel like they're leaving out the big stuff. Her family had an intervention because of her behavior? That deserves more than a passing comment. With Whitney, I feel like they're including too much. It can't be good for a marriage to suggest on your TV show that your husband isn't having enough sex with you. I'm really enjoying this season but I think it's all anticipation, because thinking it over there's not a ton going on besides fights that started because of the show.
  6. Aww, see...I'm into them, so I feel like Courtney does have feelings for Z she's just not acknowledging them yet. I think they're adorable together, though, so, totally biased. With respect to Katie, I agree she's a crap manager, but did she really refuse to punish Lexie? From what I remember, she tried to bring it up and Sandy shut her down hard, then they had some conversation about second chances and whatnot. I feel like Sandy's at fault for all of the drama- including whatever Delaney did wrong on deck. Who puts someone in that position as, like, a make-a-wish kind of moment? I'm only seeing Lexie's behavior on the show, not really interested in her outside of her role as a character here, and I think she's awful. That said, something about Mat going for her also makes me uncomfortable. I appreciated Courtney yelling at both of them (she might be a good manager one day, imho, because she didn't pick a side even though Lexie's incompetence arguably affects her the most directly). Good on Delaney for getting all her reality TV stuff done in such a short period of time. The only thing she hasn't done is had a full-on fight with someone. It should be enough to secure her a place next season.
  7. A season with so many explicit "this is my platform" moments definitely factored in what type of person the winner would represent, but I think it could have just as easily gone to a Big Queen so they could check that box. The next regular season will probably do that, but hopefully they'll edit it so it feels earned. I still think Kylie deserved the win based on her talent. I'm just cynical about the show.
  8. I thought the right person won. I also think they were smart to eliminate Trinity before this challenge. Here's hoping next season incorporates actual criticism. Watching Holland made me realize that's what I resent about the US version lately. They either demolish people or pretend they're perfect. It's annoying. Did anyone else totally forget Shea had won the last season? Also, why couldn't their verses have just been fun? It shouldn't always have to be about a platform.
  9. As a trainer, I love this kind of episode, because I can use it in class. It illustrates so many bad management moments without being a cheesy training video. Working around the problem of Lexi instead of dealing with it, having conversations with subordinate employees you probably shouldn't, being in a management position without the will to make decisions, the impact of a leader who checks out but won't let go (that's how I see Captain Sandy- she half-knows a lot and tries to manage from that perspective)- such a wealth of "what not to do." I also sort-of enjoyed the clunky way they inserted Delaney to create drama with a crew that had basically handled most of their issues. I'm petty as hell, though, because the way she talks makes me unable to take her seriously as a grown-up human being. I guess it's mostly not her fault, but...I can't. I'm recently lactose intolerant and was hoping to hear more about he accommodated that specific issue. I think he's creepy, but he seems to be pretty good at the actual cooking part of his job (fire aside).
  10. They did one of my favorite Rusicals ever, and I again appreciated legit criticism on the runway, even when the topic was so personal to the contestants. I felt respected as a viewer, like they trusted me to get that you can compliment and criticize.
  11. Agreed. I feel like they can simplify this whole thing, and make it fun again, by featuring a couple queens each episode (a little info on what they've been doing, tell us whatever sad stuff some viewers apparently need to know to relate to these characters), and ending each episode with a lip sync battle or runway walk off. Get to a final four that way, have a fun finale where they do whatever it is they do best to show off that all of these queens are super talented, call it a day. Who's the target audience for this show now, anyway?
  12. How would that time off work with guest stars? Were they just spliced back in like they were there for lip syncs after they'd appeared? They'd totally do that.
  13. On the bright side if this is received well maybe we'll get away from skits or madlibs to promote weird cartoons, and we'll get more showcases. All stars arguably should just be them let loose with a budget- like they all do for a living. That could be awesome. Plus, this has to be cheaper for them, aside from licensing songs.
  14. Didn't the last comeback special end with a non elimination? Would they really repeat that? If Twitter is to be believed this was the best episode ever. I'm so out of sync, but man am I glad this forum exists. Thanks for a place to dislike something without being dismissed as a hater.
  15. I credit the small cast size for preventing the teams thing that sometimes happens. They can spin the originals off onto a show that's more...overtly a Golden Girls reference.
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