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Everything posted by HighwayFlower

  1. All logic from an outside perspective screams Laurel, "But Comics" and the fact that the show seems to have blinders on where she is concerned, still makes me think it's Detective Lance.
  2. Why should anyone have to be alone to prove anything? That is such dumb logic. I guess I better divorce my husband to prove I can be a great data processor alone first!
  3. After the positive response to OTA, I can't imagine them killing one of them. Maybe that was even a test run to see if the dynamic still worked.
  4. Did she at least give the poor chained up girl the shark?
  5. Sara just needs a few days of ice-cream and binge watching Netflix.
  6. It's funny, that going into the Pit is yet another comic book black canary story, given to Sara over Laurel.
  7. They chose the lazy way, and thought that because we wanted Sara back, we would love Laurel for it. FAIL!!
  8. I don't think the Canary cry translates well to TV, and Laurel looks like an idiot doing it, so I do not want that power for Sara!
  9. I think they wanted to rush through it, since they had to do it for Sara to be on LOT, and it was probably not part of their original vision for the season. It's a shame, becaus there is so much potential in it, but it seems they just want to get it over with so they can focus on character they get to keep. It shooting themselves in the foot though, because it making their own show look bad.
  10. What if we are bitter about being bitter over the relationship? On a different note, I'm really annoyed that while Nyssa has been locked up, her so called "friend" Laurel didn't do a darn thing to help her. We already know that after just a few months she can take down league members so between her and blood crazy Thea it should have been cake! So whatever pain/torture Nyssa is going through right now, Laurels fault.
  11. Doesn't really bother me, only because I really don't want the whole kid thing on Arrow. Im still dreading the storyline with the one we know about.
  12. Pretty please? She does seem even more stiff then usual. Her only emotion was to look down, then up. But nothing else moved.
  13. I did. I said Cheers for bringing back Sara, but Jeers for how it was done.
  14. TV guide magazine is asking on their Facebook page for people to vote Jeers or Cheers on Laurel bringing back Sara, if anyone wants to go vote.
  15. Why do I let myself get drawn into FB fights with people who apparently find nothing wrong with sister swapping!?!?
  16. I can't help but wonder if they are surprised by the backlash. They can't have written it this way intending for people to be disgusted. They must have thought we would empathize and support it somehow.
  17. But Laurel won't listen... Because she is selfish and stubborn. Are we sure the writers don't hate her?
  18. It came from speculation that using the pit would cause something so terrible to happen it would shut the door on it ever being used again, and life for a life led to speculation on Nyssa. But the theory that they can't use it again because it dries up would work too.
  19. Anyone calls me any of those words, I'm taking it negatively.
  20. It would have made more sense for her to leave Sara where she was and go with Thea to talk to Nyssa first. And even if it comes out that Sara was not in a better place, Laurel would not have known that so she won't get a pass from me if that happens. I never liked Laurel, so it's almost amusing to me how bad the show messed this up.
  21. I will never understand the show when it comes to Laurel. It's like they know she doesn't work, so they stopped caring or even trying to fix her, yet they refuse to get rid of her.
  22. Exactly. She doesn't know, and is still selfishly going forward anyway, with no idea or regard for the consequences and how it will effect Sara.
  23. Well... A lot of Laurel fans on the Arrow Facebook group are not happy with how this was handled either. And Twitter seems the same. They rushed Laurel into this horrible decision and even a lot of her fans seem to agree it made her look selfish.
  24. I bet they thought this would make us love Laurel.... Like all the other things we were supposed to love about her that backfired. They need to realize it's not working and let Laurel be the one in the grave in 6 months.
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