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Everything posted by HighwayFlower

  1. Moira would have skinned Laurel herself if she thought it needed to be done to save Oliver or Thea. And then had tea.
  2. Ok.... The writers really hate her. They have too. What a selfish and manipulative bitch!
  3. Don't forget, she was always destined to wear the mask! I bet she felt it in her bones.
  4. That's what they tell us, but once again, have not shown us. Anger I get, but I only ever saw her being jealous of Sara and wanting to be her, not honoring her. The only motive I would buy is that she wants people like the dumb wink kid, to admire her.
  5. I remember them saying they had Caity locked up for 4 episodes in S3 and hoped to do more. Then they tossed her in a dumpster.
  6. Yep. Anyone Sara kills while crazy is the fault of whoever dug her up.
  7. Sara will always be the real Black Canary to me.
  8. Her tough side always came off bitchy to me. Still does. I just have never seen any of the warmth she is supposed to have. Not even in Season 1.
  9. I didn't like Laurel in season one at all. She was wishy washy with Oliver and Tommy, still came off snotty. I knew I was supposed to like her since she was being set up as the love interest, but I just couldn't. She was prettier though.
  10. Depends where you read I guess. I keep seeing people say she is liked more, but I don't see it actually happening. I read a lot of people saying, they have just accepted she isn't going anywhere or that she is more tolerable, but I don't see much more then that.
  11. The flying hair only made sense as a wig, because as someone once mentioned with Sara, if they grabbed the wig off it gave her a chance to spin and re-attack or take off. But even that's a stretch.
  12. The hair is totaly done to hide the stunt double, and it looks obvious and awful!
  13. What will they do without Sara to kill! LOL!!!!
  14. The wink was just so she could show off the mascara it apparently takes a half hour to apply.
  15. Helping a kid, sure. That's great. But the "your so strong" and the wink were completely out of place and totally felt like they writers were just going "See!??? She is awesome and the kiddies love her!!" I mean, does the team hire her out for birthday parties? How can they expect us to take her seriously with scenes like that?
  16. The kid line was so contrived! Just a "whoa" would have been better. And her wink was way to cutesy for such a serious situation. Scene felt totaly out of place and forced. Her scene with Thea on the motorcycle was good and her comment about Thea's definition of awesome or whatever word she used was funny. For that moment she actually seemed natural.
  17. Black Canary in the comics is awsome! And nothing at all like Laurel Lance. But I don't think they would kill her after forcing the character into those buckles.
  18. Felicity is probably right over his shoulder, and the camera will show it when the scene actually airs!
  19. Do Nielsen ratings matter anymore, since digital tv can track almost all viewers, and not just a select pool?
  20. The Roy theory is good too. He was the arrow and left to protect Oliver... If he came back to help and got killed...
  21. Laurel makes sense as she is not a very popular character who has not fit in with the show. But KC seems to have some kind of iron clad contract or blackmail and they won't get rid of her.
  22. He would totally blame himself if it was Felicity.
  23. Quentin makes the most sense I think. They would lose to many viewers if it was Felicity. If Quentin dies a noble death at then end, after working with the bad guys, I can see Oliver being emotional about it.
  24. Sorry, but the Laurel wink was so forced! I seriously burst out laughing. Plus her fight scenes was so obviously her stunt double, and then she stands there in full costume chatting with her Dad while other police are around? Is she even trying to hide her identity? So yeah. Laurel still sucks. Speedy was awesome and I loved her enthusiasm and potential crazy. Happy to see funny Felicity back, but some of the quips did feel a little forced, like the show was trying to hard to prove they were over sad Felicity. And my grave money is on Lance of Nyssa. He was not emotional enough for it to be Felicty or Diggle. I hope it's Laurel, but I doubt we will be that lucky.
  25. Which would be fine if the show would let the character own being a selfish, reckless kind of bitch who doesn't take crap.... But they don't. They are still trying to sell her as this warm hearted, caring, selfless lover of humanity, and it's not working.
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