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Everything posted by HighwayFlower

  1. Sara's resurrection story is the only reason I'm even watching this year. Not sure if I will continue afer LOT starts up. Depends on if they can fix last years mess, which I only half watched.
  2. How about Laurel? Pretty please?? I'd trade her and all her buckles!
  3. Do we know anything about Nyssa? What if she winds up being the life traded... Would explain her not being on LOT with Sara, plus really cause Sara to be pissed at whoever brought her back.
  4. I dont get it. Laurel is not the soft vulnerable type that would even work with a nickname like Pretty Bird. She is more a... Screeching Pterodactyl
  5. I would like to see it done on Arrow, so LOT can start fresh for her character. Merlyn makes sense, as a way to "make it up" to Thea.
  6. Laurel is supposed to be a kind and good hearted character. All I get is snotty and self absorbed. There is nothing genuine about her and even though she is more tolerable now, I think that's more me ignoring and tuning her out then any real improvement in the writing. I don't think she is salvageable, but I would love to be wrong because she is obviously not going anywhere.
  7. I really want to see Kendra and Sara be friends. My biggest fear is they toss them in the same love Triangle.
  8. I never saw the movie they did together, but did Caity and Brandon have any chemistry? Is it even out yet?
  9. Maybe they will get her new boots... I liked the color in the preview, but not in that picture.
  10. I refused to watch Arrow live after they killed Sara. I would watch a week later and FF Laurel. Sara is 100% the reason I'm excited for the new show.
  11. Britt sure had a quick "journey" and didn't follow the standard "process" but it seems she was the there for "the right reasons" and made a "connection"
  12. I like Olicity, but I'm not a shipper. I started liking Ray when they let him be a dork. He never fit the "perfect" billionaire business man they started him out as. Once they let be a bit of a doofus, that's when the character started to work for me.
  13. I didn't like Ray at first, but he grew on me as a lovable dork. Keep him that way, and I think he will be much better received on this new show. Also, keep him scruffy and in flannels please! Yum!
  14. Well, I suppose they could have disintegrated in the grave...
  15. I can see it being Malcom, to try and make things up to Thea... Nyssa would have done it right away if she could have.
  16. Arrow started great.... I couldn't get into Flash. I'm wondering how it will stand alone. If I didn't read message boards, some things, like how Laurel got the Canary Cry would have completely confused me.
  17. She is the hook for a lot of Sara fans, so I'm not surprised they are featuring her. I hope they don't over do it though. When she was featured heavy on Arrow there was some backlash, so I hope they feature all the characters equal so no one takes over. If that makes sense!
  18. Mentioned in the other thread, but I'm so happy they ditched the wig. White is not exactly the color for dark alleys, but she looks great.
  19. Someone who can think of a clever name should make a White Canary thread.
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