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Everything posted by HighwayFlower

  1. Legends is the only show in the Arrowverse I still watch. I am loving the mythical creatures theme! It angers me how underrated this show is!
  2. That may have been one of my favorite blindsides! Her bossiness was obnoxious! But I am shocked Elizabeth was able to pull that off. It will be interesting going forward to see if she is that smart, or if Alec is that dumb.
  3. No more Hawks! Yay! If only we could have kept Snart I would have been so happy! Still really glad we will get a season 2, and who knows! It's TV. Always a way to get Snart back if things change for the actor.
  4. All the flash backs showed was that once again, Laurel was way more into Oliver then he ever was into her.
  5. Laurel asked Oliver to promise something when she expected to live and recover, so it would not be a dying wish type of promise.
  6. Ehh. The League story left so many holes... Like would Nyssa have rescued her if she hadn't sent her too? Why would Ras let her back in? Weird he would never have told her her knew her before... Just too messy for me!
  7. Ben really didn't look happy when they announced JoJo for Bachlorette.
  8. I think they will probably have Caity wear black again but just keep calling her the Canary. She will basically be the Black Canary (as she always was to me) but by not saying it, they can avoid any more backlash.
  9. So happy!!!! But Sarah is why I love it, so she better be a part!
  10. Sara could be going back to get the league to help kill Savage... Or destroy the pit so she can't be brought back... Or who knows. Might be more then just to rejoin.
  11. Kendra didn't annoy me! Sara was awesome as usual. I just wasn't crazy about mutant bird alien plot.
  12. I'm so confused.... I agree with trap....
  13. It's hard to feel bad for KC, when it wasn't just the character. She never did herself any favors during interviews or at cons.
  14. there were celebrations when Sara died and when it looked like it might be Felicity. I don't feel bad about that, but I'm Still in denial and expecting a fake out and it's Quentin
  15. It's pretty smart of them to leak this. I mostly stopped watching Arrow, but now I will tune in just to see Laurel bite the dust. I'm still expecting it to be a fake out though and it her Dad in the grave
  16. Hope those who tuned in to see Oliver, liked it enough to watch again next week
  17. Caila seems to be being set up as the next Bachlorette to me. I think she was told to play up her "love" so that she can come back as the broken hearted one for next season. Plus she could fill the diversity roll to some extents as well.
  18. I'm very bored with Arrow this season and gave up completely on the Flash. Supergirl never interested me at all. LOT for all its plot holes, is fun.
  19. Are the ratings from last night in yet? I thought they held steady last week, which was impressive with a lot of the other network shows coming back.
  20. I have just decided not to care about the science and enjoy the characters. Makes it much more fun
  21. Show keeps getting better in my opinion. Kendra and Jax were still weak and putting them together didn't help, but the rest of the characters really made up for it.
  22. I wouldn't mind seeing Becca be the Bachlorette. She seems nice and on her social media she can be very funny.
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