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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. I have to wonder how Randall even gets through a public city council meeting sometimes. It's the epitome of not being in control of the situation, with the real possibility of everyone else on the council ganging up on him on some issue.
  2. I went to high school from 68-72, the time of the original Superstar. Some student took to singing the song under their breath about various teachers, a la: (Three syllable teacher name); Superstar; Who in the hell do you think you are? A distant memory...
  3. I had this weird feeling throughout the session that it was entirely imagined by Randall. It was only after he was recounting it with Beth that the session was real.
  4. The last meal shown was a deer, I think, from the looks of the legs. The first one was that fisherman that he shot and killed? Unfortunately the plot here is way too much like the Denzel Washington movie Fallen. Speaking of Washington, I went to youtube to look up "Washington Square", and there, in the comments section below the video, was the highest rated comment: "How many of us are here because of The Outsider?" Heh. So, if anyone is interested, https://youtu.be/cUqgoMfgro0
  5. I thought he had been identified as a rodeo bull at the beginning of the episode, though, implying that he was a rough, tough character.
  6. Not to mention the fact that they had only one rope on him. That does no good whatsoever if the bull decides to charge in the direction of the "handler".
  7. Delilah will go back and find the refrigerators and wine cellar emptied, dozens of dirty plates and glasses on the tables, the staff gone, and a note on the bar - "You were the best ever!"
  8. I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that.
  9. Other than the obvious, was there some reason Owen couldn't start CPR out on the course and call 911 from there? The delay from the green to the clubhouse could have been fatal. I had to laugh at the electrocution call. That poor guy was just a symbol for her ex. I hate to break it to the writers, but you can't just fire a crew because you don't like them. There's a lot of progressive discipline that has to take place unless the offense is particularly egregious. He could, however, arrange transfers to other stations or shifts, but they would keep their jobs. Does Billy Burke have that right eye color naturally, or did they give him that gray eye for the injury? I hope Dad didn't make any down payment on Sonny's car yet.
  10. I did my part for Judd Enterprises. I didn't laugh once during the entire episode. Sorry.
  11. Are you saying that the other captain did the right thing by informing the BC that Owen has cancer, or are you referring to something else? The former is in no way a responsible act in a workplace.
  12. Prosecute, not persecute, unless you meant it that way. 🙂
  13. Does it list the Major as a lowly First Lieutenant also?
  14. The other problem is that often there is no legal standard for intoxication, as there is for alcohol (.08 or .04, etc.). The test may show presence, but, here in CA, currently it is up to the officer to determine if they are driving while impaired. You can see the legal dilemma there.
  15. At night, after everyone has left, he gets up, goes out, commits some unspeakable crime, and collects a bone or two. Add to that, proper police procedure, which, I assume, Amelia has been trained in, would be to neutralize the subject first. As in, "Hands up, get down on the floor, NOW!" You don't spend time trying out your social worker routine and getting the suspect to relax if you already know that he is a psychotic killer.
  16. This isn't really a spoiler but, since it is in response to tagged material, so be it.
  17. Props to Gary for this conversation: Sophie: Ugh, work is so hard. I don't know how you guys do it. Gary: I don't.
  18. I just watched it, and, to quote George Bush, "That was some weird shit." Laughed all the way through, although I do recommend closed captioning for us 'Muricans.
  19. Not to mention the fact that, even with a proper code, insurance companies are not going to line up to say "Sure, we'll pay for that."
  20. As soon as the trooper told Rebecca and family that there was a motel back down the road, I silently said "No, please don't make it the Pilgrim Rick motel." I enjoyed Kevin excusing himself from building the puzzle, especially since, ~20 years previously, he said to Randall "You're the only one who's ever going to want to solve this puzzle." I would also have chuckled if, when Toby handed little Jack the Luke Skywalker figurine, Jack had hurled it across the room, and then cooed when Toby handed him a Darth Vader figurine. The look on Toby's face would have been priceless.
  21. I think she has her own agenda, and is keeping it hidden from everyone. I was rather surprised at the meeting at the end. From an inmate's viewpoint, the worst possible thing the correctional staff can do is have a private conversation with you in front of all the other inmates. That just screams 'snitch', and you won't be trusted by anyone again. Anything that happens, related or not, will be blamed on you.
  22. Max's great idea at the end doesn't make a lot of sense either. Farm your doctors out to the hinterlands? Is that what he's saying? Because charging another hospital the traveling doctor's salary, even with an admin charge, isn't going to increase revenues, because it's just a pass through charge. Is he advocating bringing those patients to New Amsterdam? Who pays for that? Janet Montgomery' accent slipped just a bit in one scene (in the hallway) where she yelled at her mother. She said something like "Patients not allowed in this area." Problem is, she used the English 'arear', as she is native to London. That's okay. I do like Max finally getting blindsided about his chief of cardio leaving. Pay attention to your people, Max. Too bad Todd wasn't around last week when the hospital sunk all their loose change into a hospice ward.
  23. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    The police had no record of his daughter even existing. No files, SSN, no nothing. They likely regarded him as a kook.
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