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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. 1) And who dug the bunker? And ran the electricity? 2) "Mr. President, I think we need to look at this from a military point of view. Suppose those Russkies built their own salvation ship, and got to Mars before we did, with 320 people. They could come out and take over. Mr. President, we must not allow a spaceship gap!" I have to laugh at the sanctimoniousness of the woman in charge of the task force. "Give us back the $2 billion dollars or you're off the group." "Okay, here's my counteroffer. You can have the money, but nothing will get done on the EM project. And, in about 5 months, none of that money, or gold or silver, bitcoin, or whatever means of exchange you choose to trade in, will be worth five pounds of dog dung. Good luck"
  2. I'm guessing that's why they're still in the same family unit, such as it is. We all make fun of the guy in mom's basement, but these are all fully grown adults, and yet Mom is still making them sandwiches for lunch. And murdering someone who might be a threat to them.
  3. I guess all will be revealed during the boat robbery, but the logistics have me all confused. They are going to hijack this boat on the back side of Catalina, rob the passengers, and then get away how, exactly? Catalina is 26 miles from LA, the closest shoreline. That's a long way for any kind of watercraft. Plenty of time for the party boat to dock at Avalon and alert the authorities. Plus, no matter what they think of the people on board, is it really likely that the guests will have that much cash on their persons? 100 people and even $200 per person is only $20,000, plus whatever jewelry they can fence. That doesn't seem worth such a high risk operation.
  4. Dragons, yes! We need some dragons! Preferably ones that can cause rivers to run backwards and waterfalls to flow uphill, since the volcano and earthquake concessions are already taken.
  5. Can someone explain how the hybrid buzzards developed the ability to keep up with an Airbus all the way from NYC to Mexico? Were they hybridized with F-16s? I am still expecting that the Mustang, although successful in leading The Birds to their doom, somehow hit the edge of the volcano on a steep angle, and not only is Mansdale still around, but he drives the Mustang off the hill to meet Team Yucatan at the witch's trailer park.
  6. Not to mention the fact that a report of a gas leak would also attract the Fire Department and the cops; the neighbors would have been wondering where they were and someone would have called to find out. Personally, my thought was that one of the producers had to do some remodeling in his/her own home and said "Hey, I have a great idea. Let's get the show to pay for it...."
  7. California state law requires first responders, and, I assume, medical providers, to report incidences of dog bites. Cat bites, I'm not sure of. So that excuse is out, and besides, the nature of the wound would not indicate an animal bite. He could just say he fell off a mountain bike and they would stitch him right up, minimal questions asked. Personal experience, there.
  8. I would assume it's some kind of non-petroleum product, anyway, because any fuel would put up a smoke column, which would attract attention from people on that road nearby. A cop or fire crew coming out to investigate would then notice the gas company van (probably already reported as stolen) and start taking names. They weren't very smart, there. But that seems to be an ongoing thing in this show; their stupidity is always glossed over by their luck
  9. Smurf thinks she has just stepped on the boys to show them who's really boss, but I don't think so. There's still a lot of resentment there. Why is it that, in tvworld, homeowners are so willing to let people into their houses without ID? The real utility companies push this all the time; you would think they would be more cautious. Don't show her where the safety is, J. Because, you know, nothing bad ever happens when a neophyte teenager gets a hold of a gun. So they made $200,000 from the church robbery? Out of a gross of $300,000, that's pretty good. I wonder if Smurf will really pay it back to Pope.
  10. Maybe she has delusions of grandeur and wants to play the double agent, revealing the plot to the British and trading up from Benedict.
  11. With all the scheming, and fornicating and adulterating, and betraying and killing, it's hard to believe anybody had time around there for revolting.
  12. How exactly did the Bolivian Captain escape the ambush in the swimming pool? Were the bad guys as incompetent as the Army guys at weapons use? Oh, well. She got hers for being just as stupid. As so eloquently stated by Tuco long ago, "If you're going to shoot, shoot. Don't talk."
  13. I was thinking they could invest in some training for the condors, and have them pick up the SUV and move it around as necessary. Save gas and be more mobile. Jaime's prisoner must be a grade A wimp. She threatens him with a 3-foot long taser that he could easily avoid by grabbing it and pulling her toward him, but he just cowers on the ground. And then she puts it away while he's at the desk! It was interesting how the scalpel wound on his hand healed up so fast. I guess their weapons training was down a bit. The didn't realize that bullets go where they're pointed, not where they're aimed. "Oops, sorry, evil RG lady. I think we can patch that up. Or not."
  14. The other possibility is that Deran will do some quick figuring on the protection racket and, instead of burying the guy, will take over the business himself, Michael Corleone style. Easy money.
  15. I don't see why J can't seek medical attention for his wound. He doesn't have to be truthful about it; there's a multitude of excuses he could use. Clinics don't keep DNA samples; he wouldn't be traced. He could even go far out of town. It's far more important to get it properly treated rather than gamble on sepsis and gangrene.
  16. While I realize it was necessary for plot development, I can't understand why the police didn't block off any escape route ahead of time. There was only one way out; through the cafe's front door or back door. Put somebody there.
  17. Especially since they interview the actress who played Rosa after she gets killed. Not much point in knowing her motivations and struggles now. At least she died knowing her lover was a fraud. It was interesting to see hear go off when Elise says "Keep your hair on." Had she heard that before? Well, Julie (the French cop), you should be able to get some time off now. I would have thought that anyone who's ever seen American cop shows knows that the bad guy is always a crack shot at any distance and you don't ever present yourself fat happy and dumb in the middle of the hallway. Who's pissed off at Karl? Inquiring minds want to know.
  18. Maybe the show will have the British as the eventual winners. Then we can move on to The War of 1812. "Mrs. Smith" better work on her cover. I was in Simcoe's corner for a moment when he busted that card shark. His delivery of "I win" was perfect. Whatever an "antifogmatic" is, I want one. A double, if you please.
  19. I assume the woman at the end was the immigrant with the passport problem at the beginning? If so, she was still in protective custody, I thought, which implies that the terrorists have some in with the PD. I'm confused. Elise just has nos sense of the outside world. I can't help wondering how her later life will be like. And now we have the anti-immigrant clods in the plot. I'm even more confused.
  20. I wonder about the long term effectiveness of the shooting, too. Washington now has an army that is motivated partly by a mortal fear of its own officers. Granted, fear of one's superior officers is a trait that is borne in any army through time, but this one didn't have the reserves to make up for the loss of a militia, and it might even cause soldiers to defect to the British side in hopes of lenient treatment. I saw an interesting tv program a long while back, called "Whispers in the Wind", concerning the problem of desertion in the US Army Air Corps during the catastrophic early days of the daylight bombing campaign of WWII. The thrust of the program was that there were rumors everywhere that the fighter pilots had verbal orders to shoot down bombers that broke formation and looked like they were headed for Sweden to desert. That's one helluva way to run a railroad.
  21. What kind of DEA group goes up against well armed and brutal cartel with nothing but pistols and a shotgun? Oh well, RIP Tex, or whatever your name was here. Regardless of the failure of the raid to pick up the gang, it's still a calamity for Camilla, because she lost the entire shipment now. That does not bode well. I was glad that Teresa managed to warn off the DEA agent, although those messages stay on the phone. This show is almost Shakespearean in the constant betrayals and plotting, even among family members. Isabella needs to get away before someone kills her for being in the wrong place.
  22. Did they train new pilots for the Airplane de tutti Airplanes? Or is going to be stuck in the hangar all season? Assuming that someone still refines crude oil into aviation fuel, of course.
  23. And so the birth of "fake news". Heh. I had to look up the history of the American Legion to see if it had sprung from this group organized by Arnold but no, they were two completely unrelated elements. Did the execution of the militia leadership really take place? I can see Washington ordering it to maintain discipline in the ranks, but that was brutal.
  24. The aerosol stuff that they sprayed all over the inventory room was to muffle the sound of the jackhammers, so I assume that the decibel meters were installed for that reason, so that the drilling wouldn't start until it was ready. I don't get the placement of a device in the auditorium; no one was there to check it. Maybe the brothers should invest in some safecracking skills. Opening the safe on site seems a whole lot faster than smuggling in tons of gear and hinging your entire breakout on the hope that every single thing will go exactly right. But that's what television is built on, I guess. For the first time, Smurf looked disconcerted after Javi laid that threat down and dumped her out in the wilderness. In real life, there was probably some freeway just out of camera range. For that size of a heist, detectives would be all over that church, looking at all the CCTV (there were several cameras). If they notice the guys acting oddly during the service, then they have faces to go by. If they can even match a face and investigation leads to a name, just looking at the house will raise suspicion. All those cars and toys and an upscale house with no income? Hmmm. Looks like more investigation is needed. Not good, guys.
  25. I'm liking Elise's strangled attempts at interpersonal empathy. It's clear that she realizes it must be done but has no inkling of why. I'm definitely on team Karl here: "The French might stuff pastry with songbirds you've blasted from the skies, but this is a good old English sausage roll filled with grease and weird pink stuff. Bloody delicious, too." On the other hand, Elise hovering like a vulture over that poor, traumatized girl was a bit much. Surely she must grasp some of the concepts of interviewing children? The massacre scene at the school was just too much. Those poor kids. It looks like this season's villains are a group that wants to use violence to call the world's attention to violence. People are crazy.
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