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Everything posted by chocolatine

  1. We haven't seen Shane gaslight Rachel. He wasn't happy with her taking a work assignment while on honeymoon and told her she didn't have to work at all, but that's not gaslighting. It just shows that Rachel and Shane didn't discuss important life decisions before marriage.
  2. I think his plan was to stage a "meet cute" rather than break in. It was part of a long game to get her fortune.
  3. In the comments on that tweet it looks like her lawyer is arguing that it was a trip she had planned before the conviction to attend a friend's wedding, and that she canceled it after the conviction. Doesn't explain why it was a one-way ticket though.
  4. His podcast has nothing to do with her. The best way for her to stop receiving hate mail is to not keep rehashing something that happened two years ago. But she desperately wants attention for her own podcast, so she made his podcast debut about her. If CH is keeping her name out of his mouth, there is no reason for her to still have his name in hers.
  5. I did read the article, and I perceived it as negative towards CH. There's no reason she had to say anything about his podcast at all. And I call BS on "some people have sent support" so this is why she is commenting. WTF does she need support for? She just likes to insinuate herself into situations that have nothing to do with her.
  6. I agree. He put his foot in his mouth, for sure, but he didn't deserve to lose his livelihood, IMO. And considering that it was an interview with Rachel Lindsay that precipitated this, I wouldn't blame him if he never wants to hear or say her name again.
  7. I haven't listened to it, and didn't even know that he had a podcast until the Us Weekly story popped up in my newsfeed. It just galls me that Rachel is making it about herself even though Chris apparently didn't say a word about her. The poor guy is just trying to rebuild a small fraction of his former career and she seems determined to ruin that for him.
  8. The bigger red flag is the inefficient use of resources, IMO. The time that each of those eight people spends on your interview is time that they don't spend doing their actual jobs. With the economy being what it is, and you just having gone through a layoff, that's definitely something to consider. Having said all of that, I think that for now you should just focus on having a good interview. You can worry about all the other stuff if you get the offer.
  9. Rachel Lindsay is complaining that Chris Harrison doesn't talk about her on his podcast. I'm sure if he did talk about her, she would complain even more. There's no winning with her.
  10. Exactly, she seems to think that marriage to Shane is easier than doing the kind of work it takes to make money, which is why I have no sympathy for her. She had the gall to write an article criticizing Nicole, a woman who achieved financial and professional success on her own, but chose the gold digger route for herself. Lazy hypocrite.
  11. Perhaps to make sure the pathetic doormat that is Khloe doesn't get back together with Tristan yet again?
  12. Of course making money is not easy (or quick), but if a woman wants financial security without depending on a man and/or his family, she has to earn it herself. Once Rachel realized that journalism wasn't paying off for her, she should have researched the most lucrative fields for which she was qualified, and pursued one of them. Instead she took what she thought was the "easy" option of marrying Shane. No sympathy for her.
  13. If money is the goal, then a college-educated woman like Rachel can figure out how to make her own. I hate that we're still acting like the only way for a woman to acquire money is to marry into it.
  14. Trust your gut. There have been two times in my life when I accepted a job despite having a bad feeling about it - once early in my career, when I didn't have any other options, the second time much later in my career when a company offered me a huge salary bump but I didn't like the people with whom I'd interviewed - and both times I ended up being absolutely miserable.
  15. She has broken up with him before and then gotten back together and had the second kid. I can see this pattern repeating until Kylie has the number of kids that she wants.
  16. Why can't your friends empathize with both of you? It's true that you are the one who's been most severely affected, but it's also true that your manager didn't want to let you go and feels bad about it.
  17. Lamar just won't shut up about how much he cheated on Khloe during their marriage. I'm not a fan of Khloe by any means, but I think this is incredibly disrespectful and hurtful to her. He's completely irrelevant now as a basketball player, so he's trying to get attention by bringing up stuff from over a decade ago. The least he can do for her, considering how much she supported him after his OD, is to stop talking about their marriage in public.
  18. IMO, Kim lost her sense of style when she first got together with Kanye and started moving in the "high fashion" circles.
  19. From what she told Sam, it sounded like the LA office was already in the works. Rachel isn't the kind of woman to plan her career around a man.
  20. The number may not be relatable, but the mismatch of ambitions is, IMO. Rachel is at the top of the earning potential in her field and thinks Toby should aspire to the same in his. I don't think she necessarily thinks that $300k too little money in general, but it's on the low end for a doctor in Manhattan, so Rachel doesn't understand why Toby won't strive for more.
  21. There were hints throughout the season that Toby is a self-involved, self-righteous piece of shit, and his reaction to Libby telling him about Rachel's breakdown confirmed it for me. I really hated that the ending implied that Rachel wanted to reconnect with him. I want her to get better and cultivate a healthy co-parenting relationship with him, but romantically she can do a lot better. Adam is a saint for putting up with Libby's behavior. I didn't like him just accepting her apology after what looked like months if not years of her neglecting him and their children. He should have insisted on some changes and accountability from her, possibly with the help of a marriage counselor. The end credits showed Libby mastering the Jazzercise (or whatever class that was) choreography, the one she messed up in an earlier episode. Is that supposed to signify her full acceptance of the suburban mom life?
  22. I hope Kumail doesn't completely stop doing comedy. This scene of his from Silicon Valley is one of my favorites of all time.
  23. I didn't pick up on that, but now that you've said, I hope it's true. Dominic deserves a taste of his own medicine. I thought it was a cop-out that his wife was supposed to be less angry with him after Albie "put in a good word."
  24. I can't believe Steve thought he could get away with the murder-for-hire. Everyone who knew him knew how much he hated Nick, *and* he took the cash for the hit out of his home safe hoping his accountant wife wouldn't notice. 🤦‍♀️
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