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Everything posted by chocolatine

  1. I was wondering about that. Maybe we're supposed to believe that Judy's mother, experienced criminal that she is, figured out a way to do it, but if she's that good, she would have managed to evade prison time in the first place.
  2. I was too distracted by her going out of her way to not name Disney to pick up on that. 😂
  3. It's a fine line to walk. I'm sure she genuinely feels bad to lose you and doesn't want to come across as cold and unfeeling by not saying anything. You're absolutely right though that you shouldn't have to worry about her feelings.
  4. Just that one scene at the dinner table. It's a shame that there are so many non-Sheldon storylines (Mandy's pregnancy, George and Mary's marital and financial problems, etc.) that don't leave much room for Missy.
  5. He also cared about and listened to Penny.
  6. It's interesting that the decision to leave her job had been her own. Based on her unhappiness and the strained relationship with her husband in previous episodes, I thought he had been the one to ask her to stay home and she resented him for it. So now that I know that she brought all of that unhappiness on herself, I have even less sympathy for her. As for why she had stayed so long at that job, I think it's because she had a crush on Christian Slater's character. Toby seems to have serious food issues. He wouldn't eat the delicious-looking bread Seth bought after their night out, he ate a green salad without dressing at dinner while everyone else was eating pasta, and in another episode's flashback Rachel complained that he only cooked chicken and vegetable soup for her. I wonder how he finds the energy to work, take long walks around Manhattan, have sex with multiple partners, and put up with his kids, at such a caloric deficit. So Rachel is finally supposed to be back in town, and Toby chickens out at the last minute instead of confronting her? I get that there are three more episodes to go, and the show is probably saving that confrontation until the finale, but it makes no sense in any real-world scenario.
  7. Now I really want to know why Richard Feynman had taken out a restraining order against Dr. Linkletter.
  8. Portia and Albie didn't sleep together.
  9. I'm sure there are apps for that. Like Tinder, but for paid companionship.
  10. I feel empathy for some of the characters, but they all make bad choices, which makes them difficult to cheer for, IMO.
  11. The S3 renewal and Jennifer Coolidge's return have been reported in mainstream media, so it's not a spoiler. Yes, but Quentin said they were visiting a friend. They were just there for the day and didn't have rooms booked.
  12. It's not all-inclusive because Dominic asked Lucia if she was charging food and drinks to his room.
  13. I don't know, but that's what Valentina asked. She seemed to only care about how many of the bodies were guests, not how many bodies there were in total.
  14. When Valentina asked him how many guests were dead, he said "I don't know ... a few."
  15. Didn't Ethan say in the previous episode that there had been multiple times in college where he walked in on Cameron sleeping with a girl Ethan was dating? That's probably still a big insecurity for him.
  16. Still not buying this story. If Greg and Quentin are really in cahoots to scam and/or kill Tanya, Q would have taken great care *not* to reveal his connection to Greg to her, and he wouldn't even have mentioned his love story with the straight cowboy. It was such an elaborate plan to "accidentally" run into her with his group of friends, invite her to the yacht, have Jack distract Portia, bring them all to the villa, throw a party with local socialites, rent boys, and cocaine, to then just have a picture out that she can stumble over. Doesn't make any sense.
  17. I just don't see what Greg has to gain from catching Tanya cheating. The prenup would have been written by a lawyer hired by Tanya, so he or she wouldn't have written anything into it that wasn't to Tanya's benefit. At most Greg would be entitled to some of Tanya's income during the time they were married, but that would be chump change for Tanya compared to her inherited fortune.
  18. I agree that Harper was messing with Ethan, and I loved how much it rattled him. Now I hope he has more empathy for what she felt when she found the condom wrapper between the couch cushions. Their marriage does seem dead though if he doesn't want to have sex with her anymore. I think Quentin gave Jack his car and credit card with the instructions to keep Portia away from the villa overnight. Quentin just didn't realize Jack would accomplish this by getting drunk and spilling Q's secrets. I would find this storyline more believable if it were just Quentin trying to scam Tanya without any connection to Greg (just with the help of a hot Sicilian mafioso). The sex scene between Valentina and Mia was a lot less graphic than the one between Armand and Dillon last season, for which I'm thankful. Still, I'm sure there will be consequences for Valentina if any of the other hotel employees find out that she used a vacant suite to sleep with a prostitute. BTW, we saw in the season opener that Rocco was still working at the beach club when he told Valentina about the dead bodies. So she's definitely holding a grudge against Isabella by not letting Rocco come back to work at the reception. The old lady chasing off the DiGrassos with an artichoke was hilarious.
  19. I know how this game works. I still don't think it was any of Toby's business who Rachel has been sleeping with since the divorce. And even if she had been sleeping with him while they were still married, their marriage had been broken for years and sleeping with Sam is not what ruined it. My point was that Toby, instead of trying to find Rachel and making sure she was OK, spent all his time agonizing over who she may have been sleeping with.
  20. With many tech companies going "remote first" and downsizing their permanent offices, I think there will be a growing need for flexible office space that companies pay to use a few times per year when they get a larger group of employees together. So it can be a profitable business model under the right leadership, but not anywhere close to the $47B valuation Neumann used to claim.
  21. Even if the $500M are very conservatively invested and generate "only" a 2-3% annual return, that's still $10M - $15M worth of capital gains. She can have a very luxurious lifestyle with that kind of money without ever touching the principal.
  22. Portia has said to Albie that Tanya's father was a well-known businessman in San Francisco. I sincerely hope her father/parents put the money in an irrevocable trust for her. Tanya doesn't seem to have the skills and level-headedness to successfully manage that kind of money, so even if she doesn't get scammed, I can see her losing the money through impulsive, risky investment decisions.
  23. I can't decide who is less likable, Toby or Libby. Toby is supposed to be a caring, compassionate doctor, but it still hasn't occurred to him that Rachel might be having a mental health crisis. And it's rich of him to be upset that Rachel is sleeping with someone when he has apparently slept with dozens of women since their divorce. And Libby is obviously unhappy with her suburban SAHM life, but instead of addressing her problems with her husband, she prefers to live vicariously through Toby's drama.
  24. I agree. Many rich people are obsessed with status, no matter how arbitrary. And if that status comes with perks such as free room upgrades, beauty treatments, etc., rich people love freebies too.
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