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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. And they were all still smelly! So gross! This must be some Challenge cast dumb logic, cause all the groups somehow got 042. But that answer makes no sense given the first and third clues....Looking at this a bit more, I see that we're making the assumption that each clue is giving us ALL the information and they aren't. If they were, both clue 1 and 3 would be written differently. Throwing out that assumption and using the second clue last, we know that that 0 has to be first. And since 4 is in 2 different locations (1st in hints one and two, but last in hint three), it can't be the "well-placed" number, so the 2 has to be the last digit. We know it can't be 1, because if it's correct and in the wrong place, there's nowhere for it go given that we've already placed the 0 and the 2. That leaves the 6 or the 4. I would have gone for the 6, because of the poorly written clues/assumptions, but I guess at that point it's just making the guess and if you got it wrong, you know it's the 4. This would have made me real mad if I was on the show. Seems like they left out a lot! I guess they didn't want to give us another 3-4 episode finale? I don't really enjoy the run, run, run, puke, run, run, cramp up, run, sprain something, run, run finales. Stuff involving a waterfall and canoes would have been fun to see. They need to use ChatGPT to create better dailies and clear puzzle instructions! Congrats to Kaz and Jordan. I'm really just happy that Sarah and Kaycee, and to a lesser extent Danny and Tori, didn't win. Wanted to root for Troy and Theo, cause I actually like them both, but they had shit partners.
  2. Abel's tweet in reply to the Rolling Stone article....so tone def and cringey!
  3. Right?!?! I was yelling, "NOT THE TIME!!!!!!!! Accept your damn award and tell your family at home!" I love every time she walked in the room and Geoffrey would be like He sees exactly who she is and what she's after. And Phil knows better, but he keeps putting himself in compromising positions with her, and in my opinion, did not check her hard enough or leave quick enough when she kissed him. He's gonna get his ass in trouble.
  4. Currently in the field doing data collection and the intern and I happened to catch the part of the marathon between 5:00pm and 7:30pm last night. I learned that my Intern (24) has never seen a single episode! But she was very caught up in the Dwayne/Whitley drama despite the major jumps in episodes/storylines. We happened to catch the proposal through part 1 of the wedding, but we had to leave the house at 7:20 and couldn't catch part 2. I told her that she was missing THE best episode and that she had to promise to watch the entire show this summer.
  5. Yes, I totally agree. Nothing really immediately sticks out. I only started multiplying myself because the 2 diamonds on the left had 9s, so my brain assumed they all had 9s, and I can do multiples of 9s quickly on my fingers (thinking about the competition aspect). So I just happened to trip on the pattern!
  6. I loved his self-awareness that he didn't really earn it, but then he didn't care cause HOT TUB! 😂 That totally would have been my rationale too! Me too! You would have thought she lost a gold medal. The Challenge doesn't warrant a full on tantrum on TV. It took me a couple minutes, but I figured it out. When you multiply the top and bottom number of each diamond, the answer is the left and right number. So the missing number is 6 (6*6=36). Now, if I was also hanging on to a rope ladder, I wouldn't have figured that shit out!
  7. I was born in the islands, raised by parents with accents, but lived the majority of my life in the US. My accent comes and goes, very much like Sanya's. When I'm around other Caribbean folks, my accent comes on real strong, but when I'm around other Americans it's lighter/barely there. All of this! And Kandi has very regularly offered to help Sheree with stuff or to give her advice and she just never listens. But Sheree also never wants to do actual work, so she won't ever be truly successful. I'm still over here waiting for Kandi to offer Business classes. I would sign up so fast! Oh, so him and Sheree are perfect for each other.
  8. Exactly. If Sheree were smart (and actually wanted to do work she could make money from), she would forget about Shein by Sheree (Lmao!) and do Body by Sheree where she offered online and in-person training and workout guidance. This is the Marlo I actually enjoy. Hoping she keeps this type of energy this season, but I won't hold my breath. Right. Drew wasn't feeling well AND she's having a major family emergency with her parents, but Ralph just HAD to celebrate his boy. Coming up next on today's episode of Ralph Ain't Shit....
  9. The only time Derek wasn't a complete shit was when Liberty was struggling with giving up her baby for adoption and Derek shared that he was adopted, how he really appreciated that his birth mom left him a letter, and encouraged Liberty to do something similar so that the baby would know her.
  10. Who, besides Drew, wasn't open about Ralph being trash. All of us at Ralph:
  11. Particularly when Robyn literally had 2 babies at the time!
  12. Lauren stay endangering people's lives! As soon as she said Saxe's name I knew he wouldn't make it to next week's episode. He's held on a long time in this damn universe, even through all the Angela, Jamie, Tommy BS. So long Saxe. You were entertaining at times, but you were also a dick! I'm over here laughing at whoever made that social media post of Dru losing his shit with the headline of, "Yo, whose mans is this?!?!?!" Dead! Poor Dru all over the Shaderoom sharing all his damn business! I would be so scared of an Effie/Cane team up if I was Tariq. The two of them together would make a badass partnership. They're both smart, no-nonsense, straight to the point, do the work, people. And she's strategic and relatively calm enough to be able to talk him out of some of the wild, reckless shit he likes to do. Plus, I like them together as a couple more than I did when Effie was with Tariq. Diana: I think I'm gonna transfer to Spelman. You can pay for all of that, right? Monet:
  13. That's what Tariq called Saxe and Jenny last season when he walked in after one of their sexy times.
  14. 3 words: Raw Chicken Cutlets! 🤣
  15. I was laughing so hard when Troy, then Kaycee, bounced off the second board after swinging with all their might! it shouldn't have been as funny as it was. I also was howling during the daily challenge when right after Kiki used her inhaler, her and Darrell walked back to the water, but Kiki stopped to look at the teams that were swimming in and Darrell hadn't noticed. So when he jumped into the water to start swimming again, she got pulled in unexpectedly and let out a loud yelp! I rewound it several times! Not really. Given who's left, I guess I'm rooting for Jordan and Kaz. Everyone else just sucks more!
  16. Oh definitely! Especially since the Bash-Mary thing seemed to come up out of nowhere. I'm much more interested in the Francis-Mary-Conde, cause that dude is HOT, smart, and a nice guy. The only thing Francis got going for him is a crown.
  17. Now if the truck was actually transforming as they jumped OR it was in the shape of one of the transformers standing and they had to navigate and climb throughout the body like a maze to find the key and release button, then I would have been impressed.
  18. I read something that said part of the delay of this show is because The Weeknd didn't like that the director/showrunner was ruining his vision because of her "feminine lens". Lol! Should be interesting to see what we end up with.
  19. Yes! Catherine is basically Helena Cassadine with all her evil schemes. And then, she gets exactly what she wants, with Mary choosing to find someone else other than Francis, but she still finds something else to be mad about and scheme around. It's so dramatic! Also, I wish they had chosen between being a historical drama or a fantasy, as opposed to doing both. It's like every few episodes they remember about the pagan sacrifices and monsters and ghosts or whatever. Which could have been cool, IF that was the point of the show. And the history part is so off the wall; like I get creative license, but they could get a bit more right beside the names. That being said, I've always been so curious about the Medici's, so it's interesting to see how her family, and people's perceptions of them, impact Catherine's behavior and decisions.
  20. Amber is a better person than me. Given how awful Kaycee and her crew have been to Amber for several seasons now, I wouldn't have saved her. But I'm also petty! I loved the set up for this trivia challenge, but I think the trivia writers forgot that the rest of the world is much smarter than us Americans. If this was the regularly cast of characters, most of the questions would have been answered incorrectly! Tori is acting as if The Challenge is life or death; like the person who get's voted in and loses is automatically decapitated. I know she probably doesn't have much else going on, but take it down a few notches. Both of them are dumb. Neither of them communicate with each other, and Tori's trying to save too many people that she can't even figure out a compromise with her partner. And Danny is actively trying to tear about Tori's alliances as a way to protect them, but doesn't seem to realize that they'll lose numbers that way. And being aligned with Sara is not gonna help cause no one likes her, but him. Listen, if I was seated at that table and had to watch the Tori/Danny telenovela for the 4th or 5th fucking time, I would have changed my vote to them and actively/openly campaigned for everyone else at the deliberation to do the same.
  21. That's certainly something this show hasn't tried before; but I wouldn't put it past them, so don't give them any ideas..... I believe he arranged/ordered it from prison.
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