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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I love the respect Ana gets from W, J, and S. They can discuss and any interruptions by any of those 4 is immediately a clarification rather than a fight. Like most interruptions by Meghan which is never for clarification but rather an attack by MM.
  2. Good grief - not sure how long MM has worked in NYC (on FOX) but she also went to Columbia for 4 years. I truly think she thinks she is attacked because she is a R and not because of her nasty personality.
  3. I don't think I have ever seen a person wear odd sunglasses and look so very weird. And I am old.
  4. Sigh. But 50 years ago was before she was born and she knows this - but not other stuff? And is happy to be married to a guy that protects her - except about LBGTQ? If I were in that situation I would say I can't understand or agree with my husband. But I love him. We agree to disagree and that is good. But she throws it under the rug.
  5. Oh good grief. They are awful women and attack each other constantly - and scream or fall down doing so. IMO - this season has not been fun, but only watched about a third of them. Would love to know what I have wrong.
  6. Good grief - nothing went together - dress (?) sunglasses, earrings? Love you wardrobe people!
  7. I've always thought cows were very contented....and nourish us.
  8. It irritates me the article lumped Joy in the Meghan.
  9. Seems to me if one admires a cactus over a living thing like a pet and think the cactus can be ignored from care - they are not normal and are so odd.
  10. Good grief - she should be proud of him and not mocking him!
  11. Problem is MM is still out on sick leave a lot - especially after several weeks of extra time off.
  12. I've always had a thing about my eyes. But had lasik surgery about 11 years ago. I think the procedures are very similar. I was so scared but it all went smoothly and so happy I did it.
  13. Gotta say - MM is always telling us how healthy she is but sure is out sick a lot.
  14. The show tomorrow was taped yesterday. David Letterman!
  15. So tired the show is Meghans. Also tired I can't fix my font. LOL
  16. Sigh. Why can't Ree do a museum or a tour of the ranch or a library or something of some value to Oklahoma? Give to the community rather than profit from it. I get she hires people......yet - all about her profit.
  17. I don't recall Joy asking MM advice on what dems should do. Am I missing something? I think Joy, Sunny and Whoopi know and even Ana does not suggest what they should do as dems.
  18. MM is so thrilled with the NYTMag article she actually thinks it wipes out all of her bad PR recently. Despite her hard working PR person.
  19. The over 10,000 Trump lies that Joy often mentions.....
  20. Hey Meghan -if the town's pop is 4,000 and there were 10,000 means 6,000 drove in, not 9,000.
  21. IE in a tweet she wrote yesterday at 11:45a suddenly there were no new tweets except to those already made prior to then.
  22. I've had 2 pneumonia shots - after the first one they came out with an even better one. Always ask your doctor if your shot is up to date.
  23. Good grief - 3 days means 2 nights......fly in, overnight, 1 full day, overnight, fly out. And of course, your airfare.
  24. I think it could be true athousand. Their parents may have co-signed for the loans. I co-signed for my niece's law school ($90T) and then thought OMG what if something happens to her (like she died, otherwise I trusted her totally). So I took out a life insurance policy on her which she did not mind at all......and when told she would need to take their physical she said - "no problem, when and where." Everything worked out fine and it has been paid off for several years.
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