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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I think MM is waiting for her split screen with Joy (ala EH, MM's hero) and MM will be the fool. Never Joy. She would walk away....like she did with RO'D and EH. Never going to happen. Nor is MM ever going to happen.....except to rip on.
  2. I don't think MM has much of a sense of humor. I know she giggles sometimes but it is always when she is screeching to be heard for attention in a casual encounter.......like in a restaurant with friends for lunch. I cannot imagine being in the same room with her for 3 minutes.
  3. Just read the party for the shower arranged flowers at the party and they were donated to an organization in NYC that disperses them to different charities. Sounds like it was a lot of fun. Can't wait to hear what M McCain's shower will do for fun.....drink, smoke cigars, shoot?
  4. I saw an article with many photos of those that arrived for the shower.....many, if not all were carrying presents. It is, after all - a first baby.
  5. I'm tired of Meghan's pity party. We all lose loved parents, friends and family all the time - whether they are a Vet or not. My parents and grandparents were elderly - as Meghan's Dad was. Sorry to be so harsh but......it happens about then. What is worse is losing children or those young. We need to celebrate their accomplishments - large or small - not our grief.
  6. It annoyed me when M and S joked about the new name of the show - I still think it should be Michael and Sara or Strahan and Haines - it is disrespectful in this day and age for the new title Strahan and (just) Sara, imo.
  7. Is it just me - or do kids go on "dates" that young and worry about appetizers or desserts? Glad Gary told Delilah she outed the kid. She needs lots of wake up calls.
  8. Ree's show is just a rehash now. And as unhealthy as Paula Deen's was. I could care less about her kids or watching her drive around, or Ladd or her friends. She most certainly is not an Ina or a Martha. Seems as if, imo, not even snark worthy.
  9. It was a real stretch for MM to bring up Zappos - and her personal tour. For 5 minutes. sigh
  10. And yet MM adores Erika Jayne. sigh Knows all the words to her songs too.
  11. Abby has some nerve chatting about the tax "cuts" and how perhaps those expecting a larger refund are actually getting less this year - especially since she is worth $20M.
  12. MM does not understand dementia is not terminal. As Nancy Reagan said it can be the "long goodbye." I thought she was horrid in her comment about her mother bringing another man into her home. My own father suffered from dementia and I was the only one that stood by him - it was awful......but fortunately he died of other causes before I needed to "lock him up" in his assisted living floor 1 mile from my home. He was 86. He knew exactly what was happening and going to happen.
  13. Lucky you Wonder! Keep us posted please!
  14. I loved how she was up until midnight waiting for a second question or chance to comment......which never came.
  15. I think they interject all the non-topic things in order for MM not to melt down much during one show - and I am not happy about it.
  16. I hope someone that watches ABC tonight can let us know how many times MM says something and a comment what it was.......thanking in advance because won't be me. I'll be watching professionals, lol.
  17. I am so sick and tired of "I am John McCain's daughter" whose father worked like an animal but could take her 7 phone calls a day as an adult any time of the day or night. Or expert Russia Abby that thinks McConnell will be sitting behind Trump tonight and wants to chat about pulling of the arms treaty as if she has info on it that we don't.
  18. Oh good grief - we had snow here today and local channels made it a huge deal and the show (on at 10a) preempted. So I went to their facebook page to see some clips. Now their clips have commercials in the middle of them! ABC is so desperate for money and milks this show the most!
  19. Great to hear from you Lura and so sorry you are bed-ridden for now....glad you have the hospital bed. Hope you are not in pain as well and get the best physical therapy!
  20. I think it is disrespectful to Sara to call it Strahan and Sara rather than Michael and Sara or Strahan and Haines.
  21. Rosie and Nicolle were both terrific on "Late Night!"
  22. Good grief - MM couldn't even put country over party even if it came down to a Biden/Harris ticket. She has said on the show how much she loves and respects Biden and how impressed she was with Harris on the show.
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