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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Good grief - slimy lips. OTOH I've seen ads for the matte lipsticks - ugh. Just a little glossy please - toned down. I don't wear any.
  2. Meghan always fails with her husbands gotcha questions, or her own. I can't recall when she ever flustered a guest.
  3. Good grief - MM got so angry over chatting about Markle's mother going for Christmas! Gee, I feel so bad because I can focus on more than that and the elections tomorrow - poor me. And of course it is hard, hard I tell you, to sit quietly during a 3 minute segment. LOL - imo MM is so busy these days backtracking saying she hates the Royal Family and Hillary she is going bonkers....but can't help herself. Not good.
  4. Sigh. I sure hope they don't continue with the will they or won't they with Miles and Cara. It is so tiring, imo.
  5. I hope it is Chandler that is fired. And a new bosun hired. I think all the deck hands started this with annoyance that Rhylee is a woman. And a captain as well. If one has ever had a swollen, and or infected whatever - it is painful! I think Kate was very uncaring about it. Instead of giving Caroline 5 minutes to ice it down (after the initial few hours, sigh) let her have a day or so to get the swelling down and antibiotics time to kick in instead of making her work so much and feel guilty. But I am not a Kate fan. Like when she was complaining no one knows how difficult it is to get together dancing performers to appear with a simple phone call, lol.
  6. Yep - MM was out to get Joy from day 1.
  7. MM pretty much ignored Ana today. Good. More Ana, less Meghan. I'm also thrilled Ana will be on Fridays!
  8. Can you imagine having a nice dinner right next to MM discussing politics at a nearby table? Shudder.
  9. I was flabbergasted that MM said today why was she giving FREE advice to dems. Really Meghan - like anyone would pay (or even listen) to your "advice." They had the selling thing on right after the actors. MM couldn't wait 1 minute to speak to the man backstage? I am sick of her tears and sucking the air out of the studio.
  10. I can't wait for the movie suomi!
  11. These products, which evidently serve 2, are not inexpensive for a family. LOL - forget about her sheet pan recipes and meals in 16 minutes or frozen dinners for later.
  12. Sigh. MM said (on the show) she hates the NYT, yet Haberman works for them. And often is on CNN as a contributer. It is so hard to keep up with MM's hates and likes. They never seem to mash, imo. ETA - LOL - I meant mesh......but I suppose mash was ok too.
  13. I'll never understand cheaters, especially that age, getting pregnant. Sigh. Do they not think of their families?
  14. Time Mattel (?) came out with a pudgy doll when they do "stars." Sorry - I'm old and have rarely ever criticized people's looks - but her doll is ridiculous. Can't imagine a little girl wanting one let alone believing it.
  15. I think MM has so much anger pented up (for years and years) she loves the power of an AR-15. It is not the skill to hunt without that type of rifle, to her. Or target shoot, etc. Pure power.
  16. One would think after all the murders by AR-15's MM would be able to defend them after all these years. But she can't. Dear Meghan - when was Farrakan ever a VIP or leader of the dems?
  17. It is a problem when Whoopi tries to step in and figure out a message of some sort that is rambling and basically a word salad.
  18. Man, I love Joy! I was downright furious when MM pulled the usual R deflection and demanded, yes demanded, Joy tell her what an AR was. Joy says it looks like a machine gun and MM goes for Joy's throat screaming they've been banned! I was still irked after break and then so proud of Joy when she said "That's twice!"
  19. Here is the thing - the children of the cheating parents have no idea. Like they will never learn about that or they could care less.
  20. Seems to me when one is on a national tv channel they should study a tad about cooking and not be silly and stupid.
  21. Jumper - MM doesn't talk for anyone, and most of us know that. She is hardly JM in a dress, represents the middle (including Arizona, evidently) or learned anything from her mentor daddy. After FOX and this show - and a few appearances on an ABC Sunday show (that she and her husband appeared on a few times) she is not taken seriously as a pundint (sic). Let alone a commentary person. Her days are as numbered as much as Kelly's, imo.
  22. Let alone enough time for hot topics....especially after the last couple of days.
  23. What? Whoopi miss a chance to be adored?
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