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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I'm on twitter - but not with friends or family. Just to access accounts like Meghans. It appears to me she shut off twitter today after negative comments. Is that possible to do on twitter?
  2. Good grief - how is one to work on their career paths by calling out their co-workers. I'm retired - but it never helps and what is the point? Let alone office gossip which can backfire badly.
  3. Soooo - MM was interested in politics, not algebra in school. Guess that is why her major was art history rather than poly-sci. sigh
  4. Good grief - she has tweeted 3 times today about Stern defending her and one other photo of the group. Thinking he is a bigger crush of hers than Paul Ryan. LOL I think he likes to stir the pot - like with the Rosie comments (lol, he never said Whoopi was "one of his best interviews ever.") And she grew very quiet after that.
  5. I can't imagine how ABC puts up with MM's antics - like her tweet tonight. BTW - what is TYT?
  6. Yeah - Ana is still in NYC so should be there tomorrow (she is currently on CNN).
  7. LOL - MM sneers at Sunny "are you a journalist." And to Seth Meyers "are you a publicist?"
  8. Actually Mr Nutmeg's father is of Puerto Rican descent. Which is still ironic.
  9. Being a pundint (sic) doesn't allow MM to actually quote and not acknowledge the person that said it. In her pea brain.
  10. At this point I cannot imagine ABC putting up with MM (let alone Disney) any longer.
  11. I still grieve my parents that died quite a while ago. And always will - like other family members and friends. But in the first year I turned to family and friends. Not national tv. There are plenty of places to go to for helping one go on - family, friends, journal, place of worship, therapist.. The show is call The View and not the MM Show of Grief. I worked after my parent's deaths and did not bring it up. Co-workers were very nice (and I am sure appreciative I did not). MM is very wealthy - could be working for the cancer her father had, or grief centers, or the McCain Institute - lots of options, for her, to do good and heal enough to go on. The View is not, imo, the place to do so.
  12. If MM is going to continue to make Rep Omar an issue she needs to be prepared to back up her own reasons to do so - being a political analyst.
  13. Hopefully MM will be on a suspension again......good grief - she and her husband are all over the news today/night.
  14. Remember when MM said she loved to drink with her husband and in laws (obviously on the show.)
  15. Oh Lordy - If she is so Az then stay there - she chose to move to LA and NY. She works harder than everyone else? Soul Cycle???? She is not good at politics - so why does she say she is political analyst?
  16. small voice here - I have 2 tongs and never have to tap them. Simply open them and do my thing.
  17. Actually, imo, Nicole Wallace was the best R they ever had on. Fortunately she then was fired and got her own show on MSNBC.
  18. I'm 72 and never been around child porn or actually thought about it unless there is a sadistic news story, also I am childless. I can give Joy a little slack for not being up on the issue. Didn't people obtain porn for decades and even before the internet
  19. Good grief - MM has said on the show and in one of her books that she became a republican in 2008 as a gift to her father. Now she is spouting off about being a young republican in college? UGH
  20. The name of the new ice cream parlor is "Charlie's Sweet Shop." (She posted it on instagram.)
  21. Hey - just what I wanted - a keto cookbook that isn't one, and diet that did no good for her, and she no longer follows. LOL - I'm not even interested in a low carb cookbook that isn't one. My "joke" is eating half and sandwich or a mini donut helps people a lot. That will be $22.95 please.
  22. Agree Green..... I actually think she is willfully ignorant.....especially for a pundint. Plus she can't talk off the cuff and even with her blue cards spews word salads since like most people's conversations veer off course a little and her cards never make sense. Even with the kitchen sink, bathtub and washing machine thrown in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sure hope Joy (and Ana) are there tomorrow.....and no Whoopi. IMO this has been one of the most boring weeks ever.
  23. I'm sorry - I think it is horrid so many children think they are actually friends of their Dads. Personally I can't imagine - but hey, I grew up in the time of children should be seen and not heard, lol. However - I get friends and families getting together - meals, games, videos. And bonding families. But I can never, ever think John's friends were Meghans......since he was busy in DC and traveling the world and MM was a kid - and then off to college and living in LA and NYC. I get Biden and Lieberman being fatherly.......good for them. But not for MM getting over her grief and learning to accept it as best she can. Her mememe about hugging Biden despite his problem (which I don't think is serious - but so many do) despite his feelings and trying so hard when coming in and doing what she did is disgusting. The bitch does not get it.
  24. Notice the daughters never mention Abby's dad being Ambassador to China under Obama. Could it be Meghan despises Obama?
  25. There is no way in hell MM wears a size 12. And ridiculous to pretend she does, and embraces herself for not caring but then admits she does. No one can have it all ways. Yet one can be honest about it and accept it.
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