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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. MM is out of control tonight - posting on twitter and deleting some, trying to be funny and cute. Not exactly being a self professed "political analysis." Abby is being shredded as well. Her views are not going over well either about the Debate. She is deleting like mad. Poor mommy.
  2. I am still not over how sick MM was today. Not so much in the "my daddy suffered more!" but in the uncompassionate way about a lot of older (7-9yr) kids taking care of babes in the same diaper for days, and drinking from formula bottles that had not been sterilized. And all had not doctor care, supervision, help. I have been thinking about this all day (and especially tonight with new examples). Meghan is awful to whine her dad could not pick her up - when these babies are not picked up at all. At least MM could feel loved and protected and secure. But - she has not a shred of compassion about the children at the border.
  3. Yikes - after reading her twitter tonight I can't imagine how she sleeps.
  4. No daughter ever has suffered as much as MM with a father's death. Not a one.
  5. MM seemed to read her cards twice today (west coast).
  6. I want to know who has lied to her during her whole life.
  7. OMG - If Ina is willing to travel???? Ina travels all the time for fun - with Jeffrey and they do with other couples as well. And she has homes in NYC and Paris. I would be so disappointed if Ina when to visit ree - Ree would throw in handfuls of sprinkles, chilies, and on and on. Ina's recipes are simple and she stresses good ingredients. Ree misses the simplicity of Ina letting the natural flavors shine rather than hiding them. And promotes the best of ingredients. Paige-y got caught. Probably would have skated anyway for first offense but I smell ........
  8. I was definitely Team Sunny on Biden today - he is obtuse not to know why Thurman called his son rather than boy. Reminds me of the daily commercial for the show when Joy gently points out that Anita Hill would probably appreciate Biden say he is sorry for the was she was treated by him rather than just treated. WOW, WOW, WOW - MM once saw Strom Thurman having lunch in the Senate dining room. Big whoop.
  9. Gee MM - it is not a new thought social media influences universities. Go Harvard!
  10. I can imagine what you were going to say Give.......me too
  11. Elisabeth asking Obama "where are the jobs" while selling her made in China clothes on QVC. And her comments about the Obama's fist bumping.
  12. Good grief - they have their own commercials, a long introduction to the show and forget about the last 4 or 5 minutes.
  13. Today it was so annoying because they had no time for each topic and even though there are only 4 of them they all did not get to speak on each topic. Plus who cares about MM's deaddad distraction and we should all go to Vegas and eat at the finest restaurant and be at a venue with Gaga?
  14. LOL - gotta love it was on FOX News. MM has also grown tired of the deaddadsclub and in LV, tweeting and retweeting about other things. But the Sunday is Father's Day.
  15. But, but the pity party deaddadclub. Oh my.
  16. Problem is - it was a size too small, imo.
  17. True bannana - and can't even appreciate what she had in her Dad's longevity.
  18. So evidently MM thinks she is doing something great about dwelling on her Dad's death for days on end.....and people are jumping on board with her pity party. Please don't get me wrong.......both of my parents are gone. My mother for 20 years and my father for 11 years. I think of them daily. But imo this mydadsdead thing is too much. And not healthy. Plus I say my dad (or other) has passed on. I hate the word dead. Dead is too final and as I say - my parents are thought about often by the next generations.
  19. They also have the hotel Lura, be glad you missed that.
  20. I think the point of the WW segment was she trashes celebrities and when others do trash her she kinda understands and wishes (now) it was not like that.
  21. Not sure why we need a conservative that makes sparks. Seems to me that W, S, J and A or A don't make sparks. It is people like Meghan, Elizabeth, Jedidiah and Candace that felt a need to. Nothing wrong with just putting your view out there, without sparks or fireworks.
  22. For some reason I could not get audio. But I could see everyone there concerned about what MM was saying. OMG - the glances.
  23. Yikers! Thanks bannana.
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