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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Perhaps MM is thinking about her chatter at the table. Just yesterday she said she didn't want to fillibuster - and went on forever. Today she said said she was pontificating - and went on forever. Yikes - she is incapable of taking any direction and processing it to make herself better.
  2. Abby seems to think she can have political commentary but Swift should not? Crazy.
  3. I'm confused - medical marijuana is legal in Az. It was approved 11/2/10. What am I missing?
  4. Seems to me MM is trolling Joy - and also trying to endear herself to the audience. Not working.....
  5. Actually I think Ana had lots of fun in college and law school! Well rounded and a zest for life and fun.
  6. LOL - which makes Ana a much more "highly educated" person than MM. MM has a BA in Art History. Ana has a BA in Latin American Studies and Poly Sci - plus a JD!
  7. OMG - on the shows FB page they are asking for questions for besties Meghan and Abby to answer. They are being shredded.
  8. I think both Abby and Meghan were actually sneering at Gov Inslee re climate change. Loved how he shut her down about the $600T per family tab.
  9. I love all these photos - what a joyous occasion!
  10. Thanks Jaded.....as always!
  11. Awww - so happy for Ana. Party looked fabulous. Gee - what a surprise......no Meghan or Abby.
  12. Yes - Abby didn't really do anything. Embarrassing. I wish ABC would not continue to make her and Meghan "happen" or important.
  13. Wishing Ana and her husband so much happiness! And what perfect timing with the photo in the sunset! Looking forward to Mondays show.
  14. Good grief - MM is not a good analysis nor a bad analysis, because she is not an analysis at all. Can't even try to comment on Cohen because NK more important. I was riveted yesterday and noticed MM did not tweet about Cohen at all.....then it occurred to me her husband was probably not home yet to work so they could work on her blue cards - NK more important than Cohen, abortion, socialism, highly educated woman, analysis.
  15. If I were serving something with cilantro for company I would leave it out but put it on the table for those that enjoy it. Seems like a win-win to me.
  16. That is the most ridiculous thing she has ever said. Can't even believe her family would agree - but hubby for sure. Talk about a one issue voter with little intellect.
  17. Yes - her show was on HLN - but that was bought out or run by someone else. But Joy was always a favorite of Larry King to fill in for him on his show on CNN before that.
  18. This might be the episode I hated most because of MM. Who does she think she is deciding what will be discussed on the show - let alone what we the viewers should be paying attention to. IOW - just one thing - NK. Not another thing! Plus she is so ridiculous she had no idea that Cohen has access to what was taken by the FBI from his home, hotel room, office - that are on tape and written form frpm his attorneys.
  19. LOL - I can't stand the Bachelor. MY BFF watches it religiously with her neighbor and they drink wine and laugh a lot. But for Abby to take it as a serious show is ridiculous. I hope her daughter wants to be a contestant when she grows up. ~~~~~ From what I've read recently Walters is planning her own intricate funeral, and I doubt she thinks much about the show anymore, sadly.
  20. Well, there was a new one today.....MM and using kids as a prop. Just who used those kids as a prop - Feinstein? Seems to me- reading her twitter - she was hauled around as a prop growing up....and why she feels so entitled to be a pundint.
  21. Awww - it is never a discussion with MM. She goes last so she can speak on and on and on.....and then Whoopi goes to commercial. I don't think any host speaks an opinion longer than the princess.
  22. I think baby showers are so much fun (although not with games, lol). I'm 72 and not been to many since so many of my friends did not have kids....or we were flung all over after college or high school. Or they already had kids when we became friends. Actually attended one with college friends for the gramma (her daughter was there). We loved it! But - I am weird - my little family had their first child (my grandniece) in 37 years 3 years ago! My sister and I, and her sister, threw her a shower and it was so much fun - her friends flew in (she lives across the country) and it was men and women and a real party and such wonderful and thoughtful gifts. Not even extravagant gifts. I would never begrudge someone a baby shower no matter how many kids they had - all about the love of a blessed event and celebrating no matter how simple or extravagant the event is. ETA- so sorry....should have taken this to small talk but don't know how!
  23. Giada is definitely back in the cleavage mode....such a great role model for Jade. sigh LOL - I love the commercial about someone's sister making tiny things to eat....like a 1 inch hamburger. Watched a show today and she made one bite things for kids - I suppose because they can only have 10.....and she eats 4 of them.
  24. Really - and there were 15 or 20 women there. Who cares other than it was a wonderful party for friends? I cannot understand Abby's problem. She is taking a hit today/tonight on twitter - hope she explains her anger tomorrow.
  25. I am sick and tired of Smollett - let him go to trial and be rid of him. Too disgusting, imo, to discuss endlessly day after day. Or better yet get him some help. Just make him go away. He is poison and needs help.
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