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Cobb Salad

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Everything posted by Cobb Salad

  1. I think they edited the credits and are using the opening credits from the earlier season. I don’t know why.
  2. I saw that segment too and enjoy seeing that kind of stuff. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes we don’t see and they make it all come out smoothly. It’s amazing with all the trucks, cables, etc. that they move from town to town for each stage. The past 3 weeks went so quickly I can’t believe it’s all over until next year!
  3. I hope Decades shows My Three Sons again sometime. My observation from watching other shows there that have appeared on other channels (The Twilight Zone for example) their cuts are not as severe as MeTV.
  4. SanDiegoInExile, Good points made. About the cuts made by MeTV, some of them are sloppy. One example, the episode where Katie gets a job as a singer at the local coffeehouse. We see her there in an opening scene then we go to where she gets home and explains how she messed up. Considering Tina Cole is a singer, I’d figure we should have actually seen the audition. I found the episode on YouTube (which has been deleted again unfortunately) and that broadcast showed the scenes where she sang.
  5. I’ve been using the closed captioning on my TV for the past few months and it’s not always accurate anyway. I’m not talking about My Three Sons specifically but sometimes it shows up as gibberish! I’m wondering if all the Dodie episodes were as a result of trying to keep the show’s budget in line. There are episodes where we see some of the other characters in only one scene with maybe a line or two or not at all.
  6. Keeping Katie around also kept the triplets around, giving the scriptwriters more episode possibilities as well.
  7. I agree re: too many Dodie episodes. That Alfred kid was pretty creepy too with coming into the house and going to her room while she was sleeping. I suspected that was going to be the outcome after he wasn’t found outside the house. How convenient that no one in the Douglas household checked the front door before going to bed that evening too. Looking ahead it appears we’re getting a couple of Barbara episodes so there’s a break from Dodie (I hope). It’s interesting that at the end of the series that a lot of the episodes are focusing on the female cast members and the sons are not as prominently featured despite the series name.
  8. Just saw the commercial announcing the date: August 7!
  9. Crgirl, I’ve seen commercials for People of Earth but have never watched it. I assume it’s also available online so when I get the chance I’ll check it out. On Lost, the Others had methods of getting back and forth as well as communicating with the outside world but in the case of the crash survivors he wouldn’t let them leave. I’m guessing that will be the case with this new guy on Wrecked.
  10. Well, new Doctor Who episodes are supposedly coming soon. But yeah, what’s up with airing all of these Star Trek and X-Files episodes? (and I like these shows too) I can’t deal with those Planet Earth shows either.
  11. How much more time do the contestants spend away from their families, jobs, lives, etc. beyond the challenge itself? There have been a bunch of contestants who have said they’re doing it for their kids, many who always seem to be little. I question the wisdom of leaving young children for a few weeks to do this type of challenge but to each his own. So pathetic? I’m not sure but the producers obviously want to have a show to draw in the viewers and personality wise if the best person suited for the challenge isn’t that interesting I’ll bet he/she could be passed over for the marginally qualified person because they bring more drama.
  12. I agree - it looks interesting. I’m hoping that Emma’s head on the wall is a fake and this guy that’s forcing the gang into this Hunger Games scenario is just some buffoon that keeps them from leaving the island like the Others from Lost or any of the myriad people who landed on Gilligan’s Island only to find a way off themselves.
  13. Same here, I didn’t see Wrecked in the TV listing for the 24th. TBS is showing season 2 on the 29th so the August date seems plausible.
  14. Yeah, it’s hard to root for such a dominant team. I can’t say for sure but I’d figure the Tour de France officials are extra vigilant regarding doping, I wonder if the sport or this race would survive another doping scandal. I’m enjoying the mountain stages, there’s so much beautiful scenery to see. About yesterdays “short” (aka killer) stage and the elimination of Cavendish, Renshaw and Kittel due to not making the time cutoff, I’m wondering about the wisdom of having such a tough stage that it knocks out top notch sprinters but then everyone has their bad days. At least we still have Sagan to watch.
  15. They aired season 1 on July 4. I’m wondering if they’ll show all the episodes when it gets closer to July 24. It’s a good show to binge!
  16. Smiley13, There’s an interview with her on You Tube which appears to be from the early 70s when the show was still in production which may address your comment.
  17. The triplets were in the first part then not seen in the rest of the Fergus episodes. Maybe they were sent to the closet :) Chip and Polly weren’t in any of the episodes nor do I remember it being mentioned where they were.
  18. I agree. That joke with whoever thinking they were talking to Steve but it was really Fergus and vice-versa was done too many times IMO. I did think it was funny when Uncle Charlie kept calling Fergus “fungus” though.
  19. Dodie got Steve’s old room. Steve and Barbara got the larger bedroom that Robbie and Katie previously lived in. Regarding Barbara’s hair, it did change a lot from season to season! I had forgotten about that until seeing these episodes again.
  20. Smiley13, After Robbie, Katie and the triplets moved to the apartment down the street, Steve moved into the room when he married Barbara.
  21. I don’t know if there was anything beyond him wanting to pursue a musical career but if I remember correctly he didn’t make another appearance on the series. He did appear on a reunion special in the 70s with the actors appearing as themselves reminiscing about the show (it was paired with the Partridge Family which I thought was odd); even Tim Considine was there!
  22. Decades is showing a Twilight Zone marathon today! It looks like it will be for today only. It’s instead of the SyFy channel marathon.
  23. Tobeannounced, Yes. All of a sudden Katie and the triplets have moved back and Robbie is in Peru. No details on how that came about. I guess the pay for the Peru job was much better than the one in San Francisco. That house must be really crowded now. I don’t remember seeing Ernie in today’s episode, maybe Katie and the triplets were staying in his room? I thought in later episodes they were in an apartment nearby or maybe my memory is faulty here, lol.
  24. I’m not holding my breath for a movie. It sounds more like a consolation prize that NBC is throwing us for now then later on plans for it will be cancelled. At the very least I’d be happy with something from the writers (like how they’ve sent us scenes via twitter) on how it all ends. Something similar was done when Journeyman was cancelled.
  25. I’ve been wondering too. I haven’t seen or heard anything about new episodes.
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