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Everything posted by MrPissyPuppy

  1. Why was there a revolving door on that building anyway (other than the people who make the showing saying, "You know what would be a really cool way to kill off people and do zombies?")? It looked like a warehouse on the outskirts of town, not a high volume sort of place that would require such a door even if they are supposed to be good for regulating temps.
  2. The French intro and theme song just does it better for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ7EV-HVTC0
  3. The dog was in the remake of Dawn of the Dead. Carol can make cookies and flowers scary. Although snoopy greedy kid kinda had it coming. While I wasn't happy that they killed another horse, I thought that the shot to kill him didn't seem accurate if he was aiming at the head. There's a pretty specific way to kill a horse with a head shot since they have very small brains.
  4. Now imagine it set to Yakety Sax ...
  5. The kids looked college aged, so I'm guessing they figure that they bring along girl/boy friends in the future and perhaps family later. Then the space will be useful.
  6. Wait - so she's about five minutes pregnant (I think they'd only had sex a few hours before so it wouldn't have even implanted) yet, she's been having morning sickness for 15 months? Does not compute. Then again it's a magical immortal baby apparently.
  7. Two hallucination shows in one season would be a bit much, but it wouldn't shock me if they went with that to get out of their predicament. Or perhaps Murphy can stop the missiles with the power of his mind now that he's morphed into whatever they decide to morph him into.
  8. I can let all the other stuff go because this is my fluffy fun zombie show, but why didn't Citizen Z call his dog? Even if he hasn't named him, he could whistle or say, "Come here Dog!" or something.
  9. The thing is that there are plenty of people who would be willing to provide sexual services for food (even if it is guinea pig), shelter and clean clothing in a zombie or other type of apocalypse and there is no need to set up a Rapetown. So that particular woman in jeopardy trope didn't work for me.
  10. It was a carbon monoxide detector. He & the dog were suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and he was hallucinating.
  11. I got a repeat too. According to this tweet, it was because of football:
  12. Maybe he's like the 1950s human version of the Rabbit vibrator (clitoris and vagina/g-spot). That was my thought. I don't think that the average 50's housewife would be into having her anus probed much less so many Tupperware party goers.
  13. The makeup reminds me of the Pierrot. Maybe something like this: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/e8/c0/5e/e8c05eab5f5ea4743dcb1884c0cabdd9.jpg
  14. I kept trying to see if she was shooting them out of her nipples like a fembot.
  15. How did Pilar know about Stahma performing fellatio on Rafe? Weren't they the only two there?
  16. Eph, Nora and Jim have been such good friends for 10 years, but they don't know Jim's wife has terminal cancer? Even not-so close work acquaintances would have picked up on that tidbit. Not feeling much sympathy for Ann-Marie or Ansel since they apparently made a habit of chaining the dog in that dark shed. But it probably says something about me that it bothered me more that the dog died than Ann-Marie feeding asshole neighbor to her vombie husband as a snacky-snack. No face protection during the autopsy? That took me right out of that scene. The tongue/feeder thing was disgusting in a good way though.
  17. One little touch that totally cracked me up was Datak putting a coaster of some sort under the beer/drink he took from Rafe when he left so that Datak and Stahma could talk. I wonder if that was a deliberate choice by the actor or director or the actor just being habitually tidy 'cuz Datak hasn't struck me as a coaster type guy.
  18. None of the other people in the closet thought to cover the kid's mouth?
  19. Yes! That's where I knew her. Courtesy of a clip on The Soup. Here's a not too great snip of it: I thought that prayer in the exam room was pretty contrived.
  20. Her mom is Bebe Buell - famous for being a model and a groupie. I'm not sure about this show. Starting off killing a dog isn't the way to get on my good side. But it did keep my interest, so ...
  21. This one is book spoilery. Hitler reacts to a certain character not appearing in the season finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i4GdYjZt2M
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